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Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians quiz

Questions answers on the four books of the apostle Paul Galatians Ephesians Philippians and Colossians This is an amazing way to learn the BIble You cna test your knowledge and see if you know the BIble . You can learn more of the books of Galatians Ephesians Philippians and Colossians The paul epistles in chronological order These are the four letters of Paul after the book of Romans The st paul epistles The summary of paul letters from Glatians to Colossians galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse

Ga eph ph colosians concentrate Ga 1 Why did Jesus gave Himself? For our sins That He might? Deliver us from this present evil world From whom was gospel that paul preached ? Not after men By whom was it ? By revelation of Jesus When did God separate paul ? From his mother s womb Why? To reveal his son in me that I might preach Him among the heathen Where did paul go after that ? Arabia and damascus With whom did paul stay with Jerusalem? Peter 15 days How many other apostles did paul meet ? Only james Jesus brother Ga ch 2 How did paul go to jerusalem ? By revelation. Which gospel was committed to peter ? Circumcision Which gospel was committed to paul ? Uncircumcised Who gave paul and barnabas right hand fellowship ? James cephas john If righteousness came by law ? Christ is dead in vain Ga ch 3 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse How have we received the Spirit ? By hearing of faith What is legalism ? The flesh Who are childrens of abraham ? They which be of faith How are they which are of faith ? Blessed with faithful abraham How many are justified by law ? No one What is the law not? Not of faith

If the inheritance is by the law ? It is no more by promise How did God gave inheritance to abraham ? By promise What has the Scripture concluded? All under sin And if ye be christ ? Ye are abraham s seed and heirs according to the promise

Ga ch 4 If we are baptised we? Have put on Christ If we are Christ's we ? Are abraham s seed and heirs When did God send his son ? When the fullness of time was come Made? Of a woman under the law Why? To redeem them that were under the law If we are sons we are ? No more servants If we are sons we are ? Heirs How was abraham bondwoman son born ? After the flesh Sinai covenant ? Gendereth to bondage Which is ? Agar Agar is ? Mount sinai in Arabia But Jerusalem is? Free the mother of us all Rejoice you barren ? For the desolate has many more children than she that has an husband We are not sons of bondswoman ? But of the free Ga ch 5 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse If ye be circumcised ? Christ shall profit you nothing For those justified by law? Christ has become of none effect Ye are ? Fallen from grace What avails in Jesus ? Faith which works by love To be legalist is to be? Hindered not to obey the truth What have we been called ? Unto liberty By love? Serve one another If ye bite devour one another ? Take heed not consume one another Walk in te Spirit ? Ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Fruit of the Spirit ? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith , meekness, temperance, If we live in the Spirit we should also ? Walk in the Spirit Let us not be desirous ? Of vain glory Ga ch 6 If men taken in fault ? Restore spirit meekness Why? Considering yourself lest you be tempted Best one another burden? So fulfill law of Christ Who deceives himself? He thinks be something when he is nothing Let every men? Prove his own work For eveey men ? Shall bear his own burden Be not deceived ? God is not mocked When shall we reap ? In due season If!? We faint not Let us do good to who? To all men Especially? Those of the faith What does not availl in Christ ? Circumcision What does avail ? A new creature Why had no men to trouble paul? Because I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Eph ch 1 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse How was paul an apostle ? By the will of God How has God blessed us? With all spiritual blessings in heavenly places When has God chosen us in Him? Before the fondation of the world For what ? That we should be holy and without blame before Him in love

Having predestinated us ? Unto the adoption of children by Jesus to Himself According ? To the good pleasure of His will To the ? Praise of the glory of his grace Wherein he has? Made us accepted in the beloved In whom we have ? Redemption through his blood Forgiveness of sins ? According to the riches if his grace Wherein He has abounded toward us ? In all wisdom and prudence Having made known unto us ? The mystery of His will According ? To His good pleasure Which? He has purposed in Himself That in ? The dispensation of the fullness of time He might ? Gather in one all things in Christ Both which are ? In heaven and in earth In whom? We have obtained an inheritance Being? Predestinated according to the purpose of Him Who ? Works all things according to the counsel of His own will That we? Should be the praise of His glory After ye believed ? Ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise Which is ? The earnest of our inheritance Until? The redemption of the purchased possession Unto? The praise of His glory That? God may give you The Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him The eyes ? Of your understanding being enlightened That ye? May know what is the hope of his calling And ? What the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints And what is ? The exceeding greatness of His power To? Usward who believe According ? To the working of His mighty power Which He wrought in Christ ? When He raised Him from the dead And set Him? In His own right hand in heavenly places Where? Far above all principality and power and might and dominion And ? everything that is named Has put all things ? Under His feet And gave Him? To be the head over all things to the church Which is ? His body The fullness ? Of Him that fills all in all Eph ch 2 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse And ye hath He ? Quickened Who were ? Dead in sins and trespasses Wherein in times past? Ye walked according to the course of this world According to ? The prince of the power of the air The Spirit that ? Now works in the children of disobedience Among whom? In times past we had our conversation In? The lusts of our flesh

