Christ our righteousness Ag Daniel's quiz
When we empty ourselves, what should we do? Accept the righteousness of Christ
Which words apply to the sda church? You have left your first love
Life's tragedies grieve? It is reported that they let Christ be sought as the great comforter and deliverer
Why is our sinful depraved nature presented? That Christ may be appealed to for purification
and can? Be indeed Christ our righteousness
What does each phase of truth in the sacred volume point to? Somehow to Christ as our righteousness
What is a lot in the Bible? Christ our righteousness
What does the Bible say? It is the source its nature the possibility of being obtained by sinners
To whom does justice belong? To God
Then 9 7? Justice belongs to you God and confusion of face to us
In what is God righteous? In all his ways ps 145 17
What is God's justice like? The great mountains ps 36 6
How long is God righteous? An everlasting righteousness ps 119 42
What does God love? Justice ps 11 7
What does God have? No injustice
What is the opposite of sin? 'the nature of justice
What is it associated with? Holiness godliness
awake to? Righteousness and sin not 1 co 15 34
If we love righteousness, what shall we hate? Injustice
Justice is the opposite of? Sin
Who is the source of justice? God
Is justice inherent in human nature? None
We are ? Carnally sold under sin
Are we full of that? Injustice
What is human nature full of? Injustice
What did Jesus call Abel? righteous Abel
What does Paul say about Abel? He received testimony that he was righteous
What did the Lord say about Noah? I have seen you righteous before me in this generation. Give 7 1
Noah was a? Righteous men and perfect in their generation and Noah walked with God ge 6 9
Abraham believed? God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness 4 3
And delivered righteous Lot? Sore grieved at the licentious life of the wicked, because righteous men who dwelt among them in seeing and hearing tormented his righteous soul from day to day with their lawless deeds 2 pe 2 7,8
What were Zacharias and Elizabeth like? They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless lk 1 6
On what conditions?
The only way justice can be achieved by sinful men? By faith
How are they supposed to live? By faith
What does the gospel reveal? God's perfect justice
How is justice expressed? Without the law
From what the law cannot free us? Sin
The law points? To sin
But the law doesn't? Free from sin
What does the law declare? All the world guilty before God
No effort from the culprit? Can cancel his guilt or bring justice
That justice declares paul? Is by faith
What is man filled with? All injustice
If Abraham was justified by works? He had to boast, but not to God