can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Yes as many people claim to be prophets, yet when Jesus sayd his end time church has the spirit of prophecy then we know that it is very important . I believe Ellen g White was sent to prepare the end of the world and the return of Jesus .
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Yes in fact there are so many chapters that takj about this advent movement or the sanctuary message or the judgment hour message .
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Revelation 12 17
Yes The bible says RE 12 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
We learn above that the Dragon is Satan He makes war against the true church . The whole chapter of revelation 12 is the story of the true church. From the Jewish mation giving birth to Jesus . To the churhc being born from the Old Testament church . To this true church hiding in the wilderness for 1260 years . To the true end time church called the remnant church .
This remnant church has specifics. But first of all how can we prove the woman is the church?
JE 6 2 I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
2 CO 11 2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
The church is compared to a woman in prophecy . A pure woman the woman of revelation 12 is the true church . The harlot of revelation 17 and 18 is babylon . The apostate church which mixes christianity with pagan and evil worship . Here we can can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible . Because the prophecy give sus a time frame 1260 years .
I will not go in detail about the 1260 days but it is the time frame of the antichrist rule or the papacy . Many reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wyfliffe said that the little horn power of daniel 7 ot the other names for this power is the antichrist, babylon or the man of sin refers to the papacy of the catholic church . We are not denouncing the people who are very living and kind . But the bible exposes a system hidden fromview from many cahtolics.
We established that the woman is the church . We established that a power will arise and rule 1260 years that will persecute christians, change the sabbath, take away pagan european kingdons, have men at hits head that speaks blasphemies . That claims to forgive sins and claims to be God . Only one power fits this it is the papacy that ruled from 538 when Justinian gave to the pope absolute power . To 1798 when Berthier came to Rome and took the pope captive . This was the end ot fhe 1260 years rule of the papacy. Why are we going here ? Because
Here how can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible . Because Jesus says in RE 12 17 the true church that has a true prophet comes at the end of the 1260 years . So it means that this true church that
RE 12 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Comes after the 1260 years and they have charetiristics such as
They keep the comandments of God including the sabbath
They have the Testimony of Jeuss What is the Testimony of Jesus ?
It is the Spirit of prophecy we read that in
RE 19 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Now to find out who this true end time church is we need to find out Which church came out after the 1260 years of papal power that kept the sabbath and had a prophet? Can tha catholic, the baptist, the methodist church fulfill this prphecy. No Can any other church fulfil this prphecy ? No You can do the research my friend . You will find the only power that accomplishes this prophecy is the seventh day adventist church . And the prophet is Ellen g White .
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible Yes . It does not mean to say that The seventh day adventist church only has good people in it . As many of them are lukewarm but as the bible says a remant will be saved . On the other hand one who is in the fallen churches needs to study the topic and once convicte dthat it is true needs to come out . Not to join a church but to join the last message given on earth callled the 3 angels message .
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? The sanctuary message
The sanctuary message was given by William Miller in 1844 and the years before that. This is very important to prove Ellen White as the true proohet from the bible . And the question we have is . When was the first angels message given ? Why is this important. ? Because the fal of babylon arrives right after the first angels is given .
RE 14 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
This message could only be given after the 1260 years of papal persecution . Let us look at history and find out who in history after 1798 gave a message about the sanctuary and the cleansing of the sanctuary and the judgment to be started ? The only time we find anywhere in the world a message given worldwide and widespread about the sanctuary and the judgment is the 1844 Millerite movement .
We know that this sanctuary message is given around the end of the world and after the 1260 years of papal persecution because it says after it is given Jesus returns .
RE 14 14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
This is another way , can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible. Yes we found out that the true end time church will keep the sabbath and have a true porphet. We found out that a very important message to be given to all nations was given after the 1260 years of paple persecution that ended in 1798 . We found out that only one group of people gave this message . It was the Millerite movement from the which Elle White came out from . This is very solid bible evidence. can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Yes the bible proves that the end time prophet is Elen White .
