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When will Earth last day be?

How will people live in eaerth last day on earth ? How will things be in a few years ? How will God react to what is going on and how people are behaving ? Can we continue to act so selfishly and proudly and still receive the favour of God ?. No In fact the ible says earth last day will be terrible. But have hope , God will protect his own .

1When is Earth last day ? Who wil escape

LK 21 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” In fact earth last day will soon come . And the bible says that few will escape. Usually those who are highly esteemed in this world are not those God favours .

For you to stand on earth last day you would need to be like Jesus and not fashioning yourself to this society s standards . Because you can follow this society or God . You cannot belong to both groups of people . One group belongs to Satan . One group belongs to God .

There are two kinds of people on this earth last day time frame . Since Abel and Cain there are been two kinds of people . The good and the bad, the wicked and the righteous. The selfish and the giving the proud and the humble . The honest and the corrupt . Earth last day will deplare who is on God' s side .

2 When is Earth last day ? Why is God angry

People think that God will never be angry at people . But Gods patience and forvearance has a limit. This is because God cannot let his character be trampled in the dust without revealing himself . As this would mean God would not care about right and wrong . And if God would let on earth last day people behave the way they want .

It would mean that God would allow sin and evil to go on unchecked . What is right and wrong for God and our society is very different. Many things that are very evil for God, our society does not see as a bad thing. Things like selfishness, pride, dishonesty . And many things that ar eseen as evil in our society God and the bible does not say it is bad or that bad. Often things are judged much harsher in our society than how the bible views it . Earth last day will come as a surprise .

3 When is Earth last day ? God is merciful

The reason why God did not destroy sinners yet is because God is slow to anger. God lets and allows people and to see if they will turn and repent. God is slow to anger . But his parience has a limit. When people crucified Jesus his son . God the Father did not right away punish the pharisees.

For thirty years everything went on fine and happy . Earth last day did not come then for them . The sun shone, the birds sang, the food grew in the fields . Yet in ad 70 Titus came to Jerusalem and took Jerusaem captive . One million Jews perished crufiicied. This was Jerusalem Earth last day on earth . One of the most terrible event ever to happen on earth . Writer Ellen g White says this is a samble of whas is to come all over the earth .

4 When is Earth last day ? A warning needs to be given

We nned to give warnings to people . More that that God calls people to give the warning that things are coming and unless people repent that shall receive the punishments of aloving God . Earth last day will come for earth and our society .

Are you ready to follow truth and not this world ? Are you ready to follow Jesus and the bible and not what sociaty says is true ? Both cannot be true ? Both cannot be from God .. The bible says that the world will soon become as wicked as in the days of Sodom . That was when God could not take the pride, selfishness, the lying and arrogance. The unloving unkind spirit and God took away most people living on earth . This was earth last day then and this same earth last day will soon come again to finish the earth's history .

5 When is Earth last day ? Earth last day will soon come

One day it will be earth last day . A day in the which people will continue to plan, they will continue to think that there is no God and that they can not only do as they please. But they will think that they can decide what truth is and thus not realizing .

That saying that humans have come to the point in the which they are telling God what he should do . This is how offensive, revolting and scandaloud people will be in the eyes of God .

The worse thing is that many people will have gone so far in sin that they are not realizing how far they have gone . Most people follow crowds not realising the crowd is fallling in the precipice . You have to think for yourself and the bible gives you the right compass direction to end well in earth last day in earth .

What would keep you now from Jesus and the truth ? Repeat after me . Father God forgive my sins, help me to follow the truth ? Give me your righteousness and help me to have a daily connection with you in the name of Jesus amen .


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