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Matthiew Luke Mark John Holy Bible quiz

Bible gospel concentrate gospel books question and answer article king james version Matthiew 1 About who's time jews carried Babylon ? Jechonias How many generations ? 14 abraham david Babylon Jesus How many chapters mt mk lk jn? 28, 16, 24, 21 How many chapters paul letters? Ac 28, Ro 16, 1 co 16, 2 co 13, , ga 6, eph 6 , ph 4 , co 4 , 1 th 5, 2 th 3, 1 ti 6, 2 ti 4, ti 3, phi 1, he 13 After paul how many chapters ? Ja 5,, 1 2 Peter: 5,3, 1 2 3 jn: 5,1,1,.ju 1, Re 22 Mt 2 What did wise men offer Jesus ? Gold frankincense myrrh What age did herod kill? 2 years under Which prophecy herod killing? Je 31 15 Who reigned after herod? Archelaus his son Mt 3 What 4 things john baptist say Jesus wound do ? Fan hand, purge floor , gather wheat garner , burn chaff Where did jesus cone to be baptised ? Galilee to jordan Mt 4 Where did Satan take Jesus ? Pinnacle temple, exceeding high mountain Where did jesus go after temptation ? Leave nazareth to capernaum coasts zabulon and Naphtalim Where was this prohecied ? Is 9:1,2 How did jesus start to preach ? Repent Which 2 appostles Jesus see first ? Peter andrew What were they doing? Fishing Which apostles Jesus see next? James John Where did jesus fame go? Syria Who did jesus heal? Disease torment possessed lunatick palsy From whence did people follow Jesus ? Galilee decapolis jerusalem judaea jordan Mt 5 gospel books question and answer article king james version What sermon is in mt 5? On the mount How does sermon mount start ? Blessed poor spirit Which blessings sermont mount ? Poor , mourn, meek, hunger, merciful, pure , peacemakers, persecuted Mt 6 When does God not reward us? When do alms to be seen How should alms be done? Not to be seen When. does God know our needs? Before we ask them Will God forgive us if we don't forgive ? No What should we do when we fast? Anoint head and wash face, no sad countenance How will God reward us when we fast secretly ? Openly Where should we lay treasures? Heaven no moth, rust or robbers Where is our treasure? Where our heart is What is light of body? Eye What happens when eye is single? Body full light What happens when we love 2 masters? Hate one love the other How much thought our lives? No thought eat drink clothes What do fowls air don't do? Sow, reap, gather into barns Can we by thinking add cubit to height? No What do lilies don't do? Toil and spin Who was not arrayed like lilies? Solomon What will God do if grass so clothed? Clothe us What should we not do? Take thought worry Why? Because God knows we need these things What should we first seek? Kingdom of God and his righteousness Why should we not worry for tomorow also ? Sufficient unto the day is the evil

Mt 7 gospel books question and answer article king james version Why should.we not judge? As we judge we shall be judged What should we see before seeing mote brother s eye? Our beam What should we not give and why? Pearls to dogs, less they trample them underfoot and rend you What do human not give when asked ? Stone for bread , serpent for fish How does jesus compare his to human love? If humans being evil give good things, how much more God give good things who is good What should we do to others? All the things we want them to do for us What is this called ? The law and prophets Where should we enter why? Straight gate, wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction How many find the way to life ? Few How do false prophets come ? Sheep clothing What are they inside? ravening wolves What is ravening ? Raven to take a spoil , ravage, rapina latin How do we know people ? By their fruits What do we not gather ? Grapes of thorns and figs of thisles How do we know a good tree ? By its fruits Can an evil tree bring good fruits?! No What happens to trees that dont bring fruits ? Hewed down cast fire Do only those who have the name Jesus enter heaven ? No those who do the will What will nominal christians claim at the judgment ? Prophesied, cast out, many wonderful works How much does jesus know those have his name only ? He never knew them What does wise man build house rock does? He hears the sayings of mine and does them What came make his house fall? Rain,flood,winds blew Why did his house did not fall? Founded on rock Who is the man who hears Jesus sayings and does not do them? Foolish man Where did he build house? Sand How was his fall? Great Mt ch 8 gospel books question and answer article king james version Where was Jesus coming from when leper talked to him ? The mountain How did he greet Jesus ? Worshiping Him What did he say? If thou wilt thou canst make me clean Where did centurion beseech Jesus ? Capernaum Who was sick of what ? Servant palsy What is palsy? Paralysis with trembling What did Jesus say? I will come Who will sit down with abraham kingdom ? Many from east and west What will happen children kingdom? Cast outer darkness where weeping , gnashing teeth How was it done to centurion ? As he believed How was peter s wife? Lay sick fever What did jesus touch ? Hand , rose ministered to them What happened when even was cone ? Brought to jesus many with devils Which saying was prophecies? Isaiah 53:4 himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses What did jesus say when saw great multitudes ? Depart other side Who talked to jesus then ? A scribe saying I will follow you wherever you go What did jesus answer ? Foxes have holes, birds of air nests ,son of man nowhere lay his head What another disciples tell Jesus ? Let me bury my father What did jesus answer ? Follow me let dead bury their dead How was the ship with tempest? Covered with waves Where did jesus meet 2 devil possessed? Gergesenes What city did when herd swine died? Besought him depart coasts Mt ch 9 gospel books question and answer article king james version Where did jesus go when He entered ship? His own city Who did they bring Jesus ? Man sick palsy Why did jesus told him your sins are forgiven? To prove that only God can heal he forgave Who sat with Jesus at table? Many sinners and publicans What Jesus answered when asked disciples fast not? Piece new cloth new wine old wineskins Who came speak to jesus right after? Certain ruler daughter dead Who hindered Jesus on the way ? Woman issue blood 12 years After Jesus resurrected daughter who met him? Two blind men What did jesus ask them? Do you believe that I am able to do this What did jesus answer? According to your faith be it unto you Who came after that ? Dumb possessed with devil Why did jesus have compassion multitudes? Fainted as sheep having no shepherd Mt ch 10 What power Jesus give his disciples? Cast out spirits, heal all sickness