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The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse 1

Is ch 1 V1 the vision of Isaiah the son ? Of Amoz That he saw concerning ? Judah and Jerusalem In the days of ? Uzzah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah kings of Judah V2 I I have nourished and? Brought up children And ? They have rebelled against me V3 the ox knows ? It's owner And ? The ass it's masters crib But ?  Israël does not know my people do not consider V4 ah sinful nation ?  A people ladden with iniquity  A seed of ? Evildoers Children that ? Are corrupters They have forsaken the Lord ? They have provoked the holy one of Israel Unto anger They are gone ? Away backward V5 why should you be ? Stricken anymore You will ? Revolt more and more The whole ? Head is sick and the whole heart faint V6 from the sole of the foot ? Unto the head there is no soundness in it But ? Wounds bruises and putrefying sores They have ? Not been closed neither bound up neither mollified with ointment

V7 your country is desolate ? Your cities are burned with fire Your land ? Strangers devour it in your presence And it is ? Desolate as overthrown by strangers V11 to what purpose is ? The multitude of your sacrifices unto me V16 wash you ? Make you clean Put ? Away the evil of your doing from before my eues Cease?  to do evil V17 learn ? To do well Seek judgment ? Releive the oppressed Judge the ? Fatherless Plead ? For the widow V19 if ye be Willing and obedient ? You shall eat of tbe good of the land

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse V20 but if you refuse and rebel ? You shall be devoured with the sword V21 how is the faithful city ? Become a harlot It was full of ? Judgment Righteousness ? Lodged in it but now murderers V22 your silver ? Is become dross Your wine ? Mixed with water V23 your princes are ? Rebellious Your companions ? Are thieves V30 for you shall be as an oak whose leaf fades As a garden ? That has no water Is CH 2 V1it shall come to pass in the last days ? That the mountain of the Lords house shall be established on top of the mountains And ? Shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow into it V3 for out of Zion ? Shall go forth the law And ? The word of the Lord from Jerusalem ?  V12 for the day of the lord ? Shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty And ? Upon everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low V17 and the loftiness ? Of men shall be bowed down The haughtiness of men ? Shall be made low And ? The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day V22 cease from men ? Whose breathe is in his nostrils For ? What is he to be accounted for Is CH 3 V8 for Jerudalem is ruined  ? And Judah is fallen Because? Their tongues and their doings are against the lord To ? Provoke the eyes of his glory V9 the shew? Of their contenance does witness against them They declare ? Their sin as Sodom they hide it not Woe unto their souls ? For they have rewarded evil unto themselves V10 say to the righteous ? It shall be well with him For ? They shall eat the fruit of their doings V11 woe unto the wicked for ? It shall be I'll with him For ? The reward of his hands shall be given him V12 as for my people ? Children are their oppressors  and women rule over them O my people they which lead you ? Cause you to err And ? Destroy the way of your paths V14 the Lord will enter ? Into judgment with the ancients of his people And the princes for ? You have eaten up the vineyard the spoil of the poor is in your houses V16 the daughters of Zion ? Are haughty V17 therefore ? The lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head And the lord ? Will discover their secret parts

V24 instead of sweet smell ? Stinking Instead of girdle ? A rent Instead of well set hair ? Baldness Instead of a stomacher ? A girding of sackcloth Burning ? Instead of beauty V25 your men ? Shall fall by the sword Your mighty men ? In war V26 her gates ? Shall lament and mourn She being ? Desolate shall sit upon the ground Is CH 4 V1 in that day seven women ? Shall take hold of one men Saying ? We will eat our own bread Wear ? Our own apparel Only ? Let us be called by your name To ? Take away our reproach V2 in that day ? Shall the branch of the lord be beautiful and glorious And the fruit ? Of the earth be excellent and comely For those ? That  are escaped of Israel

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse V3 he that is left in Zion ? Shall be called holy Even ? Everyone that is written along the living V4 when the Lord ? Shall have washed the filth of the daughter of Zion And shall have purged? The blood of Jerusalem from the midst By the spirit ? Of judgment and by the spirit of burning V5 the lord will create upon every place in mount Zion ? A cloud and a smoke by day And ? The shining of a flaming  fire by night For ? Upon all the glory shall be a defense V6 there shall be a tabernacle ? For a shadow in the daytime from the heat For a place of ? Refuge And for a covert ? From storm and rain Is CH 5 V 1 now will I sing ? A song to my wellbeloved touching my vineyard My well beloved ? Had a vineyard in a very fruitfull hill V2 he fenced it and ? Gathered out the stones Planted it ? With the choichest vine And built a tower ? In the midst of it and ? Also made a winepress And he looked ? That it should bring forth grapes And it brought forth ? Wild grapes V3 judge I pray you between ? Me and my vineyard V4 what more could ? Have been done to my vineyard That ? I have not done in it When I looked ? That it should bring forth grapes It brought forth ? Wild grapes V5 what I will do to my vineyard ? I will take away the edge And ? It shall be eaten up And break ? Down the wall and it shall be trodden down V6 and I will lay it waste ?  And it shall not be printed or digged But there shall come up ? Briers and thorns And I will command the clouds ? That they rain no rain upon it V7 for the vineyard of the Lord ? Is the house of Israel And tbe men of Judah ? His pleasant plant He looked for judgment ? And behold oppression  for righteousness ? Behold a cry V8 woe to' them that join ? House to house  that lay?  field to field Till ? There be no place That they may be placed ?  Alone in the midst of the earth V10 ten acres of vineyard shall yield ? One bath The seed of an homer ?  Shall yield an ephah V11 woe u to them that rise up early that ? They may follow strong drink V13 my people are gone I to captivity ? Because they have no knowledge Their honourable men ? Are famished Their multitude ? Dried up with thirst C15 and the mean men ? Shall be brought down The mighty men ? Shall be humbled