Fulfilling the ? Desires of the flesh and mind And were? By nature the children of wrath But God who? Is rich in mercy for His great love wherewith He loved us Even when ? We were dead in sins Hath? Quickened us together with Christ And has? Raised us up and made us sit in heavenly places That in the ages to come ? He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us For we are ? His workmanship Created ? In Christ Jesus for good works Which God has? Before ordained That we ? Should walk in them without Christ ? Being alienated from the commonwealth of israel And ? Strangers from the covenant of promise Having ? No hope and without God in this world Ye who were afar off? Are made nigh by the blood of Christ He is ? Our peace galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse He has? Broken down the middle wall of partition between us Having abolished in His flesh ? The enemy the law of commandments in ordinances For to ? Make of twain one new men so making peace And that He might ? Reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross Having ? Slained the enmity And came and ? Preached peace to you which were afar off For through Him? We both have access by one Spirit unto the Father Ye are no more ? Strangers and foreigners But? Fellow citizens with the saints And are ? Built upon the fondation of the apostles and prophets Jesus being ? The chief cornerstone In whom? All the building fitly framed together Grows? Unto an holy temple in the Lord In whom? Ye are also builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit Eph ch 3 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse If he have heard ? Of the dispensation. of the grace of God which is given me to you How that ? By revelation. He made known to me the mystery When ye read? Ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ Which in other ages? Was not made known unto the son's of men That the ? Gentiles should be fellowheirs and of the same body

And partakers? Of his promise I was made a minister ? According to the grace of God given unto me By? The effectual power of His working of His power Unto me? Who are less than the least of the saints is this grace given That i should ? Preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ A s to make? All men see What is ? The fellowship of the mystery Which ? From the beginning has been hid in God Who ? Created all things by Jesus Christ To the intent ? Unto the principalities and powers Might be known ? By the church the manifold wisdom of God According ? To the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ In whom? We have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him That He would grant you ? According to the riches of His glory To be ? Strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner men That ? Christ may live in your hearts by faith That ye being ? Rooted and grounded in love May be able to comprehend ? Breadth, length , debth, , height And to know ? The love of Christ which passed knowledge That ye might be ? Filled with all the fullness of God Unto Him that is able ? To do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think According ? To the power they works in us Eph ch 4 galatians bible study questions and answers bible study verse by verse We should walk ? Worthy of the vocation we. are called With all ? Lowliness and 'meekness with long-suffering forbearing une another in love Endeavouring ? To keep the unity of the spirit in the bound of peace There is one? Body spirit one hope of your calling One ? Lord faith baptism One God and Father who is ? Above and through and in you all Unto everyone of us? Is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ When He ascended on high? He led captivity captive and gave gifts onto men He gave some ? Apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers For the ? Perfecting of saints, work of ministry, edifying of body of Christ Till we all come ? In unity of faith , knowledge of the son of God Unto ? A perfect men, into the measure of the statute of the fullness of Christ That we be no more ? Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine By? The sleight of men and cunning craftiness Whereby? They lie in wait to deceive But speaking ? The truth in love May? Grow up into Him in all things who is the head From whom ? The whole body fitly joined together and conpacted By? That which every joint supplies That ye walk not? As other gentiles walk In? The vanity of their mind Having the ? Understanding darkened Being ? Alienated from the life of God Through? The ignorance that is in them Because? Of the blindness of their hearts Who being ? Past feeling Have ? Given themselved over laciviousness To work? All uncleanness unto greediness Lasciviousness ? Unbridled lust, excess wantonness insolence Ye put off? Concerning the former conversation the old men Which is corrupt? According to deceitful lusts Put on new men which? Which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Putting away? Lying speak every men truth with neighbour For? We are members one of another Let no? Corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth But? That Which is good To the ? Use of edifying And grieve not? The Holy Spirit By whom? Ye are sealed unto day of redemption Let all? Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and evil speaking be put away with malice Be ye? Kind one to another , tenderhearted forgiving As ? Christ forgave you Eph ch 5 Be ye followers ? Of God as dear childrens And walk ? In love as Christ also has loved u And has given Himself for us as ? An offering and a sacrifice to God For? A sweet smelling savour But? Fornication, uncleanness, covetousness Let it not ? Be once named among you Neither ? Filphinedd, foolish talking , jesting Which are? Not convenient but rather giving of thanks For 'no? Whoremonger, unclean person nor covetous men Who is ? An idolater Has? Any inheritance in the kingdom of God Let no men? Deceive you with vain words For ? Because of this comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience Vain words meaning ? Which contain nothing , empty handed, destitute of spiritual wealth Walk as ? Children of light The fruit of the Spirit is in ? All goodness and righteousness and truth

