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Ellen G White Last day events Quiz

This is a great way to learn Ellen g White stunning end time bible prophecy book called Last day events For me this end time Bible prophecy book is quite incredible This book by Ellen g White gives us incredible insight on what soon to pass on earth Enjoy ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version

Last day events concentrate Shaking -sealing - close probation. - 4 angels - Angel mercy leaves - 7 last plagues - armageddon Lde ch 1 Earth s last crisis What is about to happen ? Something great and descisive the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis What is forecast ? Approaching events of the greatest magnitude What forecasts? Calamities state society alarms of war What is soon to take place in our world .? Great changes . What is near? The time trouble that is to increase what has almost reached fulfillment ? 11 th of daniel

What is night upon us? The time of trouble shluch as we have never seen what are we to ask Jesus to do? Place his everlasting arms beneath us and carry us through the time of trial before us What is world becoming ? More and more lawless What will soon arise among the nation's ? Great trouble that shall not cease until Jesus comes What are we on tbe verge of? Time of trouble What is before us? Perplexities that are scarcely dreamed of What will follow one another ? God's judgments in quick succession Which? Fire flood earthquakes war What has God always given warning for? Coming judgments

Who before escaped judgments?

Those who were obedient to commandments Who received the judgments? Disobedient and unbelieving Which warning Jesus gave jerusalem. ? Destruction Who escaped destruction ? Those who fled the city What is today's warning? 2nd coming and world destructionWho saved? Those who heed the warning Why were apostles unprepared for Jesus death? His words were banished from their minds What work has 3rd angels message said the angel? Fearful is his work terrible his mission Which work has 3rd angels message ? Separate the wheat from the tares And seal the wheat for the heavenly garner

What should engross the whole mind? The shaking and sealing What should we study? The great waymarks pointing times in which we live Who will catch the steady events ordained by God to take place? Those who place themselves under gods control What are we to see in history? Progress of events in marshalling of nation for the final conflict ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What day is at hand? The day when destiny of souls fixed forever What is to be kept before the people ? That the solemn day of God will come suddenly unexpectedly What many look away from? Present blessings and comforts Lde ch 2 Signs of Christ soon return Who s voice we hear in times of perplexity ? God's voice saying it is I be not afraid How big was Ellen whites family? 10 plus 3 visitors What is marks of evidence of soon close of earth s history? Glutony intepnerence What represents what modern history is fast hastening ? The antedeluvian world How was the overwhelming majority in times of noahj? Opposed to truth enamored with a tissue of truth Who are at every mob? Evil angels rousing to deeds of violence What will.make God to reveal himself in his majesty? Perversity and culruelty of man that will attain to such a height What will soon have reached it's limit? The wickedness of the world What will.then happen? God will pour out his judgments By what earth crust will be rent? By elements concealed What are warnings that God s Spirit will not always strive with men ? Fires floods earthquakes What convulsed before the Son of man appears? Everything in nature What is but a faint picture of what will happen futur? Air food pestilences What will soon be refused? God's keeping power To whom? Those who disregard Gods commandments What is already falling? God s plagues What are these judgments for? Bring professing christians to their senses Why does god permit judgments ? That the world take heed sinners be afraid and tremble before Him

What is gods purpose in sending calamities? One of his means to bring men and women to their senses What does god express in unusual workings nature? To doubting humans what he has clearly revealed in his Word What are among the agencies of God ? To rouse men to a sense of their danger What is in the hands of God ? The program of coming events What does god have in his own charge? Destiny of nations, concerns of his church What is under divine control ? Complicated play human events as wheels like complications under hand cberubim Lde ch 3 when shall these things be ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What did shit israel 40 years from canaan? Murmur unbelief rebellion What has shut sda from entering heaven ? Murmur unbelief rebellion What has kept us in this world so many years ? Unbelief wordliness unconsecration strife What would have happened if church had done her work ? Jesus would have returned How do angels represent their message? As very short What is conditional? God's promises and threatenings Why did Jesus did not come yet? Insubordination What should we not add? Charging God for not coming which is result of our sin When will Jesus return? When his character will be perfectly reproduced in his people What is in our power? To bring this scene of misery to an end What does god kept with nations? An account with unerring accuracy When. Does gods ministry of wrath starts? When the figures reach a certain amount When will the nation's cup full? When the 1st day of the week enforced When. Will gods forbearance cease? When iniquity reached boundary When will wrath come? When heaven s record book mark the sum transgression where can men cannot go? When limit reached offers mercy withdrawn ministry judgment commences What time is coming? When in fraud and insolence reach point God not permit to pass What will people then learn? There is a limit go Gods forbearance What cannot be delayed after a limit? God s judgments What will happen when earth inhabitants have filled cup iniquity? Gods wrath long slumbered will awake Who will drink cup unmingled wrath ? The land of light