V13 woe u to them that draw iniquity ? with cords of vanity And sin ? As it were a cart rope V20 woe unto them that call ? Evil good and good evil That put darkness ! For light and bitter for sweet V21 woe unto them that are wise!? In their own eyes And? Prudent in their own sight V23 which justify the wicked for ? Rewards And take away the righteousness ? Of the righteous from him

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse  V24 as fire dévours ? The stubble And the flame !  Cónsumes the chaff So their root ? Shall be as rotteness And their blossom ? Shall go up as dust Because they have cast away ? The law of the Lord And despised ? The Word of the holy one of Israel V25 therefore is the ? Anger if the lord kindled against his people And he has ? Stretched forth his hand against them And ? Has smitten them And the hills ?  Did tremble Their carcases were ? Torn in the midst of the streets For all this his? Anger is not turned away And his hand ? Is stretched out still Is CH 6 V1 I. The year king uzzah died ? I saw the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up And ? His train filled the temple V2 above it stood ? Seraphims Which each had ? 6 wings Twain covered ? Face feet fly V4 the posts of the door? Moved at the voice of him that cried The house ? was filled with smoke V5 then said I ? Woe is me for I am undone Because I am a men ? If unclean líos and I dwell in th midst of.a people with unclean lips For ? My eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts V6 then flew ? One of the serapims unto me ? Having a live coal in his hand Which he had taken ? With the tongs from off the altar  V7 and he laid it ? Upon my mouth And said ? This has touched your lips and your iniquity is taken away And your sin purged V9 go and tell this people ? Hear you indeed but understand not And see indeed ! But perceive not V10 make the heart of this people ? Fat and their heart heavy And shut ? their eyes lest they see with their eyes V11 then I said lord how long ? Till the cities be wasted without inhabitants and the houses without men And the land ?.be utterly desolate Is CH 7 V8 for the head of Damascus? Is rezin Within ? 65 years shall Ephraim be broken that it be not a people V9 the head of Ephraim is ? Samaria The head of Samaria is ? Remaliah son If you do not believe ? Surely you will not be established V15 butter and meat ? Will he eat That ? He may know to refuse the evil and chose the good V18 it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord ? Shall hiss for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt And for the ? Bee that is in the land of Assyria V19 it shall come to pass that ? They shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys And in ? The holes of the rocks And upon ? All thorns and all bushes V20 in that same day shall the Lord shave ? With a razor that is hired Namely ? By them beyond the river By the king of Assyria V21 it shall come to pass in that day that a men ? Shall nourish a young cow and 2 sheep Is CH 8 V1 take a great roll ? And write in it with a men's pen concerning Mahershalelhasbaz V2 u took unto me witnesses? Uriah the priet and zechariah V3 u went unto the prophetess ? And she conceived Then said the lord unto me ? Call his name Mahershalelhasbaz V4; before the child shall have? Knowledge to cry my father and my mother The riches ! Of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria .

V6 as the people refuse the waters ? Of Shiloh that go softly And rejoice in resin and remaliah son V7 therefore the Lord will bring upon them ? The rivers if the waters strong and many Even ? The king of Assyria and all his glory V13 sanctify the lord and ? Let him be your fear and let him be your dread V14 And he shall be for ? A sanctuary But for a stone a stumbling and a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel Is CH 9 V2 the people that walked in darkness ? Have seen a great light They that dwell ? In the land of the shadow of death Upon. ? Them has the light shined V6 for unto us a child ? Is born unto us a son os given And ? The government shall be upon his shoulder His name ? Shall be called wonderful , counselor , the mighty God. The everlasting Father , the  prince of peace ,

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse  V7 of the increase ? Of his government of peace there shall be no end V10 the. bricks ? Are fallen down but we will build with hewn stones The sycomores are ? Cut down but we will change them into cedars V11 the lord shall set up the adversaries ? Of Rezin against him And ? Join his enemies together V14 therefore the Lord shall off ? From Israel head and tail , be nah and rush in one day B15 the ancient the honorouable? He is the head The prophet that ? Teaches lies he is the tail V16 for the leaders ? Of the people cause them to err They that are led? Of them are destroyed V17 the Lord shall have  ? No joy in their young men Neither shall have mercy ? On the fatherless and widows For everyone ? Is a hypocrite and an evildoer Every moutb ? Speaks folly V19 through the wrath of the Lord ? The land is darkened And the people? Shall be as fuel for the fire No men ? Shall spare jis brother V20 tjey shall snatch ? On the right hand and be hungry They shall eat ? On the left hand and they shall not be satisfied They shall eat ? Every men the flesh of his own arm  Is CH 10 V1 woe unto them that ? Decree unrighteous.deceees And that write ? Grievously What they have prescribed V5 o assyrian ? The rod of my anger And the staff in their hands ? Is my indignation. V6 I Will send him ? Against an hypocritical nation And ? Against the people of my wrath I'll I give him a charge ? To take the spoil and to take the prey And ? To tread them down like the mire in the street V12 I I'll punish the fruit ? Of the stout heart of the king of Assyria And the glory ? Of his high looks V13 for he says ? By the strength of my hand have I done it And ? By my wisdom for I l prudent And I have removed ? The bounds of the people And I ? Have robbed their treasures And I have ? Put down the inhabitants  like a valiant men V15 shall the axe ?; Boast itself against he that hewed ? Shall the saw magnify ? Itself against he that shakes it ? Or should the rod ? Shake itself against he that lifts it up ? As if the staff ? Should lift up itself as if it were no wood V24 o my people be not ? Afraid of the assyrian He shall ? Smite you with a rod And shall lift ? Up his staff against you After ? The manner of Egypt V25 for yet a little while ? And the indignation shall cease And my ? Anger in their destruction. V26 the Kord shall ? Stir up a scourge for him According ? To the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb Is CH 11 V1 there shall come forth a rod ? Out of the stem  of Jesse And ? A branch shall grow put of his roots V2 the spirit of the Lord ? Shall rest upon him The spirit of ?  Wisdom, underdtanding , counsel , might , knowledge and fear of the Lord V3 he shall make him? Of quick understanding And shall not judge ? After the sight of the eyes Neither reprove ? After the hearing of his ears V4 but with righteousness ? He shall judge the poor And reprove ? With equity for the meek of the earth He shall smite ? The earth with the rod of his mouth And with the breathe ? Of his lips he shall he slay the wicked V5 and righteousness shall be ? The girdle of his loins And faithfulness ? The girdle of his reins V6 the wolf shall ? Dwell with the lamb The leopard ? Lie down with the kid And the calf ? And the lion and the fatling together V9 they shall not hurt ? Nor destroy in all my joly mountain For the earth ? Shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord As ? The waters cover the sea