What are names apostles ? Peter andrew james john philip bartholomew thomas matthiew james labbaeus simon judas What is labbaeus surname? Thaddaeus Where were they not to go? Way of Gentiles or samaritan cites Where were they supposed to go? Lost sheep israel What were they to do and say? The kingdom of God is at hand, heal sick,, cleanse lepers, raise dead, cast out devil's One reason ? Freely you have received freely give What were they not to take in purse? Silver gold brass , scrip, 2 coats, shoes , staves What is a script? Bag Why? The worknen is worthy of his meat When entering town what to enquire ? Who is worthy and stay until you leave When coming to a house what to do? Salute it If house worthy what to do? Peace upon it or else let it return to you If not received? Shake dust of feet what should we do ? Beware of men deliver us to councils ,scourge you in synagogues Why will christians brought before governors? Testimony against them and gentiles How should we prepare speeches? No though what to say Who will speak though us? Spirit of our father How shall people treat us? Hated by all for Jesus sake Who will remain ? Those endure till the end When persecuted one city what to do? Flee another Why will they persecute us? If they have called master belzebub how much more his followers How should we treat them ? Fear them not Are there hidden things never to be known? Nothing covered not revealed , and hid not known Where should we preach Jesus words ? Hear in darkness preach in light, hear in ear preach upon housetops Who should we never fear? Human beings those that kill body How much are 2 sparrows sold for ? 1 Farthing How many fall on ground without God noticing ? Not one What is our value ? More than many sparrows Who will jesus confess or deny before his Father ? Those confess Jesus before me. And deny bthose deny Jesus What did jesus come to bring? Not peace but a sword Who is not worthy of Jesus ? He that loves father mother more than Jesus , he that takes not up his cross and follows not Jesus Who finds life? He that loose it What those lose life find ? Life Those who receive us receive who? Jesus and his Father What reward people have when receive us? Prophet righteous men reward , little one drink not lose hi reward

Mt ch 11 gospel books question and answer article king james version What did jesus do after commanding his disciples ? To teach and preach in their cities How many disciples John sent after heard all of Jesus works? 2 What Jesus answered john ? Blind sight , lame walk , lepers cleansed, dead raised, poor evangelised Who is blessed ? He that is not offended in Jesus What did jesus say they went see wilderness? Reed shaken wind, man soft garment Whom is elias had to come ? John the baptist Which cities did jesus rebuke? Chorazin, Bethsaida , capernaum Which cities would have repented seeing great works ? Tyre sidon Which city will judged more tolerable than capernaum? Sodom Mt ch 12 What do priest do on sabbath ? Profane sabbath and are blameless What were pharisees doing in condemning Jesus eating corn? Condemning guiltless What did jesus do right after this? Heal man withered hand Where was this ? In their synagogue What did jesus ask? Is it lawful to heal on sabbath How did jesus prove it is lawful to heal on sabbath? Sheep fall taken out What did pharisees do after this healing ? held council against Jesus What did jesus do knowing this ? Withdrew Himself Who was with him ? Great multitudes, he healed them all Which verse fulfilled when jesus asked them not make him known ? Is 52:13 What would Jesus not quench ? Bruised reed not break, smoking flax not quench What did pharisees Jesus was influenced by ? Satan What Jesus answer ? Satan cannot cast out Satan What did jesus casting out devil's prove ? The kingdom of God came into you What can evil hearts not do? Speak good things Why? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks For what shall we give account ? Every idle word By what shall we be justified or condemned ? Our words Where was jonah? Heart of the earth Who would rise judgment and condemn Jesus s generation ? Niniveh men , queen sheeba What does evil.spirit do when he returns ? Finds house empty, sweped, garnished Takes 7 spirits more wicked To whom that would happen ? Jesus generation. Mt ch 13 gospel books question and answer article king james version What happened seed wayside? Fowls ate them What happened seeds stony places ? Not much earth sprung up What happened when. Sun came up ? Scorched no root withered away What happened seed thorns? Chocked Why did jesus speak parables? To make known to some the mysteries of the kingdom and to some not To him that hath what is given? More To him that hath not ? Taken away that he hath Why also Jesus spake parables? Hearing hear not seeing see not Which verse fulfilled by this ? Isaiah 6:9 What have people become ? Heart gross, hears dull, eyes closed Who is wayside hearer? Hears, understands not wicked one takes away seed Who is stony places hearer ? Hears with joy tribulation comes offended Who is thorns hearer ? Cares world deceitfulness riches choke word After wheat tares grow what happens? First tares bind burn them, them wheat garner The kingdom like leaven how many measures ? 3 Who is good seed? Son of man What is field? The world What are seeds? Children of kingdom Who Are tares? children of wicked one What is harvest? End of world Who are reapers? Angels Who will angels gather ? All that offend and do iniquity How is scribe instructed kingdom heaven ? Men householder brings out things new and old Mt ch 14 Who.did herod thought Jesus was? John baptist What did jesus do heard john baptist was dead? Departed ship desert place what people did? Followed him on foot out of cities How many were fed ? 5000 What did jesus do after this miracle ? Told disciples go ship while he dismissed multitude What happened after multitude left? Jesus went mountain pray, was thee alone Why was disciples ship tossed? Wind was contrary When did jesus went walking into them? 4 rth watch of night Why did peter sink? He saw winds boisterous Boisterous meaning? Rough stiff What did jesus do? Immediately stretched forth his hand What was the rebuke? Why did you doubt What happened when entered ship? Wind ceassed What people ship do? Worship jesus Of a truth you are the son of God Where did they arrive? Gennesaret What people of the place do? Sent out all were diseased What did they ask Jesus ? Only touch hem garment What is hem? Edge What happened to those who touched? All were made perfectly whole Mt ch 15 gospel books question and answer article king james version What did pharisees tell Jesus? Why transgress tradition What Jesus answered!? Why you transgress God s commandment What rebuke Jesus has for them.? These people honour me with lips , hearts far from me 2 Where is this verse found ? Isaiah 29:13 What happens to every plant God has not planted? It shall be rooted up What did jesus say pharisees were ? Blind leaders of the blind What did Peter asks? explain to us this parable How did jesus answer? Are you also without inderstanding? Do you not yet understand Where do things proceeds out mouth cone from ? Heart What proceeds heart? Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, blasphemies What does defile a men? Thoughts comes from heart Where did jesus go after this? Tyre sidon Who metJesus there ? Woman Said daughter vexed devil How did jesus help her? Answered her not a word What disciples say? Send her away for she crieth after us What did she do after Jesus said, only sent lost sheep israel? She worshipped Him What did jesus told her ? Be it I to you as you will What was her daughter healed? Same hour Where did jesus go then? Galilee mountain sat there Who did multitudes brought into jesus ? Lame, blind, dumb, maimed, many others What did jesus do then ? Had compassion as three days no food How many loaves had they? 7 loaves 2 fishes How many baskets full left? 7 How many ate? 4000 Where did jesus go from there ? On ship coast Magdala Mt ch 16 What sign Jesus gave pharisees? They could discern weather but not sign of times , sign jonah Where did jesus say whom do people say that I Am? Cesarea philiippi Who did people say Jesus was? John baptist, elias, Jeremiah another prophet Who revealed peter Jesus was God ? Not flesh and blood but the Father Mt ch 17 gospel books question and answer article king james version How many days after Jesus said some shall not taste death to up mountain ? 6 days Who did jesus take ? Peter james john When could they relate vision? After Jesus risen Who talked disciples arrived capernaum? Why does master not pay tribute Mt ch 18 What questions is asked? Who is the greatest Who is greatest in kingdom? He humbles himself as little child One received that child who does he receive ? Jesus What happens if one offends one of this little child ? Better millstone neck than offend one of these little ones To whow woes come ? To him that offends What should we take heed to? Little ones What do their angels do? Always behold the face of the Father If brother refuse hear trespass then what? Let him be as a heathen and a publican How can something be done of our Father? When two agree on anything One owed lord talents how many? 10000 He found servant owned him how much ? 100 pence Lord was worth delivered to tormentors who shall do that ? Our heavenly Father if we forgive not from our hearts

Mt ch 19 Where did jesus go from there ? Coasts judaea beyond Jordan What did pharisees ask Jesus ? Lawful put away wife ? What did jesus answer? What God joined together let no men put assunder Of what is the kingdom of heaven ? Of such, of childrens What do we have when we forsake all and follow Jesus ? Sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes israel What do we have when we forsake houses brethren sister father mother wife children? Hundredfold and everlasting life How many that are exalted now will be last? Many Who shall be first in heaven ? The last Mt ch 20 How much did householder agree to hire labourers? One penny a day What time the householder went back seek labourers ? Third hour 6am How many parts day was divided ? 4 parts, the 3rd ,6th ,9th, evening What time was third hour? 6 am What time sixth hour ? Noon What is ninth hour ? 6 pm What is eleventh hour ? Evening Why did all day labourers were not robbed? Because they had agreed for a penny Why also the householder could give one penny to last? Is it not lawful for me to do as I will with my own What question did jesus ask ? Is your eye evil because I am good What did gentiles do to jesus delivered unto them ? Mock, scourge, crucify, which disciple s mother asked Jesus a thing ? Mother of zebedee s children How did she come? With her son's worshiping Jesus How did the ten disciples responded? They were moved with indignation What one needs to be he that wants to be great? your minister What needs to be he that wants to be first ? Your servant What happens when rebuked two blind men? Cried out the more How did Jesus respond? He had compassion on them, touched eyes, immediately received sight Mt ch 21 What did jesus ask disciples to do ? Find ass tied To fulfill which verse ? What happened when jesus entered jerusalem? All the city was moved saying who is this What did jesus next ? Overthrew tables temple Why were pharisees displeased? Jesus healed children gave glory to God Where did jesus go next ? Bethany What did jesus see in bethany? Dried fig tree If we have faith how many things we receive ? All things Who did jesus say enters heaven before pharisees ? Publicans harlots Why? Because parabole son said I don't go then went How did john baptist come ? Way of righteousness What rebuke for pharisees? Seeing publicans harlots accept john baptist and they refuse What did householder do? Plant vineyard , hedged it around , digged winepress, built tower When did he want fruit vineyard back ? Time of the fruit What will Lord of vineyard do husbandmen ? Destroy those wicked men vineyard other husbandmen What three saying Jesus gave ? 1 stone rejected,, kingdom taken jews given nation fruits, stone grinded powder Who was angry at those sayings ? Pharisees saw jesus talked about them What did they try to do? Lay hands on him but multitudes hindered Mt ch 22 What parable Jesus gave ? Mariage son Why did invited refuse ? Went their way one farm, one merchandise What did invited do? Kill servants invited them What did king do? Kill murderers burn their city Who were invited after that? Both bad and good What did pharisees try do next? Entangle jesus Saying what ? Lawful give tribute caesar Who asked jesus question after that ? Saducees Which ? Men left wife seven brothers How did jesus prove saducees resurrection true ? It is written I am the God of abraham Isaac God is God is the living Jesus asks pharisees question which ? What think ye of christ ? Who s son is he? What did they answer ? Son of david What did jesus say? How can christ be david s son if david call him God What did people do after that ? Afraid ask him questions What three questions asked mt 22? Tribute, whose wife, great commandment , david son Mt ch 23 Where do scribes and pharisees stand? I. Moses seat How should we copy them? Do what they bid, don't do what they do Why? Because they say and do not What do they put on people ? Heavy burdens grievous to be borne Why were pharisee work for? To be