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How do we find truth ? bible prophecy update

This is the moment to spend time in the bible and to find out what messages God has for you . Your bible prophecy update needs to be studied before hand . While we study bible prophecy headline news we find out that some events are still in the futur and some events are happening all around us .

How can we know what the symbols in prophecy mean . The symbols in prophecy have a meaning found elsewhere in the bible . Your end time bible prophecy videos channel Earth last day channel help you understand the meaning of those bible prophecy update symbols .

1 Bible prophecy update The prophecy symbols

The winds in bible prophecy mean strife war for example . Beasts in bible prophecy headline news like in Daniel 7 where we have four beast mean. Kingdoms. The sea in end time bible prpphecy videos mean multitude ; tongues, people. We see that we cannot interpret the bible like we wnt to . In fact it says No prophecy os the scripture is of any private interpretation .

All bible prophecy are interpreted by the bible itself or by history . As many bible prophecy update in the bible are about historical events. God wants us to study history and find the meaning and the dates of those prophecies to find out that only God could tell us before hand things in advance .In fact the bible says I tell you things before they come to pass that you may know that i am God

2 Bible prophecy update The proof for the bible

One of the great reason why we know the bible is true is bible prophecy . Often atheists ask me prove me the bible is true . I tell them Bible prophecy . Because as the bible prophecy headline news tell us sometimes 2000 years in advance what will happen . We know that

1 No men can say what will happen year 3000 July 1

1 As God can tell us what will happen in the futur we know that

God lives in the futur

God is divine as only a divine being could know the futur

And we can trust the bible to be from God

3 Bible prophecy update Only God knows the futur

As only God knows the futur then we can trust the bible . This is the proof that end time bible prophecy videos are from God . As no men can explain the futur not only that but one thousand years in advance before the event . Some bible prophecy update go back to 2000 years before the events such as revelation 11 The French revolution or daniel 7 the papacy .

We know we can trust the bible because all prophecies in the bible have come to pass . All bible prophecy update have been fulfilled . And those which are yet to be fulfilled we can trust them to be inspired form God and true In fact the mind of men cannot be trusted .

And this is the problem in our society that we trust human minds too much . We trust human judgment and human obvervation . But what someone observes is ony going through the filter of that persons perception . And who knows if that perception is true or false . End time bible prophecy videos are correct and accurate .

4 Bible prophecy update Human brain

The human brain has been crated by God so the human brain is powerful and magnificent . But many people forget that the human brain has gone through the fall of men . With Adam and Evil men has changed, man has had his perceptive powers corrupted . The bible says He that trusts in his own heart is a fool .

God says we cannot trust in our own hearts we have to trust in God only . As only God knows the truth and this is the reason why God sent the bible . God has sent the bible because humans cannot discern right and wrong . If men's perceptive powers were not corrupted because of the fall of Adam

Then yes we can agree there would be no need of the bible . In fact in the garden of Eden God did not give the bible to Adam and Eve and they could have correct discernment . Bible prophecy update tells us that Humans being shall wax worse and worse deceived and being deceived .

5 Bible prophecy update What can we trust ?

We can only trust the bible, nature and the call sof the Holy Spirit for those who cna discern the voice of the Holy Spirit . Your bible prophecy headline news is here to help you understand the truth . Once we understand that humans cannot be always trusted, that humans can fail more than they are right . We have a system of things where the bible is right in saying that human reasoning is frail and often makes mistakes .

The bible never fails , bible prophecy updates written many years ago by holy men as they were moved by the holy Spirit can be trusted . As all bible prophecy that were for before our time all came to pass. We see that even very educated do not tell the truth always. Truth is not a question on having more knowledge . Arriving at truth is a question of being honest .

Often when i speak to my atheist friends they think that knowledge is what one needs to arrive at truth . But the bible says that only the honest people will receive and arrive at truth . One can have little knowledge but if they are honest they will accept the truth . It is all about honesty .

End time bible prophecy videos is all about ones heart being sincere, honest and true to be guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth . Repeat after me Father God forgive my sins help be to find the truth, guide me into all truth . Help me to follow you and to be happy prosperous, blessed. Give me the desires of my heart . In the name of Jesus amen


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