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse  Is ch 12 V1 o Lord I will praise you tough you ? Were angry with me Your anger is turned away and ? You comforted me 2 God is my salvation I will ? Trust and not be afraid For ? The Lord is my strength and my song He also ? Is become my salvation. 3 with joy ?  Shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation 5 sing unto the Lord for ? He has done excellent things This is known ? In all the earth 6 cry out  about you ? Inhabitant of Zion for great  is the holy one of Israel on the midst of you

Is ch 13 V1 the burden of Babylon ? Which Isaiah did see V2 lift up a banner ? Upon the high mountain Exalt ? The voice unto them Shake ? The hand That ? They may go into the gates of nobles V5 they come from a far country ?  From the end of heaven even the Lord And the weapons ? Of his indignation to destroy the whole land V6 howl you for ? The day of the Lord is at hand It shall come as ? A destruction from the Almighty V7 therefore all hands ? Be faint Every men's heart ? Shall Melt V8 they shall be ? Afraid Pangs and ? Sorrows shall take hold of them They shall be in pain ? As woman that travails They shall be amazed ? One at another Their faces ? Shall be as flames V9 behold the day ?of the Lord comes Cruel both ? With wrath and fierce anger To ? Lay the land desolate He shall destroy ? The sinners put of it V10 the stars and constellations shall ? Not give their light Sun be ? Darkened Moon not ? Cause light to shine V11 I will punish the world for ? Their evil And the wicked for ? Their iniquity I will cause the ! Arrpgancy of the proud to cease Will pay low ? The haughtiness of the terrible V13 I will shake heavens and ? Earth shall remove out of her place In the wrath ? Of the Lord In the day of his ? Fierce anger V14 it shall be as a ? Chased roe and as a sheep that ? No men takes up Every men will? Turn to his own people And flee ? Everyone to his own land V15 everyone that is found ? Shall be thrust through Everyone that is joined with them ?  Shall fall by the sword V16 their children shall ? Be dashed to pieces before their eyes Their houses ? Shall be spoiled And their wives ? Ravished V17 I will stir up the?  medes against them Which shall not ? Regard silver As for gold. ? They shall not delight in it V18 Babylon shall be as ? When God overthrew Sodom and  Gomorrah V20 it shall never be ? Inhabited Neither shall ? The Arab pitch bis tent Neither shall ? shepherds make their fold there V21 but wild beast ? Of the desert shall be there Their houses ? Shall be full of doeful creatures Owls shall dwell there and ? Satyres Is ch 14 V1 the Lord shall have mercy ? On Jacob And yet chose ? Israel And set them ? In their own land V3 the Lord shall give you rest ? From your sorrows And ? From the fear and hard bondage V4 take this proverb against ? The king of Babylon How has the oppressor ? Ceased and ? The golden city ceased V5 the Lord has broken ? The staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers V7 he that smote the people ? In wrath with a continual stroke He that ruled the nations in anger Is persecuted and ? None hindereth V7 the whole earth ? Is at rest and is quiet They ? Break forth in singing V27 the Lord has purposed and ? Who shall disannul it His hand is stretched out ?  Who shall turn it back V29 rejoice not Palestinian because ? The rod of him that smote you is broken Doe out ps serpent root ? Shall come cokatrice And hit fruit shall be ? A fiery flying serpent V33  the Lord has founded ? Zion And ? The poor of his people shall trust in it Is ch 15 V1 in the night AR of moab is ? Laid waste and brought to silence V2 he is gone Bajith and to ? Dibon to Weep Moab shall howl over ? Nebo On all their heads ? Shall be baldness and every beard cut off V6 the waters of Nimrin ? Are desolate The hay ? Withers away The grass ? Fails there is no green thing Is ch 17 V1 Damaacus shall be ? A ruinous heap V2 the cities of Aoer ? Are forsaken They shall be for flocks ? Which shall lay down and none shall make them afraid V7 at that say shall ? Men look to his maker His eyes shall ? Have respect to the holy one of Israel V8 he shall not look ? To the altars Neither shall respect ? Which his fingers have made Either ? The groves or images   V10 because you have forgotten?  the God of my salvation You shall plant pleasant plants and ? Set it with strange slips V11 in morning ? You shall make seed to flourish But the harvest ? Shall be a heap in the day of grief and desperate sorrow V12 woe to the multitude who ? Make a noise like the noise of the sea And the rushing of nations ? Like the rushing of many waters V13 nations shall rush as mighty waters ? But God shall rebuke them They shall flee dar off ? And be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind V14 at evening tide ? Trouble And before the morning ? He is not This is the portion ? Of them that spoil us and the lot of them that rob us Is ch 18 V1 woe to the land shadowing with ? Wings Which is beyond the ? River of Ethiopia Is ch 19 V1 the Lord rides ? Upon a swift clouds And shall come ? To Egypt The idols of Egypt ? Shall be moved at his presence The heart of Egypt ? Shall melt in the midst of it V2 I will set the Egyptians against ? The Egyptians They shall fight ? Everyone his brother V3 the spirit of Egypt ?  Shall fail V14 the Lord has mingled ? A perverse spirit They have caused Egypt ? To err in every work As a drunken men ? Staggers in his vomit