What is nearly filled? Cup of iniquity What is about to descend upon guilty? Retributive justice of God What has earth almost reached? Where God will permit destroyed to work his will How long did enoch walked with God? 300 yearsW hat would Jesus have ever kept before us? Shortness of time What shall we see in heaven ? The shortness waiting period probation. Lde ch 4 Gods last day church ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What is only one church doing? Standing in the breach, making up the edge, building up the old waste places What is sda superior to all? Facilities teach truth, vindicate law of God Who will be safe? Those who believe that God has spoken through sister white and given her message safe many delusions What has God made sda? Depositaries of gods law What has God made sda? His representatives and ambasadors What has been committed to sda ? Greatest wealth truth most fearful warnings What have sda been set for ? Watchmen lightbearers what has been entrusted to sda? The last warning to a perishing world What is of no greater importance ? Preaching of the 3 angels message Why was organisation. Indispensable ? For support ministry, work new fields, unworthy members, church property, publication truth To.which city does Ellen white conpare sda? Capernaum In which state is the sda church ? Laodicean gods presence is not in her What is thegc becoming ? Corrupted by wrong sentiments , principles What is the voice of battle creek ? No longer the voice of God What does the sda church need ? To be reproved, warned, counseled What is sda only object? On earth God bestows his supreme regard What will not triumph? Bulwarks of satan 3 angels message will triumph Why would sentence be put on sda!? Because blessings not qualified her do work By what the sda judged ? Blessings bestowed, opportunities given What sentence given sda ? Found wanting What were admonitions and warnings to sda? Battle creek, review herald burned What will happen unless sda repents and converted! Eat fruit her own doing and abhor herself What will heal sda church ? Resist evil, choses good, seeks God, humility reaches high calling stands platform eternal truth Why did ancient israel suffer? Unsanctified hearts, unsubmitted wills Why was israel finally rejected ? Unbelief, self confidence, impeniitence,blindness of mind , hardness of heart What is israel for sda! A danger signal lifted before us Who will become the church triumphant ? Members church militant who have proved to be faithful What was life of Jesus charged with ? Divine message love of God What did Jesus want ? Longed intensely Impart this love to others rich measure What beamed from Jesus contenance? Compassion What was Jesus conduct characterized by? Grace humility truth love Who needs same qualities ? Church triumphant Lde ch 5 devotional life remnant ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What kind of storm is coming? A storm that will try every men's heart Without what heart cannot be kept condition sweetness ? Daily application salt Word For what christians should be preparing ? What is soon to break world overwhelming surprise Preparing doing what ? Studying bible conforming precepts Who only will be shilded from delusions ? Those studied the bible What is to hand memory s hall? Precious words of christ How are they be valued? More than gold silver What will God flash?knowledge bible in memory time most needed What do few realize? Control thoughts immagination How should we be living ? In reference to the great day of God What will soon startle the living and dead? Trumpet archangel Lde ch 6 lifestyle and activities of the remnant What has God long waited for ? Spirit service take over church How should we watch work and pray ? Is if it was last day granted us What does God desire through the sabbath? Preserve among men knowledge of himself Who will not be held guiltless on sabbath ? Who neglects to releive suffering sabbath Who will not enter heaven ? Those defiled foul blot selfishness What only work soon be done ? Medical missionary How is health message to 3 rd angels message ? As closely connected as arm and hand to body What will happen when depression. Of church is greatest! Little company standing in light What will they do ? Cry abominations land and pray for church do as world What are we not to do? Confederate wordlings lest become imbued with their spirit What is.not objectionable? Musical instruments Who puts words in our lips ? Angels of God What can be known? Jesus christ is speaking through you