seen What did pharisees to be seen? Broad phylacteries, enlarge borders garments, love uppermost rooms feasts, chief seats synagogues , greetings markets, to be called rabbi rabbi Phylacteries, broad, room, seat, market, rabbi What is phylactery hebrew? Tefillin What does phylactery contain ? Box and leather straps What should we not be called ? Rabbi rabbi What should we never call men ? Father , master Why? Because pharisees became proud because of that Who is greatest ? Your servant What happens to him that exalts himself ? Shall be abased What happens to him humbles himself ? Shall be exlated Why did Jesus send woes pharisees? Shut up kingdom heaven, devour widows houses, for pretence long prayers, compass sea land one disciples , blind guides , pay to the mint, anise, cumin, forget weithoer matters law , strain gnat swallow camel , make clean outside, inside full extortion excess Which matter did pharisees forget? Judgment, mercy, faith What is a gnat? Tiny insect What happens after pharisees shut up kingdom heaven ? They neither go in or allow those want to enter in What did pharisees to widows houses ? Devour Why did pharisees pray long? For a pretense What is a pretense ? An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true What had they to receive ? Greater damnation Where did pharisees go make one poselyte? Compass sea and land What happened once make one proselyte? Make him twofold child of hell How did jesus call pharisees? Blind guides What did pharisees say about temple ? He that swears by gold is bigger than swearing by the temple How else Jesus called pharisees ? Fools and blind What is greater the gold or the temple? The temple Why ? Because the temples sanctified the gold which is only part of the temple What is greater the altar of the gift? The altar upon which the gift is What did the blind guides do? Strain gnat, swallow camel What should have pharisees done with the cup and platter ? Inside may be clean also what were pharisees like? White sepulchres appear beautiful What were they inside? Full dead men s bones and of all uncleanness What did pharisees appear outside ? Righteous How were they inside ? Filled with hypocrisy and iniquity What did pharisees do with tombs? Build prophets tombs, garnish sepulchres righteous What did pharisees think were not? Murderers of prophets as their fathers were By saying that what are they saying? They were the childrens of those killed prophets What were pharisees about to arrive ? Filling measure of their fathers What did pharisees do to prophets, wise men, scribes,? Kill, crucify, scourge ,persecute city to city What is righteous blood line? Abel to zacharias Mt 24 What to do when. See abomination of desolation ? Judea flee mountains, housetop not come down , field not return back clothes Where will false prophets stand? Desert, secret chambers What happens after period tribulation? Sun dark moon blood stars fall How do we know summer close? Branches fig tree tender leaves What will people do when. Jesus comes? In the field , grinding mill What does he thinks Lord delays coming do? Smite servants, eat drink drunkards When will the Lord cone for that servant? A day looks not for him , an hour not aware Mt ch 25 Why couldn t wise virgins give oil? Less not enough you and us When. Did Bridegroom came? While they went buy oil How does man give talents ? According several abilities What did he that had five talents ? Went traded with the same After how long talent giver comes back ? A long time How does talent gover reward gainers? Make you ruler over many things enter joy of your Lord Why one talent men thought hard Lord ? Reaping not sawed, gathering not strawed Straw meaning! Scatter Why are sheep left of Jesus ? Hungered, thirsty, stranger , naked, sick, prison Mt ch 26 gospel books question and answer article king james version When was Jesus going to be betrayed? Feast of passover Who assembled to take Jesus ? Chief priest, scribes, elders, Where ? Unto palace high priest caiaphas Where was Jesus in bethany? Simon s house leper What happened there ? Women poured ointment on Jesus When did disciples ask Jesus prepare passover? First day unleavened bread Where Jesus say keep passover? Go such a house say: my time is at hand i will keep passover at thy house When did jesus say one shall betray me? After they have eaten Where did they go after that ? Mount olives Where does it say all shall be offended ? Sa 13:7 Mt ch 27 Who asked Jesus are thou the king of the Jews ? The governor Who prevented governor to crucify Jesus ? His wife s dream Who did carry Jesus cross? Simon cyrene what did they gave Jesus to drink? Vinegar and gall Where was written gall would given ? Ps 69:31 When was darkness Jesus on cross? Six to nine hour When did jesus cry Eli Eli? 9 th hour What happened after Jesus died ? Veil torn, earth quake, rocks rent, graves opened Where resurrected people go? Holy city appeared unto many Which women were watching Jesus on cross ? Mary magdalene, mary mother james, zebedee s children s mother What did zebedee children's mother ask? Her son's sit left and right of Jesus What happened at even? Rich man Arimathaea joseph Who did God use to bury Jesus ? A rich man Who was he? A disciple of Jesus Who did he ask for Jesus body ? Pilate Where did he lay Jesus ? Own new tomb Why was there great earthquake? An angle rolled stone and sat upon it How was his apparence? Like lightning and white as snow What did keepers do? Shake became as dead men What did soldiers do? Take money to say disciples stole body How much power Jesus has? All power is given into me in heaven and in earth What is commanded us to do? Teach all things and baptize people

Mark ch 1 What did john baptist preach? Baptism repentance for the remission of sins From where people came confessing their sins? Judaea, jerusalem Why did Jesus not suffer devil's to speak? For they knew Him Mk ch 2 Which priest gave bread to david? Abiathar Mk ch 3 What happened when jesus rebuked for telling not cure on sabbath?pharisee and Herodians took counsel Where people came to hear jesus in galilee? Judaea, jerusalem, idumea, Sidon , beyond jordan, Tyre , sidon What did jesus have disciples power to do? Cast out devil's, heal all diseases What did jesus friends say after he healed so many? They went out to lay hold on him for they said He is beside himself Who is he that does the will of God ? Jesus brother , sister, mother Mk ch 4 What is the kingdom of God as? As a men cast seed into ground What are stages of corn? Blade, ear, full corn in ear Mt ch 5 How many swine ran Into sea? 2000 What was devil possessed supposed to do? Tell friends how great things and compassion God has on him Where did he go tell about Jesus ? Decapolis Who came fall at Jesus feet? Jairus ruler synagogue Mk ch 6 How did people receive Jesus teachings in his own country? What wisdom is this which is given unto Him? Who were jesus brothers ? James , Joses, Judas, Simon Why were people offended at Jesus ? Are not his brothers and sisters here with us? What could jesus do in his own country? No mighty works, save lay hands few sick folks How did jesus react to them ? Marvelled at their unbelief Why did Jesus had compassion on the people ? They were as sheep having no shepherd How was crowd organised before multiplied food? By hundreds and fifties Mk ch 7 What tradition pharisees had? Cups, pots, brazen vessels, tables What comes from out of the heart of men? Evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications , murder, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness Mk ch 8 How many people Jesus fed with 7 loaves? 