V16 in that day Egypt shall be as ? Women It shall be afraid and ? Fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord Which ? He shakes over it V18 in that day 5 cities in Egypt shall ? Speak the language of cannan And ? Swear to the Lord One shall be  called ? The city of destruction V21 the Lord ? Shall be known to Egypt V25 the Lord shall say ? Blessed be Egypt my people And Assyria ? The work of my hands And Israel my ? Inheritance Is ch 20 V2 The Lord said to Isaiah ? Go. And ? Lose the sackcloth from off your loins And he did so ? Walking naked and barefoot V3 for a sign and wonder ? Upon Egypt and Ethiopia V4 the king of Assyria shall ?  Lead Egyptians and Ethiopians captives Naked and barefoot ? Their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt

The book of Isaiah bible study verse by verse  Is ch 21 C16 within a year ? According to the year of an hireling All the glory of ? Kedar shall fail Is ch 22 V13 let us eat and drink ? For tomorrow we shall die V20 in that day I will call ? My servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah V22 the key of the house of David ? Shall be upon his shoulders He shall open and ? None shall shut V23 I will fasten him as ? A nail in a sure place He shall be for ? A glorious throne V25 in that say shall the nail that ? was fastened in a sure place  Be ? Removed and be cut down Is ch 23 V1 the burden of tyre ? Howl ye ships or tarshish For ? It is laid waste V2 be still ? Ye inhabitants of the isles To whom the merchants of zidon? That pass over the sea have replenished V3 by the great waters the seed of ? Sihor What is sihor ? The name given to the Nile probably the river of Egypt The harvest of the river is ? Her revenue She is a ? Mart of nations Mart ? Trafic gain profit V4 be you ashamed o ? Zidon For ? The sea has spoken Saying ? I will travail not Nor ? Bring forth children Neither do I ? Nourish young men nor bring up virgins V5 as the report concerning Egypt so ? Shall they be sorely pained at the report of tyre V6 pass you over to ? Tarshish Howl ye ? Inhabitants of the isle V9 who has taken.counsel against ? Tyre The ? Crowning city Whose merchants are ? Princes Whose traffickers are ? The honourable of the earth V9 the Lord has purposed to ? Stain the pride of all  glory And to bring I to contempt ? All the honourable of the earth V10 pass through the land as ? A river O daughter of ? Tarshish V11 the Lord has given commandment ? Against the merchant city To ? Destroy the strongholds V12 you shall no more ? Rejoice O you ? Oppressed virgin daughter of Zidon Arise pass over to ? Chittim There also ? Shall you have no rest V13 behold the land of the Chaldeans ? This people was not Till ? The Assyrians founded it for them

V14 howl ye ships of Tarshish for ? Your strength is laid waste V15 it shall come to pass ? In that say that tyre shall be forgotten 70 years According ? To the days of one king At the end of 70 years Tyre ? Shall sing as an harlot V17 it shall come to pass at end of 70 years ?  The Lord shall visit Tyre V19 her merchqndise and her hire shall? Be holiness to the Lord It shall not be ? Treasured nor laid up Their merchandise shall be for ? Them that dwell before the Lord To ? Eat sufficiently and for durable clothing Is ch 24 V1 the Lord makes the earth ? Empty he makes it waste And ? Turns it upside down and scaters abroad the inhabitants V3 the land shall be utterly ? Emptied And ? Utterly spoiled V4 the earth ? Mourns and fades away The haughty people ? Of the earth do languish V5 the earth is defiled ? Because they have transgressed the laws Changed ? The ordinance Broken ? The everlasting covenant V6 therefore the curse ? Has devoured the earth They that dwell therein ? Are desolate The inhabitants of the earth are ? Burned and few men left V13 there shall be as the shaking ? Of an olive tree As the ? Gleaming grape when the vintage is done V19 the earth is utterly ? Broken down The earth is ? Clean dissolved The earth is ? Moved exceedingly V20 the earth shall ? Reel to and fro like a drunkard And shall be ? Removed like a cottage And the ? Transgression shall be heavy upon it And it shall ? Fall and not rise again V21in that day ? The Lord shall punish the host of the high ones And the ? Kings of the earth V22 and they shall be gathered as ? Prisoners are gathered in the pit And shall be ? Shut up on the prison And after many ? Days shall they be visited V23 the moon shall be ? Confounded The sun ? Ashamed When ? The Lord shall reign upon mount Zion