Lde 7 country living ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version How did God show his great love adam eve? Planting garden especially for them How was adam eve time spent? Dressing garden receiving visit angels instructions Who are kings queens ? Those possess land and home What will n futur be very serious problem ? Buying selling Lde ch 8 the cities Above whom. Cain stood? Head great class men wprship God of this world How did noah s descendents separated? Evil annoyed by teaching example God fearing went shinar Who is swept away? Youth by popular current What are cities filled with ? Confusion violence crime What will come on earth ? Terrible shocks lordly palaces heaps ruin What happens when Gods restraining hand removed? Destroyer begins work Where greatest calamity come? Cities What is coming as end approches? All cities turned upside down How will judgments be meted? According to people's wickedness and light they had What is coming before the great destruction? Flattering monuments crumbled What will be destroyed ? Why? Costly structured when owners passed boundary forgiveness What is the Word of the Lord? Prophecies of the old testament What will being the time of trouble ? Labor unions How will cities dealt with? Strictly Why does god not destroy a cities? Some souls can break away Where are soul winners greatest opportunities? Large cities Where do sda restaurants need to be? In cities What will sda enemies do? Anticipate decree assail them sword Who will protect them? Angels swords fall as straw How are others defended? By angels in form of men of war Lde ch 9 Sunday laws ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What did the papacy think? That it was not only equal to God but above God What is the child of papacy? Sunday change What does the bible call change of Sunday ? Her fornication What has Satan done with the sabbath ? An object of special attack What did Satan want world to think? Sabbath was changed , obliterate memory of it , place day no credential of God, make those keep Sunday put sanctity as sabbath Who will be united against gods people ? All powers that have apostasize allegiance law of God Why is sabbath great point of issue ? God identified as lawgiver Creator What lawmakers little realize? The result changing sabbath what should we do about sabbath issue ? Delay long possible threatened calamity When will protestantism act join hands papacy? When. Usa abjure principles government setting Sunday law What will protestants do? Throw their whole influence strength side papacy What will give life vigor corrupt faith of rome ? By national act enforcing false sabbath What will this revive? Her tyrany and oppression conscience Who will be embittered against sda? Men position trust What is destroying love of justice and regard for truth ? Political corruption What will usa legislators do? Secure public favour Yield popular demand for Sunday law What is Sunday laws by protestants? Enforcement worship papacy What is world filled with? Storm war variance Under who will world unite oppose sda? Papacy By who is this cemented? Great apostate What will Sunday laws bring? National apostsy principles republicanism usa founded What will be accepted by usa rulers? Religion of papacy Why will legislators yield to Sunday ? Popularity patronage In passing Sunday law what will usa do? Disconnect herself fully from righteousness What is Sunday law a sign of? Limit God s forbearance is reached What will God do when his law void, apostasy becomes national sin ? God will work behalf his people What have americans been? Favoured people What will happen when they restrict religious liberty, surrender protestantism , give countenance papacy ? Measure guilt full, national apostsy registered books heaven What will usa legislative councils do? Enact laws bind conscience men What will then happen ? Law God void national apostasy end national ruin What will they do time national apostasy? Acting policy Satan, rank with men of sin How will God judge this? The measure of their guilt will be full What will be taken under protection and care of the state ? Catholic principles Where will Sunday law go? Al parts of world , foreign nations follow usa example What is last act in drama ? Sunday for sabbath What will God then do? Reveal himself What will it then be time for ? God to work How will God reveal himself ? To shake terribly the earth Who will be stired enemty against sda? The whole world for not following papacy What will the christian world be ? Theatre great descisove actions Who will unite? Secular religious powers For what ? Enforce observance Sunday What's a good way spend Sunday after Sunday law? Medical missionary , hold meetings What does opposition, persecution to truth does? Make truth more beautiful and strong Lde ch 10 little time of trouble ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What did sda do start time trouble ? Filled with Holy Spirit Preached sabbath more fuly What does this start time trouble mean? A little time before What will happen then ? Just before plagues poured out , work salvation closing , trouble earth, nations angry held check What will come in usa ? Boasted land freedom come to an end What will sda fight? Fight battle for sabbath How will nations rise up? In their pride and power make laws restrict religious liberty Where do protestants and papist unite ? Strong arm civil power What will last day people know? What it means persecuted for truth What will be nothing to non sda? Gods law our law is everything What will prevail in courts ? Injustice , refuse to hear truth What pleading in courts? Not our right but God s right to our service Who will combine? For what? Wealth fenious education to cover sda with contempt How will sda be treated? As traitors Enemies of law and order, breaking down moral restrain society, causing anarchy , corruption, calling down God s judgments What will their conscientiousness be called? Obstinacy, stubbornness, contempt of authority For what sda will be accused? Disaffection toward government How will they try o erxome sda faith ?voice, pen, boasta, threats, ridicule , What more than rivalled ? When popery joins protestantism When will hoarded wealth become worthless ? Sunday law What will those loyal God see ? Every earthly support cut off What will Satan say? For dear of wanting food and clothing they ll join world How will sda be treated after Sunday law? prison, exiles, slaves What will happen when gods restraining power withdrawn? Men be under control Satan , strange developments How heart can be? Very cruel without God How many sda be after Sunday law ? Prison, martyrs , flee towns Aa enemty against sda rises what to do? Move to places not so bitterly opposed What does god not require of us? Remain where influence none effect, lives endangered What is our positive duty ? Go to places where people willing hear truth When will God interpose ? When defience law universal, sda persecuted, What will God do? Answer fervent prayers What does God love to have us do? Seek him with all heart and depend Him as deliverer What will be permitted for a time? Oppressors triumph What will soon be all over world ? Trouble How is God s love for his church ? Infinite, his care unceasing How will He purify his church ? As purified temple What are God s workmen? Afflictions, crosses , temptations , adversity For what ? Fit us heavenly garner

