The bible says Spiritual things are spiritually discerned We can only understand the things of God when we pray first for understanding of the bible . Unless we pray we are in great danger of twisting the bible to fit our fancy . Also unless we pray we can be lead by our own human reasoning the which is toally corrupd and biased .
The bible needs to be approached with reverence knowing that it is the Word of God . The bible is true . Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Hloly Spirit . When studying the bible another very important principle is to take all verses about a topic becore coming to a conclusion .
We cannot take one verse out fo context and come to a conclusion . Doing so would be tring to fit our ideas and not seek what God is saying . A litthe here a lithe there . Is the bible principle of reading the bible . Taking the context of the chapter and reading the Hebrzw and Greek translation .
if God gave reasoning powers then why pray before reading rhe bible ?
Is that the reason By so many cuticles teach false teachings ? Because they do not pray before reading the Bible?
The bible says Spiritual things are spiritually discerned We can only understand the things of God when we pray first for understanding of the bible . Unless we pray we are in great danger of twisting the bible to fit our fancy . Also unless we pray we can be lead by our own human reasoning the which is toally corrupd and biased .
The bible needs to be approached with reverence knowing that it is the Word of God . The bible is true . Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Hloly Spirit . When studying the bible another very important principle is to take all verses about a topic becore coming to a conclusion .
We cannot take one verse out fo context and come to a conclusion . Doing so would be tring to fit our ideas and not seek what God is saying . A litthe here a lithe there . Is the bible principle of reading the bible . Taking the context of the chapter and reading the Hebrzw and Greek translation .