Is ch 25 V1 I will praise your name for ? You have done wonderful things Your counsels of old are ? Faithfulness and Truth V2 you have made of a city? An heap Of a defenses city ? A ruin A palace ? To be no city V4. You have been a strength ? To the poor A strength to the ? Needy in his distress A refuge ? From the storm A shadow ? From the heat V5 you shall bring down ? The noise of strangers As ? The heat in a dry place The branch of the terrible ones ? Shall be brought low V6 in this mountain the Lord ? Shall make a feast unto all people V8 he will swallow ? Death in victory The Lord shall wipe ? All tears from all faces And the rebuke of ? His people shall be take away V9 it shall be said in that day ? Lo this is our God we have waited for him and he will save is We will ? Be glad and rejoice in his salvation V10 for on this mountain ? The hand of the Lord shall rest And Moab ? Shall be trodden down for the dunghill V11 he shall bring down their pride ? Together with the spoil of their hands V12 the fortress of the high fort ? Of your walls shall be bring down lay low And?  bring to the ground even to the dust Is ch 26 V4 trust n the lord forever for ? In the lord  Jehovah is everlasting strength V5 for he brings down ? They that dwell on high The lofty city ? He lays it low V11 let favour be shown to the wicked yet ? Will he not learn righteousness V12 Lord you will ? Ordain peace for us V20 come my people ? Enter into your chambers And shut ? Your doors about thee Hide ? Yourself as it were for a little moment Until ? The indignation be overpast V21 the lord comes ? Out of his place To ? Punish the inhabitants of the earth For ? Their iniquity Is ch 27 V1 in that day the lord with ? His great and strong sword shall punish ? Leviathan that piercing serpent Leviathan that ? Crooked serpent He shall slay the dragon that ? Is in the sea V2 in that say ? Sing unto her A ? Vineyard of red wine V2 I the Lord do ? Keep it Iwill water it ?  Every moment lest any hurt it I will keep it ? Night and day Is ch 28 V1 woe to the crown ? Of pride To the ? Drunkards of Ephraim Shall be ? Trodden under feet V5 in that day shall the Lord be ? For a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his people V6 and for?  a spirit of judgment To ? Him.tnat sits in judgment And for strength ? To them that turn the battle to the gate V7 but they so have erred ? Through wine and strong drink The priest and prophet have ? Erred through strong drink They are swallowed up ? Of wine They err ? In vision They stumble in ? Judgment V8 all tables are ? Full of vomit There is no place ? Clean V9 to whom shall he teach ?  Knowledge Them that are weaned ? From milk And drawned ? From the breasts V11 with stammering lips ? Shall he speak to this people V13 the word of the lord was unto them ? A little here a little there V14 hear the word of the lord ? Ye Scornful men who rule his people V15 because you have said ? We have made an agreement with death and with hell With ? Hell we are in agreement When the overflowing scourge ? Shall pass It shall ? Not come unto us For ? We have made lies pur refuge Under ? Falsehood we have hid ourselves

V16 I lay in Zion. ? For a foundation. a  stone A tried ? Stone a precious cornerstone A  sure ?  Foundation He that believes ? Shall not make haste V21 the Lord shall rise  up ? As in mount Perazim He shall be worth as ?  In the valley of Gibeon That he may do ? His work his strange work and bring to pass his act his strange act I have heard from the Lord a ? Consumption even determined upon the whole earth V29 the Lord which is ? Wonderful in. Counsel and excellent in working Is ch 29 V1 woe to ? Ariel the city where David dwelt V2 I will distress Ariel ? There shall be heaviness and sorrow V9 they are drunk but ? Not with wine They stagger but ? Not with strong drink V10 for the lord has poured ? The spirit of deep sleep And ? Has closed your eyes V11 the vision is become as ? Unto you as the words of a book that is sealed V13 this people draw near ? Me with their mouth And with ? Their lips do honour me But have removed ? Their hearts far from me Their fear of me is ? Taught by precept of men V14 the wisdom?  of their wise men shall perish V15 woe to them that ? Seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord Their works are ? In the dark They say ? Who sees us who knows us V16 surely your turning things ? Upside down Shall be esteemed as ? The poters clay Shall the work say ? He made me not V17 yet a little while and lebanon ? Shall be turned into a fruitful field The fruitful field shall be esteemed as ? A forest V18 in that day the deaf shall ? Hear the words of the book The. Blind shall see ? Out of obscurity and darkness V19 the meek shall ? Increase their joy in the Lord The poor ? Shall rejoice in the Holy one of Israel V20 the terrible ones are ? Brought to naught Terrible ones ? Woe inspiring , terror striking. Ruthless, mighty The scorner is ? Consumed All they that watch ? For iniquity are cut off V21 that make a men an ? Offender  for a word Lay a snare for him that ? Reproves at the gate Turn aside th just ? For a thing of naught Is ch 30 V1 woe to the rebellious children that ? Take counsel but not of me. That take covering but ? Not with my Spirit That ? They may add sin to sin V2 that walk to go down to ? Egypt And have not ? Asked at my mouth To strengthen themselves ?  In the strength of pharaoh And trust ? In the shadow of Egypt V3 therefore the strength of pharaoh be ? Your shame The trust in shadow of Egypt your ? Confusion V4 his princes were  at ? Zoan His ambassadors ?  Came to Hanes V7 for the Egyptians shall ? Help in vain And ? To no purpose Their strength is ? To sit still V8 now go ? Write it before them in a table and note it in.a book That ? It may be for the time to come V9 that ? This is a rebellious people Rebellious children that ? Will not hear the law of the Lord V10 which say to the seers ? Speak unto us smooth things Prophesy ? Deceit V11 get you out of the way ? Turn aside out of the path Cause ? The Holy One of Israel to cease from us V12 this says the Holy One ? Because you despise this word And ? Tree trust in oppression and perverseness V13 therefore this iniquity shall be to you ? As a breach ready to fall swelling out in a high wall Whose ? Breaking comes suddenly at an instant V14 he shall break it as ? The breaking of a potters vessel that is broken in pieces So that ? There shall not be found In the bursting of it ? A sherd to take fire Sherd ? Piece of pottery V15 this says the Lord in returning and rest shall you be saved I'm quietness and ? Confidence shall be your strength but you would not V16 but you said ? No we will flee upon horses We will ride upon ? The swift Therefore shall ? They that pursue you be swift V17 one thousand shall flee ? At the rebuke of one Till you be left as ? A beacon upon the top of a mountain An an ensign? On an hill V18 therefore will. the Lord?  wait Tiil ? He may be gracious into uou Therefore ? Will he be exalted That he may have ? Mercy upon uou For the Lord is.a God ? Of judgment Blessed are all they ? That wait for him V19 for the people that dwell in? Zion You shall? Weep no more He ? Very gracious unto you At ? The voice of your cry When ? He shall hear it he will answer you V20 and though the Lord give you ? The bread of adversity and the waters of affliction