Can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Millerite movement
William Miller himself never accepted the sabbath . But because of his works sake an angel marks his grave and in the resurection William Miller will go to heaven . This is where Ellen White got her first visions . She was not the first one to be called . Another refused the call and Ellne White acceted the misison of God to give the end time message a certain note .
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible. Yes this is a very important time as after 1798 when the papacy ended its 1260 years persecution God sent his last day movement . As RE 12 17 says that the remnant come after this persecution and have the Spirit of prophecy and keep the commandments of God. This can be fulfilled by no other bible group .
RE 12 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
This verse proves also that the 1260 years persecution had to end before the end time true movement would come out . The remant come in the last verse of revelation 12 and after the 1260 years after 1798 . The Millerite started this movement that was made up of church members from every church . Then after Ellen White started to have bisions . The message became more definite and God gave Ellen White 3000 visions . All of whch became true . All of Ellen White s prophecy became true .
It is true that ther are something like 2 of Elllen White prophecies that seems not to have become true . One of the worms prophecy . Taking her writing in context we find out that she said We might have to remain in this world many more yeard because of insubordination . We find out that prophecies can be condidional to the spiritual state of the people . In Niniveth the city was not destroyed because the people repented.
This prophecu did not come to pass because the Advntist people became mukewarm and rejected the righteousness by faith message or the loud cry message of re 18 . Gods blessing was conditional .
Can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Little book
The little book in the hand of the angel of the book of Daniel . Which time in history did the church expect Jesus do to something and this event did not come to pass. One is when the churhc thought that Jesus would reign over Israel. They were really disapointed when Jesus died on the cross. It was a great disapointment . The same way in 1844 Jesus did not return. The book that was sweet to the mouth became bitter.
RE 10 9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
This disapointment was prophecied. Then end of chapter it says that they would need to prophecy again and not let that hand of Jesus that covered a mistake make them give up their faithb .
RE 10 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
When William Miller preached that the cleansing of the sanctuary was the return of Jesus on earth They did not know that the sanctuary was not earth but there was a sanctuary in heaven . The calculations were right and precise, but the event was wrong . This sweet book became bitter. Yet God told them to prophety to many people and nations .
The day after October 22 1844 when Jesus did not return to the earth . God gave a dream to Hiram Edson a vision while he was walking in a field . God then explained t him that the cleansing of the sanctuary was not the earth, but that there was a sanctuary in heaven. God was testing his people to see if those who went through the disapointment would remain faithful and study for more light . can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Yes the bitter book is anothe rproof that the end time prophet that came from the bitter book experience is Ellen White . No other can fulfill this prophecy .
Can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Your daughters
Peter preaching in the book of acts says that in the end times your daghters shal prophecy . Not only that byt Peter gives us a time frame . It says that some signs will appear and then our daughters shall prophecy .
AC 2 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
can you prove ellen g white writings from the bible? Yes This prophecy must have an application which daughters did have dreams. Even is this applies to local woman havig visions and dreams . It has a more broad application for the whole world . Some aughter and woman would have dreams and visions that will prepare the world for the end of the world . Who fulfills this prophecy ? We know that Peter here is talking about the end of the world . He says in the last days.
Gabriel in Daniel 12 tells us that the time of the end is after 1798 . Thus this daughter receiving dreams and visions can only be Ellen White. We correlate this also with revelation 12 where Jesus says my church keeps the commandments and the sabbath and has a true prophet. We correlate this with the 3 angels message as one group of people gave the sanctuary and judgment hour message .
We also link to this that a group of people would be disapointed and have a bbitter experience that would lead them to preach to all nations . The bible also says that my end time church would preach the 3 angels message right before the return of Jesus . All this signs and bible verses proves without a shadow of a doubt that Ellen G White is the end time prophet to prepare the world for the end . Read amazing prophecy books