Lde ch 11 satan's last day deception ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version How is Satan working ? With intensity that is marvelous working with lying wonders What does Satan hide ? His deformity under christian garb Assumes atributes of a Christian claims to be Christian Who will profess faith in bible ? Spirits What will happen. ? Their work be accepted as manifestation divine power What is strongest bulwark of vice ? Not abandonment sinner or degraded outcast but the life appears virtuous What can they become ? Decoys of satan to entice souls precipice ruin What do unbelievers have right to expect? Will do more to promote God s honour consistent life What do saints need? Throughout understanding present truth Who does god have in nominal churches ? Honest childrens When will they be called out? Before plagues fall What happens before God a judgments on earth? Revival primitive godliness not seen since apostolic times What will Satan do? Try hinder it How ? Counterfeit fallen churches What will Satan use? Every opportunity to seduce allegiance to God How will satan and his angels appear ? As men Who will also appear as men ? God's angels What will evil angels do? Talk those know truth Who will bring in strong spirit unbelief? Evil angels form men in sda ranks Who is beinging last scenes drama ? Power from.beneath To whom will satan appear? Binding themselves secret societies Who will satan deceive appearing as Jesus ? None but like pharaoh resist truth Will satan s miracles be real ? Yes Lde ch 12 the shaking Who will receive the plagues ? Sda who not have more consecration than nominal churches What will come in sda church ? Division two parties developed , wheat tares What must be separated? Chaff from wheat What will be repeated? Rebellion dathan abiram Who is among sda ? Wicked men who love not God or the truth Who will yield powers that be? Steps by step yielded wordly demands , conformed wordly customs Why will they yield ? Rather suffer derision, insult, prison,death Who will give heed seducing spirits doctrines devil's ? Larger class than we anticipated What will church have to do? Preach in terrible crisisW hat will Satan bring sda?fanatism , Cold formalism What will cause shaking? Straight testimony called forth by the True Witness to laodiceans How will shaking cone ? Some rise up against it What will some sda want ? Those give staighr Testimony silenced What will sda stand satan's banner give up? Faith Testimony of Jesus What is satan's last deception? make no effect Testimonies of Spirit of God How will satan work among sda? Unsettle confidence true Testimony What also Satan has done? Masterly efforts unsettle faith Testimonies Who will pattern after ancient israel? Men god has highly honored What will they do ? Human projects What will be frequent ? Apostasies men responsible positions What does shaking God does? Blow away multitudes like dry leaves Who will appear be base metal? Great proportion appear genuine What happens when church appears fall? Sinners sifted out Who will abandon positions ? Large class who professed 3 angels Who does god have ? Faithful servants hidden to view How are they like ? Stars hidden daytime Who makes decisions when persecution happens ? Witnesses Who have been shaken out? Careless and indifferent With whom God s Spirit is striving. ? Many What is time God s destructive judgments ? Time mercy those no opportunity know truth. Who will be admitted in ? Large numbers hear truth fort time Who joins foe? Company after company and tribes join Jesus Lde ch 13 the latter rain ellen g white last day events study guide bible study king james version What happens under the latter rain ? Under influence fertilizing showers tender shoot spring up When does latter rain falls? Close season, ripens grain , prepares for sickle What first given seed germinate? Dew and rain What does dew rain do after ? Ripen to harvest What does it symbolizes? How the Holy Spirit one stage to another carry spiritual growth What does ripening train represents? Completion work God s grace in soul What does power Holy Spirit does? Moral image God perfected character What are we to be? Wholly transformed into Jesus likeness What is latter rain ? Rippening earth s harvest What does latter rain represent ?spiritual grace prepares church second coming Unless later rain falls what happens ? No life, no green blade, no seed brought to perfection What did disciples do waiting Holy Spirit fall? Humbled