Yet ? Shall not your teachers be removed Meaning ? Your Teacher God will not be removed V21 you shall hear a word behind you ? This is the way walk you in it V21 you shall cast the graven images as ? A menstruous cloth You shall say to it ? Get thee hence v23 then she'll he give the ? rain of your seed and you shall ? saw the ground and bread ? of the increase of the earth and it shall ? be fat and plenteous in that day your cattle ? shall feed in large pastures v24 the ox and the young asses shall ?  eat clean provender which has been ? winnowed with ? the shovel and the fan provender ? dry food for domestic animals window ? separate chaff from grain v25 there shall be upon  evey high mountain and upon every hill ? rivers and streams of water in ? tje day of the great slaughter when ? the towers fall v26 the light of the moon as tje light of the sun the light of the sun shall be ? sevenfold as the light of seven days in the day ? that the Lord binds up the breach of the people and ? heals the stroke of their wound v27 behold the name of the Lord comes ? from far burning ? with his anger and the ? burden is heavy his lips ? are full of indignation his tongue as ? a devouring fire v28 and his breathe ? as an overflowing stream shall reach ? to the midst of the neck to ? sift the nations with the sieve of vanity there shall be a ? bridle to the jaws of the people causing ? them to err v29 you shall have a song as ? in tje night when a holy solemnity is kept and gladness of heart as ? when one goes with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord V30 the lord shall ? cause his glorious voice to be heard shall shew ? the lightning down of his arm With ? the indignation of his anger and with the ? flame of a devouring fire with ? scattering and tempest and hailstones v31 through the voice of the Lord ?  shall the Assyrian be beaten down which smote with the rod v32 in every place where the grounded staff shall pass ?  it shall be with tablets and harps and in ? battles of shaking will he fight with it v32 for tophet is ? ordained of old for the king ? it is prepared he has made it ?; deep and large the pile is ? fire and much wood tje breathe of the Lord ? like a stream of brimstone does Kindle it is ch 31 v1 who to them that go down ? to Egypt for help And ? stay on horses and trust in chariots because ? they are many and in horsemen ? because they are very strong but look not ? unto the Holy One of Israel neither ? seek the Lord v2  Yet he also is ? wise Will bring ? evil and will not ? call back his words but ? will arise against the house of evildoers and against ? the help of them that work iniquity v3 the Egyptians are ? men and not God a d their houses flesh and not spirit When the Lord shall ? stretch out his hand both he ? that helps and is helpen  shall fall down and they ? shall fail together v4 like as the lion ? roaring on his prey when a ? multitude of shepherds is called forth against him he will not ? be afraid of their voices nor ? abase himself for the noise of them so shall the Lord ? come down to fight for mount Zion and for the hill v5 as birds flying ? so the Lord defend Jérusalem he will also ? deliver it and passing over he will preserve it v6  Turn ye ? unto him fr whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted

v7 in that day every men ? shall cast away his idols of silver which ? your own hands have made unto you for a sin v8  Then shall the ? Assyrian fall with the sword not of ? a mighty men not of a mean men shall ? devour him he shall flee ? from the sword his young men ? shall be disconfited v9 he shall pass over ? to his strongholds for fear his princes shall ? be afraid of the ensigns ensigns ? flag standard saith the lord whose ? fire is in Zion and his furnace in Jerusalem is ch 32 v1 a king shall reign in ? righteousness princes shall ? rule in judgment v2 a men shall be as a ? hiding place from the wind a covert from ? the tempest as rivers of water ? in a dry place a a shadow ? of a great rock in a weary land v3 the eyes of them that see ? shall not be dim ears of them that hear ? shall hearken v4 the heart of that rash ? shall understand knowledge tongue of ? stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly v5  the vile person ! shall no more be called liberal nor the churl ? said to be bountiful churl ? rude mean spirited person v6  the vile person ? shall speak villainy his heart ? will work iniquity to ? practice hypocrisy to utter ? errors against the Lord to make empty ? the soul of the hungry he will cause the drink ? of the thirsty to fail v7  the instruments of the ? churl are evil he deviseth ? wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words even when ? the needy speaks right v8 the liberal ? deviseth liberal things liberal things ? shall stand v9 rose up ye ? women that are at ease hear my voice ? you careless daughters V10 many days ? shall you be troubled ye careless women the vintage ? shall fail the ? gathering shall not come v11 tremble ? yes women that are at ease be troubled ye careless ones strip you ? make you bare and ? gird sackcloth upon your loins v12 they shall lament for ? the teats teats ? nipple mamary gland for the ? pleasant fields for the fruitful vine v13  upon the land of my people ? shall come up thorns and briers upon ? the joyous city v14  the palaces shall? be forsaken the multitude of the city ? shall be left the forts and towers ? shall be for dens forever a joy ? of wild asses a pasture for flocks v15  until the spirit ? be poured upon us from.on high the wilderness be as ? a fruitful field the fruitfull field be ? counted as a forest