Have no fellowship? With the unfruitful works of darkness But ? Rather reprove them Awake you? That sleep and arise and Christ shall give you light Seether that ye walk? Circumspectly not as fools but as wise Redeeming ? The time because the days are evil Be ye not ? Unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is Giving thanks? For all things always The husband is? The head of the wife as Christ I'd the head of the church As the church is? subject unto Christ so let wives be subject in everything Christ gave Himself for it ? That He might cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word That He might ? Present it glorious not having spot or wrinkles That it should be holy without blemish So ought men ? Love their wives as their own body He that loved his wife? Loves himself The wife see ? That she reverence her husband Eph ch 6 Honour your parents ? That it may be well with thee and that you may live long Parents ? Do not provoke your children. But bring them up ? In the nurture and admonition of the Lord Whatsoever good thing a men does ? That shall be receive from the Lord Put on? The whole armor of God That ye ? May be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil For we wrestle not against ? Flesh and blood But against ? Principalities and powers Against ? The rulers of the darkness of this world Against ? Spiritual wickedness in high places Loins? Truth Having on ? Breastplate of righteousness Feet? Shod preparation gospel of peace Above all? Taking shield of faith With which ? You shall be able to quench all fiery dartd of the wicked Helmet? Of salvation. Sword? Of the Spirit which is ? The Word of God Grace be to all them ? That love the Lord Jesus in sincerity Ph ch 1 That ye may be ? sincere and without offense in the day of Jesus Christ Being filled ? With the fruits of righteousness Which are by Jesus ? Unto the glory of and praise of God Some preach Christ ? Of envy and strife some of good will The one preach Christ ? Of contention not sincerely Knowing that i am set? For the defense of the gospel Whether in pretense or ? Truth Christ is preached For to me to live ? Is Christ and to die is gain To abide in the flesh ? Is more needful for you For unto you it is given ? Not only to believe but to differ for His sake Ph ch 2 If there be any? Consolations , comfort of love, fellowship of the Spirit, bowels and mercies Let nothing be done through ? Strife and vainglory Vainglory meaning ? Groundless self esteem, empty pride , vain opinion But in ? lowliness of mind let each esteem other better Look not every men ? On his own things But every men ? On the things of others Jesus being in the form of God ? Thought it not robbery to be equal with God What did Jesus make Himself ? Of no reputation Took upon Him? The form of a servant And was made ? In the likeness of men Being found in fashion as a men ? He humbled Himself And became ? Obedient into death That ? every tongue should confess That ! Jesus is Lord Do all things ? Without murmuring and disputings That ye ? May be blameless and harmless the son's of God Without ? Rebuke In the midst? Of a crooked and perverse nation. Among whom we? Shine as lights in the world What did God do that paul may not have sorrow upon sleep ? Heal epaphroditus And that every tongue ? Should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord 'Work out ? Your own salvation. Work out ? Result in, render one fit for a thing, , outcome, result of , manufacture Do all things ? without murmuring and disputing That ye may be ? Blameless and harmless They ye may be ? Without rebuke midst crooked ad perverse nation Among whom ? Ye shine as lights in the world Holding forth ? The word of life That i may ? Rejoice in the day of Christ ? That i? Have not run in vain neither laboured in vain Ph ch 3 Beware of ? Dogs. of evil workers of the concision Circumcised ? 8 the day Of the ? Stock of israel Tribe of ? Benjamin Touching the law? A pharisee Concerning zeal ? Persecuting the church Touching righteousness in law? Blameless What things were gain to me? I counted loss for Christ I count all things but loss? For the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ


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