hearts, confessed unbelief, putting away all differences. desire for supremacy When was the Holy Spirit poured out ? When they came perfect unity, not striving highest place Until when the holy Spirit presence abide with true church? Until the end What happened then ? Thousands were converted one day What did the holy Spirit do for them ? Speak foreign languages ,for them not accomplish lifetime What were the apostles hearts surcharges with ? Benevolence so full compelled them go ends earth What was result outpouring holy Spirit pentecost? Glad tidings carried uttermost parts earth What is promised near close earth s harvest? Bestowal spiritual grace prepare church coming Jesus When the revival primitive godliness? Before final visitation God s judgments Not seen since when ? Apostolic times What is another name for latter rain? Refreshing from the presence of the Lord What will latter rain come to give? Power loud voice third angel ,prepare saints stand time 7 last plagues What change does latter rain cause? Those with armor speak with great power What is the latter rain. Also? Refreshing from God s presence, loud cry of 3 rd angel What will latter rain work in us ? Meekness, humbleness, conscious dependence on God What happens if we do not progress. seek former, latter rain? Lose our souls Who s responsability will it be? Ours What are opportunities receive early , latter rain ? Camp meetings, home church, labour souls What can Satan not do ? Hinder showers blessing fall God s people What will measure holy Spirit proportionate to? Desire faith exercised for it What does the Lord wants us to do? Trouble Hhim with our petitions, latter rain What is most urgent need? Revival primitive godliness what is our 1st work? To seek revival primitive godliness What is revival? Renewal spiritual life, resurrection spiritual death What is reformation ? Reorganisation ideas theories ,habits, practices When will showers holy Spirit come? When abiding Christ soul, selfishness dead, no rivalry, strife supremacy oneness exist, love seen and felt When can God not bless church? Work others discounted seek supremacy What we need stand second coming ? Envy, strife supremacy What must we to do? Utterly destroy roots of these unholy things What must Christians do? Put away dissension What is christianity ? The revealing tenderest affection one for another What is Christ to receive ? Supreme love from us How will every soul be saved? Through love What is true conversion? Change from selfishness to sanctified affection for God and others What atributes God cherishes most? Love, purity What is strongest argument for gospel? Loving, lovable christian Who can never enter heaven? Half hearted, sinful christians Who only received latter rain ? Those overcome every besetment, pride, selfishness, love world, victory every wrong word and action What is for us to do? Remedy defects in our characters When will latter rain. Fall? Indolence slothfulness wiped away Who will. Unite with third angel? Re 18 angel What is this ? Latter rain. How will sda be found wanting? Of remove not wrongs , correct their errors What time will never come ? When whole church revived Who will receive greater light ? Those live light they have What can we not recognize? Outpouring holy Spirit Lde ch 14 the loud cry What does God have? Jewels and representatives in every church How are they not rejected by God ? Rejecting light unfavourable circumstances What is among catholics? Many are consciencious Where are greater part of sda? Sunday p rotestant churches When do Babylon sins reach unto heaven ? When. Gods law made void When does 3 angels work finish? End earth s history What is last message given world? Re 18 and 3 rd angel What is 3 angels? Righteousness by faith What is most precious message ? Righteousness by faith What is last message mercy given? Revelation of His character of love What revives strengthens sda pass time trouble? Latter rain. What happens as end draws near? Testimonies God s servants more decided and powerful How will God work? Out usual order things , contrary human planning What will be seen? God taking reins own hands What will workers do? Surprised simple means God uses perfect his work What will soon happen to sda? Awakening surprise many Who will God use? Common people Who are last men trained by? Unction of His Spirit rather training scientific institutions What will God show in sending simple people to work? He is not dependent on learned self important people