V16 judgment shall dwell ? in the wilderness righteousness remain ? in the fruitful field v17  work of righteousness shall be peace effect of righteousness ? auitness and assurance forever v18 my people ? shall dwell in a peaceable habitation in ? sure dwellings and in quiet resting places v19 when ? it shall hail coming down ? on the forest and the ? city shall be low in a low place V20  blessed are they that sow ? beside all waters that send forth ? tither the feet of the ox and the ass is ch 33 v1 woe into you that ? spoils and ? was not spoiled and deals treacherously and they ? delt not treacherously with you when you shall cease to soil ? you will be spoiled when you make end being treacherous ? they shall deal treacherously with you V2 O Lord be? gracious unto us we have waited for you be ? you their arm every morning our salvation ? in time of trouble V3  at the noise of tumult ? the people fled at the lifting up ? of yourself the nations were scattered V4 your spoil shall ? be gathered like the gathering of the caterpillar as the ? running ti and fro of locusts  shall he run upon them V5  the Lord is ? exalted for ? he swells on high he has filled ? Zion with judgments and righteousness V6  Wisdom and ? knowledge shall be the stability  of your times strength and salvation ? the fear of the Lord is his treasure v7 the valiant ones ? shall cry without the ambassador ? of peace shall weep bitterly V8  the highways ? lie waste the wayfaring men ? ceases wayfaring ? person traveling on foot he hath ? broken the covenant he had despised the ? cities he regards no men v9 the earth ? mourns and languishes lebanon is ? ashamed and hewn down Sharon is ? like a wilderness Bashan and Carmel ? shake off their fruits v10 Now I will ? ride days the Lord now will i ? be exalted now ? I will lift up myself v11 you shall conceive ? chaff you shall bring forth ? stubble your breath? as fire shall devour you v12 the people ? shall be as the burnings of lime as ? thorns cut up shall they be ? burned with the fire v13 hear you that are ? after off acknowledge ? my might v14 the dinner is Zion ? are afraid fearfulness ? has surprised the hypocrites who among us ? shall dwell with the devouring fire who along us shall dwell ? with the everlasting burnings v15  he that walks ? righteously speaks ? uprightly despised the ? gain of oppressions shales his hands from ? holding of bribes stops his ears ? from hearing of blood shits his eyes ? from seeing evil v16 he shall ? dwell on high his place of defense ? shall be the munitions of rocks bread ? shall be given him his waters ? shall be sure v17 your eyes shall see the ? Kong in his beauty they shall behold ? the land that is very far off v18 your heart shall ? meditate terror Where is ? the scribe where is the ? receive where is he that ? counted the towers

v19 you shall not see ? a fierce people a people ? of deeper speech that you can perceive of a ? stammering tongue  that you cannot understand V20 look upon ? Zion your eyes shall see Jerusalem ? a quiet habitation a tabernacle that ? shall not be taken down not none of ? the stakes shall be removed neither shall any ? of her cords be broken v21 there the Lord shall be unto us ? a place of broad rivers and streams wherein shall go no ? galley with oars neither shall ? gallant shoo pass thereby oar ? pole or steer v22 the Lord is ? our judge the Lord is ? our lawgiver our king he will ? save us v23 the tacklings are ? loosed they could not ? well strengthen their mast they could not? spread their sail then is the prey ? of a great spoil divided the lame ? take their prey v24 the inhabitant shall not say ? I am sick the people that dwell there ? shall be forgiven their iniquity is ch 34 v2 the indignation of the Lord ? is upon all nations his fury ?  upon their armies he hath ? utterly destroyed them he hath ? delivered them to the slaughter v3 their slain ? shall be cast out their stink ? shall come out of their carcasses the mountains ? shall be melted with their blood v4 all the host of heaven ? shall be dissolved the heavens shall ? be rolled together as a scroll all their host ? shall fall down as the leaf ? falls off the vine as a ? falling fig from the fig tree v5 for my ? sword shall be bathed in heaven it shall come upon ? idumea upon the ? people of my curse to judgment v6 the sword of the Lord ? is filled with blood it is ? made fat with fatness with ? the blood of lambs and goats with the ? fat of kidney of rams the Lord has a sacrifice in ? Bozrah a great slaughter in ? the land of Idumea v7  the unicorns ? shall come down with them the bullocks with ? the bulls their land ? shall be soaked with blood their dust ? made fat with fatness v8 it is the day if the Lords ? vengeance the year of ? récompense for the controversy of Zion v9  .the streams ?shall be turned into pitch the dust ? into brimstone the land ? shall become burning pitch v10 it shall not be ? quenched night or day the smoke ? shall go up forever from generation shall ? lay waste none shall ?.pass through it forever v11 the cormoran and ? the bittern shall possess it the owl also ? and the raven shall dwell in it he shall stretch out ? upon it the line of confusion the srones if ? emptiness v12 they shall call ? the nobles but ? none shall be there her princes ? shall be nothing v13 thorns shall ? Cole up in her palaces nettles and brambles in ? the fortress it shall be an ? habitation of dragons a court ? for owls v14 wild beast of desert shall ? meet with wild beast of island the satyr shall ? cry to his fellow the screech owl  ? shall rest there find herself ? a place of rest v15 there the great owl ? make her nest and ? lay and hatch and gather under her shadow there vultures ?  be gathered everyone with her mate v16  seek you out ? out of the book of the Lord and read ? no one of these shall fail none ? shall want her mate for my mouth ? hath it commanded and his spirit ? it hath gathered them is ch 35 v1 tue wilderness and ? the solitary place shall be glad for them the desert shall ? rejoice and blossom like the rose v2 it shall ? blossom abundantly and ? rejoice even with joy and singing the glory of ? Lebanon shall be given unto it the excellency of ? Carmel and Sharon they shall see ? the glory of the Lord and the ? excellency of our God v3 strengthen the ? weak hands and confirm the feeble knees v4 say to them ? that are of a fearful heart be ? strong fear not your ? God will come with vengeance even God with ? a récompensé he will ? come and save you v5 the eyes of the ? blind shall be opened the ears of ? the deaf shall be unstopped v6 then the lame ? leap like the hart the tongue of the dumb ? sing in  the wilderness ? waters break out and streams in the desert v7 the parched ground ? shall become a pool the thirsty land ? springs of water in the habitation of dragons ? where each lay shall be grass with reeds and rushes v8  an ? highway shall be there and a ? way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean ? shall not pass over it it shall be for those ? the wayfaring men though fools ? shall not err therein v9 no ? lion shall be there nor any ? ravenous beast the ? redeemed shall walk there V10 the ? ransomed of the Lord shall return and ? co'e to Zion with  songs and everlasting joy  upon their heads they shall ? obtain joy and gladness sorrow and signing shall flee away