4000 And the other multiplication miracle ? 5 loaves for 5000 Where did Jesus ask whom do men say that I Am. Caesarea phillipi When will Jesus be ashamed of those who are ashamed of Him? When He comes in glory Mk ch 9 gospel books question and answer article king james version If someone offends a little what is it better? It is better for him to hang millstone neck and thrown into the sea Which part body should we cut if the offend? Hand, foot,eye How will everyone be salted? With fire Have salt in yourselves and? Peace one with another Mk ch 10 Where did jesus go from. Here? Coasts Judea farther side jordan How should we receive the kingdom? Why? As a little child shall not enter What did Jesus do to childrens? Took in arms, put hands upon them and blessed them How did young rich men came to Jesus? Running, kneeled to Him Which commandments Jesus quoted to rich man? Adultery, kill, steal, false witness, defraud not, honour parents How did disciples respond to jesus rich man verses ? Astonished out of measure What did Jesus answer ? With God all things are possible What did Jesus prophesy chief priests, scribes will do to Him? Mock, scourge, spit, kills third day rise Whosoever will be great? Shall be your minister Will be the chiefest? Shall be servant of all Who sat out highway jericho? Blind Barthimeus Mk ch 11 What did Jesus after sitting on donkey? Curse fig tree in Bethany After that? Clemse temple After hearing what scribes sought to kill Jesus ? My house prayer for all.nations you made it den of thivea After that Jesus went out of city what did he see? Fig tree withered What did Jesus say? Have faith in God How can mountains be removed? When we say remove and doubt not but believe When do we receive prayers? When we believe we receive them What pharisees answer when Jesus said john baptism was from God or men? No answer If they said from heaven what would Jesus answered? Why didn t you believe If they said Feared people as they counted john as prophet Mk ch 12 What did vineyard man do? Planted vineyard, set an hedge, digged place winefat, built tower, let it out husbandmen Why did Jesus say to beware of scribes? long clothing, love salutations, love chief seats synagogues, uppermost rooms at feasts, devour widows houses, for pretense make long prayers How much did widow cast? A farthing smalest coin bronze When can master of the house come ? Even, midnight, cockxrowing, morning Mk ch 14 Where was Jesus when mary anointed his feet? Simon the leper How much ointment could have been sold? 300 pence 1 is 2$ How much romans made per day ? One pence Why disciples had talk men pitcher water? To prepare room passover How would it have been better for judas to be? Not born What verse prophecied disciples would be offended ? Ze 13:7 How did Jesus began to be in gethsemane? Sore amazed and very heavy What does amazed ekthambeo mean? Thrown in terror,. Terrorised, amazed, astounded What did priest sought against Jesus ? False witness, found none What happened feast passover and unleavened bread? Chief priest scribes Tried to take Jesus craft to put him to death Why didn t take Jesus ? Left there be uproar of people on feast day How did disciples and Jesus ate passover ? God touched heart someone prepared upper room How did some elders come to take Jesus! Swords and staves Mk ch 15 Where did they lead Jesus after they said crucify him? To preteorium What is praetorium? Tent in roman encampment Who bear Jesus cross ? Sinon cyrenian father Alexander and rufus Where is Cyrene ? Greek town in lydia What time Jesus was crucified until which time? 3 rd hour to 9th When was there darkness ? 6 to 9th hour How long did Jesus stay on the cross? 12 hours. From 3 rd 6am to 9th 6 pm Who was looking at cross from far? Mary magdalene, mary mother james, solome, many other women Who waited for sabbath to end take Jesus body? Joseph arimathea Mk ch 16 How was angel s apparence in tomb? Young man What signs follow those who believe ? Cast out devil's, speak new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things unhurt, lay hands sick recover Where did Jesus go when He finished saying these words ? He was received up into heaven How did God confirm the preaching of apostles ? With signs Ll ch 1 gospel books question and answer article king james version Herod was king of what? Judaea Who was priest after which course? Zacharias course of abia What is course of abia? 1 of the 24 divisions responsible temple Abia or? Abijah Zachariqs wife was son of? Elizabeth daughter Aaron They were righteous before who? Before God When was it? Time of incense Where did the angel stood? Right side altar incense Before who john baptist would be great ? Before God Since when john baptist filled with the Holy Spirit ? Even from mother s womb What was john baptist to do ? To turn hearts father's to children's,disobedient to wisdom.of just, make ready people for the Lord Who was the angel that appeared to john baptist ? Gabriel What did zacharias answer? How can this be I am old What did Gabriel answer ? You will be dumb not able to speak because you did not believe What did Elisabeth do when she conceived ? Hid herself 5 months Who was sent the 6 th month? Angel Gabriel to nazareth How did Gabriel saluted mary ? Highly favoured, Lord is with you, blessed among women Who was Jesus going to be said Gabriel? He shall be great, son of the Highest, throne david given Him, reign over Jacob s house forever ,kingdoms no end How long did mary stay with Elizabeth ? 