By whom will earth lightened with glory ? By those who accept every day of light What will even u learned be able to do? Withstand doubts , questions infidelity can produce , put blush sophistries scorners Where will loud cry each ? Every city and town Why do we need study the Bible ? Not to be confused when called testify in court How will nominal sda seen loud cry? Something dangerous, arouse dears, brace themselves against it How will 3rd angel received? Not comprehended called false light What will many do? Not believe the 3 angels , disregarded by vast majority What will popular ministry do? Filled with anger authority questioned say message from sstan , stir multitudes persecute those give message What do many sounds come out rank world? Zeal far excess sda What will multitudes do? Receive truth join armies of the Lord Who will come light truth? Every honest soul From where most trace back convictions ? Publications Who largely makes work of 4th angel ? Publishing houses Lde ch 15 seal God and mark of the beast

Who seen as enemies of christ? Those don't take side on seal of God issue

Who will be more at variance? Children light and darkness

Who can enter heaven first? Those who lived up light they had

How will.we be judged? According to the light we had

What judgment descisions depend on ? Our benevolence

How does Jesus see every act

How benevolence ? As done to Jesus Himself

How will eternal destiny be determined ? Dome for poor suffering

Who worship God ignorantly? Some heathen

Where did they hear God s voice ? Nature

What is evidence holy Spirit touched their hearts? Their works

Who surprised? Jesus followers at approval of pagans in Heaven

Some people with good works are refused why? Motives defiled selfishness not acceptable What gives character acceptance to our acts? Motives

What will come when sda are sealed? The shaking

What is the sealing? Settling into truthIntelectually, spiritually

What has already begun? The shaking

Upon whom seal placed? Those keep sabbath consciously ,and reassemble Jesus

What is true sign loyalty to god? The sabbath

Who will be protected time trouble ? Those who ressemble Jesus fully

Upon whom seal will not be placed? World loving, deceiitful, false tongues

Who receives the seal ? Those overcome world, flesh, devil

Until when sabbath test cannot come ? Mediation Jesus holy place finished

What e white said time end probation ? It's time work as night come no one can work

When will.omahe beast be formed ? Before probation closes

Who makes image of beast ? 2 horned power , image to and of the beast

To who 2 horned power makes image to? Papacy

What does image to beast represents? Form apostate protestantism when seek civil power When will we receive seal of God ? Before tine trouble