is ch 36 v1 it came to pass in ? the 14 year of king Hezekiah that ?  Sennacherib king of Assyria came up ? against the fenced cities of Judah and took them v2 king of Assyria sent ? Rabshakeh from lachish to Jerusalem unto ? king Hezekiah with a great army he stood in ? the conduit of the upper pool in ? the highway of the fullers field v3 then cale unto him ? eliakim Hilkiah s son the scribe ? Shebna . Joah Asaph son the recorder v4 Rabshakeh said ? what confidence is this ,herein you trust ? v5  on whom do you trust ? that you rebel against me ? v6 you trust in the staff of this broken reed on Egypt whereon if a men ? lean it will go into his hand and pierce it so is ? pharaoh to all that trust in him v7 but you say ? we trust in the Lord is it not he ? whose high places and altars Hezekiah has taken away v8 now give pledges to ? my master king of Assyria and I ? will give you 2000 horses if you be able ? to set riders upon them v9 how then will  you ? turn away the face of one captain of the least of my masters servants and ? put your trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen ? V10 am i now ? cone up without the Lord against this land to destroy it ? the Lord said unto me ? go up against this land and destroy it v11 then said Eliakim to Rabshakeh ? speak in the Syrian language for we understand it speak not ? in the Hebrew language in ? the ears of the people that are in the wall v12 Rabshakeh said ?  has my master not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall that they ? may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you ? v13  Rabshakeh cried ? hear ye the words of the great king the king of Assyria v14  let not ? Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you v16 neither let ? Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord saying ? the Lord shall surely deliver us this city ? shall not be delivered i to the hands of the king of Assyria v16 hearken not  ? to Hezekiah for ? this says king of Assyria ? make an agreement with me by a present and ? cone out to me and est everyone of his own vine and fig tree and drink ? everyone of his own cistern v17  until I cone ? to take you away to a land line your own land a land ? of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards v18 beware l'est ? Hezekiah persuadé you saying ? the Lord shall deliver us hath any ? of the gods of the nations delivered his land out of the hand of the king of Assyria ?  v19  where are the gods of ? Hamath Arphad Sepharvaim have they ? delivered Samaria out of my hand ? V21 but ? they held their peace and ? answered him not a word for the king commandment was ? answer him not v22 then cale Eliakim Shebna Joab to ? Hezekiah with ? their clothes rent and ? told him the words of ? Rabshakeh is ch 37 v1 when Hezekiah heard it ? he rent his clothes and ? covered himself with sackcloth and ? went into the house of the Lord v2 he sent ? Eliakim to ? Isiah the prophet the son of Amoz v3 they say unto him ? this day of trouble and  of rebuke and of blasphemy for ? the children are come to the birth and ? there is not enough strength to bring forth v4 Wherefore ? lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left v6 Isaiah said ? be not afraid of the words v7 I will send ? a blast upon him and ? he shall hear a rumour and ? return to his  own land I will ? cause him to fall by the sword in his own land v20 now therefore o Lord save us ? from his hand that ? all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you are the Lord even ? you only v22 this is the word with the Lord spake ? concerning king Assyria the virgin ? the daughter of Zion has despised you and ? laughed you to scorn the daughter of ? Jerusalem has shaken her head at you v23 whom did you ? reproach and ? blaspheme against whom ? have you exalted your voice and ? lifted up your eyes on high even ? against the Holy one of Israel v24 by your servants you have ? reproached the Lord you said ? by the multitude of my chariots Am I ? Come up to the heights of the mountains to ? the sides of Lebanon I will cut down ? the tall cedars and the ? choice fir trees I will enter ? into the heights of his border and the ? forest of his carmel v25  I have digged and ? drunk water with the sole of my feet ? have i dried up all the rivers of the besieged places v26 you should be to ? lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps v27 their inhabitants were ? of small power they were ? dismayed and confounded they were as ? the grass of the field as the ? green herb as the grass ?  on the housetops as ? corn blasted before it be grown up v28  I know ? your abode and ? your going out and your coming in and your ? rage against me v29  because your rage against me ? is come up into my ears therefore ? i will put my hook in  your nose and ? my bridle in your lips and I ? will turn you back by the way by which you came V30 this shall be sign unto you ? you shall eat this year sick as grows of itself the second year ? that which springs  of the same in the third year ? sow you and reap and plant vineyards and est the fruit v31  the remnant that is ? escaped of the house of Judah shall ? again take root downward and bear fruit upward v32 out of Jerusalem ? shall go forth a remnant they that ? escape out of mount Zion the zeal ? of the Lord of hosts shall do this v33 this says the Lord concerning ? the king of Assyria he shall ? not come into this city nor ? shoot an arrow there nor come ? before it with shields nor cast blanks against it v34 by the way he came ? by the same he shall return and shall not ? Cole into this city v35 for I will ? defend this city to save it for ? my own sake and for lu servant David v36 the Angel of the Lord went forth ? and smote in the camp of the Assyrians 180000 when they arose easy ?  behold they were all dead corpses v37 so Sennacherib ? Kong of Assyria departed and returned in Nineveh v38 as he was worshiping in the ? house of Nisroch his god that ? Adramalech and Sharezer his son's smote him with the sword they ? escaped to the land of Armenia and ? Esahaddon his son reigned in his stead is ch 38 v1  in those days Hezekiah was ? sick unto death Isaiah ? came unto him and said ? this saith the Lord set your house in order for  you shall die and not live v2 then Hezekiah? turned his face toward the wall and prayer unto the Lord v3  and said ? remember o Lord how I have walked before you in truth and with a perfect heart I have done ? they which is good in your sight v5 go and say to Hezekiah ? I have heard your prayers i have ? seen your tears i will ? add unto your days 15 years v6 I will ? deliver you and this city out ? of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city v7 it a sign ? unto you from the Lord v8 I will bring ? the shadow of the degrees which is gone down in the dial of Ahaz 10 degrees backward so ? the sun returned ten degrees by which degrees it was gone down v21 Isaiah said ?let them take a lump of figs and ? lay it for a plaster upon the boil and he shall recover v22 Hezekiah said ? what is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord ?

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