3 .months What did Mary said God did! ? Regarded low estate, Almighty done great things, mercy on those fear Him, shewed strength arm, scattered proud imagination, put down mighty from seats, exalted low degree, filled hungry good things , rich sent empty away helped servant israel , What day they came circumcise Jesus ? Eight day Where was john baptist until he became public to Israel? In deserts Lk ch 2 Who said world should be taxed ? Caesar augustus Who was governor Syria then ? Cyrenius Where did joseph went to be taxed? Judea to bethlehem Why ? Becsuse he was of lineage of david How was mary? Great with child How was Jesus ? In swadling clothes What is swadling clothes ? Wrapped Who appeared to shepherds? The angel of the Lord Who joined him? Multitude of the heavenly host praising God Why did they present Jesus ? Moses law male child opens womb called holy What was sacrifice brought ? 2 young turtle doves or 2 young pigeons What was revelaled to Simeon? He would not see death till ses Christ Who also blessed Jesus ?Anna Prophetess daughter phanuel tribe aser 88 years old What age jesus went jerusalem ? Why? 12 Feast passover What Jesus parents answered when. Said must be Father's business ? Understood it not Lk ch 3 Fifteen year tiberius who was governor judea ? Pontius pilate Who was tetrarch galilee? Herod Who was tetrarch Itturea? His brother philip trachonitis Who.was tetrarch abilene? Lysanias Who were high priests? Anna and caiaphas Where did john baptist preach baptism repentance ? Jordan Where was this prophecied? Is 40:3 What was the message ? Valley filled, mountain brought low , crooked straight, rough made smooth All flesh see salvation God What had people to do ? 2 coats food give, What soldiers to do ? Violence no men, not accuse falsely , content wages What did people wonder ? If John was Jesus Lk ch 4 From where Jesus came to wilderness? Jordan led by the Spirit What was Jesus anointed to do ? Preach poor, heal brokenhearted, deliverance captives, recovery sight blind , set liberty bruised, preach acceptable year Lord Where was Elias widow? Sarepta city sidon Where did Jesus preach ? In synagogues of Galilee Lk ch 5 What were people doing? Pressing Jesus What did jesus do? Enter into one of the 2 boats To whom boat belonged ? Peter Where was this ? Gennesaret How d Jesus do after reaching ? To peter to go into the deep and let down net What happened ? So many fish net both boats broke Who were fishing partners with peter ? James and John What happened next? Brought boat land forsook all followed Jesus What happened one day Jesus was teaching? Pharisees, law doctors, came hear from every town What did Jesus do? Heal them Who did Jesus see next ? Levi What did levi do ? Made great feast his house Lk ch 6 What did Jesus do second sabbath ? Go corn fields What happened as Jesus was teaching in synagogue? Men withered hand pharisee watch if heal What happened as Jesus healed him? Pharisees filled with madness Where did Jesus go to pray ? A mountain What did He do as they went down? Multitudes healed Out of thorns we don't bring forth ? Figs Out of bramble bush? Grapes If we call Jesus Lord what should we do ? The things that He says Who is men built house on rock ? He that comes to Jesus, hears and does Why could floods shake not house on rock ? Dig deep, laid fondation rock Who is men built without fondation? He that hears and does not How was ruin if that house ? Great Lk ch 7 Who did Jesus meet? Centurion How was centurion commended? He was worthy, loved our nation, built synagogue What happened in nain? Dead man only son of mother What did Jesus tell her ! Weep not Which box did mary magdalene bring to Jesus ? Alabaster box What is alabaster ? Soft mineral Lk ch 8 gospel books question and answer article king james version What did Jesus do in every village? Preaching and shewing glad tidings of kingdom Who was with Jesus ? The 12 apostles How many demons Jesus cast out of mary ? 7 Which women followed Jesus ? Johanna wife of chuza herod s steward, Suzanna and many others How did they help Jesus ? With their substance Take heed to? How you hear What did Jesus say after peter said the multitude throng thee ? I perceive that virtue is gone out of me Sea galilee also called? Lake tiberias He low? Lowest sea on earth 209 meters , fresh water Lk ch 9 What did Jesus give disciples power over ? All devils and sickness Why didn t village samaritan receive Jesus ? Because He set his face as if He would go to jerusalem Where did they go after ? Another village Who is not for for the kingdom? Having put his hand on plow and loocking back Lk ch 10 How many disciples did jesus appointed? 70 Where did jesus send them why? Every city and town He would come What to do when a city receives us not? Go out of the streets of that city What should we say to that city ? Even the dust of your city we wipe out What came to that city through the messengers ? The kingdom of God How shall this city be treated? More tolerable than sodom Lk ch 11 What did disciples ask Jesus ? Teach them to pray As who? As John taught his disciples How many loaves friend asks? What time ? Midnight three loaves What is this story about ? Apathy Why will be give him three loaves? Because of his persistence What is importunity ? Persisting in his entreaties What is brought to desolation? Every kingdom divided against itself He that is. not with jesus not gather where is he ? Against him and scaters When did jesus say this evil generation seeks after a sign? When they were thick together What should we take heed of? That our light in us be not darkness For what pharisee invited jesus dinner marvelled? Has not washed hands What did jesus answer? Your inward part full of ravening and wickedness What did He that make within also make? That which is without What did pharisees when jesus rebuked them? They urged Jesus vehemently and provoked him to speak many things What is pharisee also do ? Laying in wait , seeking catch something out of his mouth to accuse Him Lk ch 12 What happened when. Jesus said beware leven pharisees? An innumerable multitude came , trod one upon another Why should we not take thought for our life? Because we cannot that thing which is least What should we t be ? Of doubtful mind Why? Because your father knows that you have need of those things How should we be? Like men waiting for their Lord Why? So that He may open to them immediately When are servants blessed? If He comes second or third watch When is the Son of man coming ? At an hour we think not What does a bad servant do? Beat, eat and drink When will Jesus come for him? In an hour and a day he thinks not What portion will God give him ? With the unbelievers Who shall be beaten with many stripes? Knew Lord s will, prepared not himself Who beaten few stripes? Knew not master s will , did things worthy of stripes To whom much is required? To whom much is given Where does cloud rise for shower.? West What happens when. South wind blows? It shall be heat What could people could and could not discern? Face of sky but couldn't discern the times What could they not judge? What is right Lk ch 13 On how many tower siloam fell? 13 For how many years fig tree did not bring fruit? 