What happens then ? 4 angels cease hold winds

What happens then? Famine , pestilences , wars ,sword , world in confusion

What happens when 4 winds released? Powers earth gather forces last great battle

How will close probation come? sudendly unexpextedly, short time before Jesus appears in clouds

What will people of earth know not? Irrevocable decision sanctuary pronounced

What will continue ? Forms religion spirit of God withdrawn sstanic zeal

What undermined faith in the bible ? Skepticism called science

what happens when men are at ease ? Jesus returns How will world be

when sudden destruction comes ? Philosophy banishes fear of God, ministers pointing lot ages of peace world absorbed round pleasure and business

Lde ch 17 the 7 last agues and the wicked

By whom world soon to be left? Angel of mercy then 7 plagues fall

What is soon to fall? The bolts of God s wrath

What happens when God starts to punish ? There no respite until the end

Who will.unite with satanic agencies ? All those have not spirit truth

What comes after 4 angels loose winds ? Battle armageddon

Why aren't 4 angels loosing winds? warned of coming doom

What is gathering ? A storm gathering ready burst

What happens when angels loose winds? Scene strife no pen can picture

What was destruction jerusalem ? Faint shadow destruction doomed world rejected his mercy, trampled commandments

What happens after angels let lose winds? Satan plunges world one great final trouble

What will the. happen? All elements strife let loose

What kind ruin will happen? More terrible that destruction jerusalem

What is God s glory? Be merciful, full forbearance, kindness, goodness , truth

What is also the glory of god? His justice in punishing the sinner

How will God spoil the whole land ? Fire flood plagues earthquakes

How does Jesus stand? As hearing every preyer, confession, represented rainbow around his head

What does rainbow signify? Grace and love

What will take place of grace and mercy? Justice

What right will Jesus then assume ? Supreme judge

How does the bible represents God? Being of mercy, benevolence ,also God strict , impartial justice

What are 2 titles of God ? Moral governor and Father

What can God do that men cannot do ? Infinite justice

What does god do to bring people back ? Warn corrects reprove points only path safety

Who can God use to punish those follow their own way? His enemies as instruments

How do people treat the holy Spirit ? Insulted refused Abused

What is the holy Spirit doing ? Being withdrawn from earth

What happens in consequence? Satan's cruel work on land and sea

Why is the holy Spirit at last withdrawn? Wicked passed boundary probation no protection from Satan

How many assyrians died under 1 angel? 185 000

What can evil angels do ? Same destructive power as when God commands holy angels to destroy

What is poured out when Jesus finishes intercession? Unmingled wrath against beast worshipers

What happened when plagues were falling? Some begged to be taught how to escape

What did saints have ? Nothing for them last warning had been given

What did plagues do? Enrage wicked against righteous rid us plagues stop

What are 7 last plagues? Most awful scourges known to mortals

When and what happens when god delivers his people ? Midnight signs wonders follow quick succession

Who first feels stroke God s wrath? God s church

What did sda ancient men do? Betray their trust

What is the Angel of mercy doing ? Folding wings leaving earth to satan

How are warth principalities and powers? Bitter revolt against God , filled hatred against those who serve Him

How are battles good vs evil angels ? As real as real armies

What is outcome ? Eternal destiny

How will satan's enmity manifest? More and more against good

What will all inhabitants earth soon do? Have taken side for or against government of heaven What will happen when re 18 angel is manifest? Good and evil will awake slumber , armies living God take field

Lde ch 13 seven last plagues and righteous

What will happen when Jesus ceases meditiorial work ? Case of all will have been decided

What happens when 3 angel closed ? Mercy no longer pleads for all

How is the coming crisis? Most vivid imagination cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal What happens when jeuss leaves the most holy? Rulers left control evil angels pass laws under direction of satan unless time short no one saved

What is satan's principal concern? Silence sabbath keepers

What will Satan do when. Angel mercy folds wings? Deeds long wished to do

What happens in time of trouble ? Every case is decided

What is then upon God s people ? Seal of God

Where will God s people be time trouble? All over the earth , tried singly not in groups

How will we need stand the test? By oneself As if there was none other

What will happen those store food? Taken away violent hands

How wlli his feed us? As Elijah and send manna

How many will work time trouble ? None suffering mental

What is promised remnant time trouble ? Bread and water

How will saints be preserved time trouble ? Ministration angels

How will saints stand time trouble ? Unmoved angels excell strength protect them

Who will know who are the 144000? Those who are

What happens when protection human laws withdrawn? Silmutaneous movement for their destruction.

What happens when jesus returns ? Clouds clash against each other , atmosphere rolled back , open space orion opens hear God s voice

What is heard before Jesus returns ? The voice of God heard repeteadly immediately preceding

What do the wicked think god's voice giving day and hour is ? Thunder earthquake

What happens just after day and hour is given? Jesus returns

What happens when jesus returns? Terrible awakening those lost all conflict life

They lament but? Do not repent

What does Jesus note ? Every difficulty and danger

What is 1st impression of Christians when jesus returns ? Terror stricken at his majesty

What does he feels? That he cannot live in his holy presence

How will wicked fall? Mad strife own fierce passions , awful outpouring God s wrath

What is glory of Jesus s contenance? Life righteous, consuming fire to wicked

Who cannot endure return of Jesus ? Those willed hatred

What was granted them? Years probation form characters for heaven

What will be glorious ? To see Him and be welcomed as his redeemed ones

What will we be to meet Jesus ? Happiest of beings

What will be to be home at last ? Where wicked cease their troublings and weary find rest How is the glory of Jesus ? Exceeding lovely , countenance brighter than the sun,

How can heaven be described ? Human language inadequate describe

What would happen if we had one view of heaven ? Never wish dwell Earth again

What happens to babies who have no mother saved? Angels conduct them to tree of life What is insignificant compared to heavens reward? Human praise in comparison to infinite rewards

Who will not be in heaven? Those who are rough and unkind

What all seek in heaven ? Interest and happiness of others

Who also will not be in heaven ? Those who are selfish

What will people in heaven never do ? Wrong to each other

In what do people in heaven will rival ? Rival in good

Who is the greatest in heaven ? The most humble

What do people in heaven will never know ? Sorrow griefs tears

Why will angels, redeemed saints, people other worlds shout ? Because no more anoyed by satan

What will there be between Jesus and redeemed saints? Close communion

What is heaven s greatest joy ? Look upon fade of God, see him as father

Who will be first to greet resurrection morning ? The angel

Why was Satan s existence cut short ? universe convinced God s justice

What will Jesus explain to us ? The dark providences to perfect christian character

Who ordered earth s experiences ? Infinite love

Why will we rejoice with unspeakable joy? Realise tender care of Jesus

What is to angels subject continual amazment? Humiliation if Jesus , wonderful love of the father giving his son ,

What will be studied through eternal ages? Humiliation of Jesus , love of the Father giving his son

What will continually unfold? New truths

Why will our minds constantly expand and joy continually increase ? As we learn more of the wisdom , love, power of God

What will years of eternity bring ? Richer and more glorious revelations of God

What is progressive ? Knowledge ,love , reference, happiness

What happens the more we learn of God ? The greater our admiration for his character be What will happen when Jesus opens before all riches of redemption and amazing achievements in great controversy ? Hearts ransomed thrill more fervent devotion

There in an infinity beyond what ? Howewer far we may advance in knowledge God s wisdom , power

What is a tiny drill compared to the boundless ocean of God s love ? All paternal love came through human hearts

How is God love? Boundless ,exhaustless

To what there is an infinity beyond ? All our search to understand God s love

What does eternity itself cannot reveal? God s love

What happens when great controversy is ended? Sin and sinners see no more, universe clean, one pulse harmony gladness all creation ,

What does flow from God ? Life, light, gladness

Who declares that God is love ? From minutest atom to greater star all things animate and inanimate


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