3 years How many years women has spirit of i infirmity? 18 years How many shall try to enter the straight gate ? Many To whom will Jesus say workers of iniquity? We have eaten in your presence , you have taught in our streets What will Jesus also tell them? I know not wence you are depart all ye workers of iniquity For what shall there be weeping and gnashing of teeth? When they see abraham and all prophets in kingdom and them thrust out Lk ch 14 gospel books question and answer article king james version What happened when. Jesus ate bread pharisee house on sabbath ? Healed man with dropsy Why did Jesus gave them a parable? Some were chosing the chief rooms Why should we sit in the lowest room? inviter say. Go up higher and ye shall have worship in the presence of them that sit with you What is worship here ? Estimate, praise, honour, glory How many yoke oxens had he that wanted be excused? 5 What is a yoke? Pair After all refused who they brought in supper? Poor, maimed, halt, blind Why should we count first before building? Lest not enough and people mock us What is salt lost savor not good for ? Nor land nor dunghill, man cast it out Lk ch 15 What does woman lose to light candles sweep house? 10 pieces silver Where was eldest son prodigal son story? In the field Lk ch 16 What said men out of stewardship? I cannot dig. Beg I am ashamed, Of whom should we make friends ? Mamón of unrighteousness If not faithful in another s what shall we not receive ? Our own What is highly esteemed among men ? What is abomination in sight of God It is harder for one tittle of law to fail than ? Heaven and earth to pass Lk ch 17 It is imposible for what not to come ? Offenses Which tree should obey us? Sycamore planted into sea Lk ch 18 What did the unjust judge did ? Feared not God nor regarded men How did pharisee prayed in temple? Extortioner, unjust, adulterer or as this publican How fast the jericho beggar received sight ? Immediatly Lk ch 19 Who was sacheus? Chief publican rich Which tree sacheus climbed? Sycomore What did noblemen said when he gave talents? Occupy till i come Why was jerusalem destroyed? Because they knew not the time of their visitation Lk ch 20 What question scribes asked Jesus ? Who gave you this authority ? What did jesus ask them? The baptism of john whence was it ? Of whom husbandman story talked about ? Pharisees Humans in heaven don't marry as ? Children of the resurrection Lk ch 21 We shall be hated by all but? Not one hair head perish What is jerusalem conpassed ? Days of vengence What shall be upon the people ? Wrath upon the people Until when jerusalem shall be trodden down ? Until time of Gentiles fulfilled How should we take need to ourselves? Not be overtaken with drunkeness, surfeiting, and cares of this life What is surfeiting? Excess How will the day of God come ? As a snare What should we do before the day of God ? Pray always be accounted worthy escape all that shall come to pass and stand before the son of Man Where was Jesus during the day ? In the temple teaching Where was Jesus at night ? In mount of olives What did the people? Come early in morning to hear Him Lk ch 22 What's is the passover called ? Feast of unleavened bread What did priest do ? Seek to kill jesus Who did jesus send for passover prepared ? Peter and John How did they know ? Entered city man pitcher water What did jesus at passover ? Communion service Who was Jesus among us ? As he who serves How did jesus send disciples ? Without purse, script, shoes Why were the disciples to buy script, purse,shoe ? He was reckoned among the transgressors and Because the things concerning me have an end , Why were disciples sleeping in mount olives ? For sorrow Lk ch 23 Why was Jesus sent to herod? Pharisees said he stirs up people all jewry, from galilee , herod is galilee juridiction How was herod when. He saw jesus? Exceeding glad Why? Because he was desirous to see Him for a long season What did herod s soldiers when Jesus did not answer ? They set Him at nought and mocked Him , arrayed Him in robe What is meaning set at nought ? Make of no account , despise utterly, least esteemed What happened to herod after this ? He became friend with pilate Why was barrabas arrested ? For sedition and murder After Simon carried Jesus cross what did women do? Bewailed and lamented Him Who followed Jesus ? Great company of people and women What did Jesus answer them? Weep for yourselves and your childrens Why? Days come shall say: blessed barren wombs never bare, paps never gave suck Then what shall they say ? Mountains fall on us, rocks cover us What kind of trees are people? Dry What kind of tree is jesus ? Green tree How was superscription written ? Latin, greek, hebrew

Lk ch 24 What did angels tell disciples at tomb ? Why seek ye living among the dead ? What did angels told disciples to remember ? Rember when He spoke unto you when He was still in galilee What did jesus tell them? 'The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.' To whom did the two angels speak? Mary, magdalene, joanna, mary mother of james and other women How did disciples receive them? Their words were as idle tales , and they believed them not How far is emmaus from jerusalem ? 60 furlongs How much is a furlong? 201 metre Why did disciples emmaus road not recognize jesus ? Their eyes were holden Who approached the 2 disciples road emmaus? Jesus What did Jesus ask them ? What manner of communication are these that you have one to another, as you walk and are sad? What's name of one emmaus disciple? Cleopas How did jesus rebuke emmaus disciples for unbelief? O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken What did jesus explain to them ? From moses to all the prophets Where did emmaus disciples go after they ? See the 12 What happened ? Jesus appeared unto them they feared What did jesus say? Why are you troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Jn ch 1 How did Jesus did not give power to be sons of God ? Not of blood, not of flesh,' not of will of man, but of God Where did pharisees ask John baptist questions ? Bethabara beyond jordan Who was john baptist with when he said behold the lamb of god? 2 of his disciples Who was from Bethsaida? Andrew philip peter Who did Jesus find? Philip Who finds Nathanael? Philip Jn ch 2 When was there a mariage in cana ? Thé third day How many waterpots stone at mariage? 6 What verse fulfilled when. Jesus made a scourge small cords ? Ps 69:9 The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. How long was the tenple in building ? 46 years 'Jesus did not commit Himself into them ' what does it mean? Not place confidence, not think to be true What did jesus not need? Anyone testify of men, because He knew what was in men Jn ch 3 Where was john baptising ? Aenon near Salim Why? Because there was much water there Jn ch 4 How many did Jesus baptize? None his disciples did baptize When pharisees knew jesus baptised more than john Here did Jesus go? Left judea to galilee Where is jacob s well? Sychar When did jesus sit at well being wearied? 6th hour Woman well how many husbands ? 5 What did woman well after talking to Jesus ? Told men city came see Jesus How many samaritans of that city believed ? Many How long did Jesus stay with them? 2 days Why did galileans receive Jesus ? After seeing all that he did in Jerusalem at feast Where is cana!? Galilee What is second miracle Jesus did our judea Into galilee? Come er my child die Jn ch 5 What is in jerusalem by the sheep 'market? A pool How is the pool called? Bethesda How many porches? 5 What kind of impotent folks there ? Blind, halt, withered How long was impotent men there ? 38 years What two things Jesus did after that ? He healed on sabbath and said my father works and I work How did pharisees respond? Wanted to kill him the more He that honours not the son ? Honours not the Father What was john baptist? Burning shinning light Why did pharisees did not believe ? Received honour one from another , and did not believe moses How can we know pharisees did not believe moses? Because they did not believe jesus of whom moses wrote Jn ch 6 Who said a lad has 5 loaves and 2 fishes? Andrew What did Jesus do when they wanted to 'make him king? Departed mountain alone How far disciples rowed before they saw Jesus ? 25 furlongs What happened after Jesus entered the ship? Immediately was at land For which bread should we labour!? Eternal life bread What has God done to Jesus ? Sealed Him What is the work of God ? To believe ok hHm that he sent What did the people ask Jesus ? A sign that we may believe thee Which sign Jesus gave ? moses gave you not that bread from heaven, My Father gives you the true bread from heaven Who comes to Jesus ? Every man that has heard and learned of the Father What happens to him that drinks Jesus blood and eats His flesh? He hath eternal life and Jesus will raise him up . He dwels in me and I in him, What also bappend to him that eats and drinks Jesus ? he shall live by me as I also live by the Father Who only can come to Jesus ? Except it be given into him of my Father What happened when Jesus said that ? Many disciples walked no more with Him

Jn ch 7 Why did Jesus walk galilee and no more in jewry? Because they sought to kill Him Why did the world hate jesus ? Because He testified that their works were evil Who said go judea that your disciples may see your works? Jesus brothers Why didn t jesus go feast tabernacles ? Because his time was not yet come When did Jesus go to feast ? After his brothers went How did Jesus go to feast ? As secretly Why did no man's speak about jesus at feast ? For fear of the Jews What does he that speaks of himself? Seeks his own glory What pharisees say when jesus said why go ye about to kill me? You have a devil What did this prove? They were liars as Jesus read people's minds What did people do sabbath that moses law not broken? Receive circumcision How did jesus compare this to pharisees? Angry at me because made men every wit whole on sabbath? What did Jesus tell them to do'? Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. What did people still said after all Jesus miracles? We know this men whence He is, when Christ comes no one knows whence He is How did Jesus teach after that? You know Me and from where , not come of myself, He sent me is true whom you know not hat did Jesus say of his father ? I know Him , I am from Him, and He has sent Me Why didn't they take Jesus then ? For His hour had not yet come Where did people think Jesus would go not to find Him? Unto the dispersed among the gentiles What did Jesus cried the last day of the feast? If any man thirst, let himl come after Me, and drink What is cried? Krazo, cry aloud, vociferate, speak with loud voice What happens to those who believe in Jesus ? Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters What does this mean ? This spake He of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive Jn ch 8 Where did Jesus say you both know me and my Father ? In the treasury in temple When Jesus said what many believed ed on Him? He that hath sent me is with me, the Father has not left me alone Why did they seek to kill Jesus? Because his words has no place in them What did the pharisee do? The things they have seen of their father Satan What would pharisee do if children of abraham ? Works of abraham Jn ch 9 What does pool siloam means? Sent Jn ch 11 Who is marya magdalene brother ? Lazarus What did jesus do heard lazarus sick? Abode 2 days where He was How many hours in a day? 12 Why a man stumbles in night? Because no light in him Who said let us go that we may die with Him? Thomas Where did Jesus go after they wanted put Him to death?! City ephraim Jn ch 12 When did Jeuss go bethany? 6 days before passover What ointment did mary bring? Spikenard How much could this be sold? 300 pence What branches did they put below Jesus donkey? Palm branches Which prophecy is this ? Ze 9:9 Who greeks asked we would see Jesus to ? Philip Andrew to Jesus Jn ch 13 What did jesus tell disciples when he cleaned feet? Ye are clean but not all Jn ch 16 The holy Spirit reproved World of sin because ? They believe not on Me Or righteousness because ? I go to the Father and ye see Me no more Of judgment because ? The prince of this world is judged Jn ch 18 Where did Jesus go after the love chapters ? Book cedron Servants ear cut name ? Malchus After taking Jesus garden where lead Him? Anna who was annas ? Father in law caiaphas After what did peter say I know Him not? After annas sent Jesus bound to caiaphas Jn ch 19 What did they to Jesus ? Pilate scourged Him, crown thorns, purple robe What did pilate heard he had lesser sin ? Brought Jesus to pavement, hebrew gabbatha What was it what time? Preparation passover 6th hour No bone broken prophecy ? Ex 12:46 neither shall ye break a bone thereof.-ps 22 16 'they shall look on Him whom they have pierced' Jn ch 20 To whom did mary magdalene say they have taken away Jesus ? Peter and John Who arrived first sepulchre ? John Who doubted Jesus resurection? Thomas Jn ch 21 Where did Jesus show Himself? Sea tuberías Who were together ? Simon, thomas , Nathanael, the sins of zebedee, and 2 others


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