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5 ways we can know we are close to the end of the world

Jesus brings you End time Bible prophecy Here are Five ways we can know that the end of the world is near ways we can know we are close to the end of the world fulfilling everywhere We can see the book of revelation Close to the end of the world And the book of Daniel being fulfilled

1 End time wickedness

2 End time Bible events

3 End time signs of the end of the world

1 Society refuses Gods truth and establishes its own truth

2 Society refuses God s

3 Society says they can decide what truth is

4 Society worships men

5 Society think it can make God follow its lead

1 Society refuses Gods truth and establishes its own truth

End time Bible events explained When a society refuses God s truth we know that we have gone far into the limit of Gods forbearance When a society says that Gods truth is not relevant anymore and that society s leaders can establish their own truth ways we can know we are close to the end of the world This means that the minds of the society leaders has gone so far away from God that like Pharaoh it can fall ways we can know we are close to the end of the world at its limit point

When a society think that there is no God we are in big trouble End time Bible events

Knowing that God set up the United states as a light and a favoured people to teach the truth to the world And when millions of Americans refuse the Bible and do no

1 Do not read the Bible anymore

1 Do not go to church anymore

3 Do not care about others anymore

We know one thing

Jesus s judgments and punishments are soon to fall

Which father seeing his son or daughter going the wrong way would not spank them so that they return to the right path in love? God would be really uncaring if He did not warn people of the danger to come and the soon calamity to fall upon the world ways we can know we are close to the end of the world

I counsel you to study clearly three books that will give you a clearer understanding on what will soon happen on earth End time signs of the end of the world are here

1 Last day events Ellen g White

2 Maranatha Ellen g White

3 Daniel and the revelation Uriah Smith

You can find these book free online and greatly learn how society os rushing marly to fill up the cup of its wrath with God

1 End time wickedness

2 End time Bible events

Most people today believe there is no absolute truth , they believe that they can make up and chose what is truth. In the Bible that is called blasphemy Yes society has gone so far as calling themselves to be gods ways we can know we are close to the end of the world before our eyes fulfilled

The worse part about this is that people do not realize what they are doing ways we can know we are close to the end of the world filling up At least when a wicked person recognizes their wring there is hope When a society does not even see that they are doing wrong then they are in big danger of receiving much intense wrath from God End time signs of the end of the world

2 Society refuses God s truth

Can a human invent and procreate truth? no Why? Because only He who made the universe and humans can create and is truth Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life

Ma,y people i speak to refuse the plain truth given to them ways we can know we are close to the end of the worl

Why is that ? It is because people are not honest as prophet Ellen g White said

All honest souls will accept the truth ways we can know we are close to the end of the world

Thus we can conclude that

All dishonest and lying soul will refuse the truth ways we can know we are close to the end of the world filled in this point that Gods judgments will be this way

God sends the truth to humans

1 by preaching

2 by the Holy Spirit talking to the conscience

3 by God talking through nature Or other means God uses

One of the end time signs of the end of the world is that people refuse the truth

As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the son of Men comes

In the days of Noah people were dishonest and chose their own ways that truth ways we can know we are close to the end of the worlds being fulfilled before our eyes

When the police stops a robber I saw in documentaries that the robber will lie until confronted This is caused also by

1 Selfishness

2 Pride

All sin comes from price Satan fell because of pride

When society says you can decide what truth is Then they are saying to God

We have become gods we are the creators of the universe

We do not see you God and as we only see humans we are going to worship ourselves

If i ask you What could a human do or say to God that would make God the most angry and offended? ways we can know we are close to the end of the world More than cursing God is to

After all the preaching and the Bible teaching and the angels efforts to brig humans to the truth humans to say fulfilling end time Bible events

1 We as humans will from now on decide what truth is

2 We as humans do not need any God as we see ourselves superior to God

3 We as humans see ourselves far above God

End time signs of the end of the world

We will follow on on next with the last signs that shows that we are in the end of the end

We are living close to terrible judgments of God falling as society is offending God as no other society as done before ways we can know we are close to the end of the world is reaching its brim

When will the last drop be poured in?


3 Society says they can decide what truth is

4 Society worships men

5 Society think it can make God follow its lead

As you see society is in danger but you can save your soul

You can escape the coming doom but clinging to Jesus feeding your soul with the Bible everyday Maybe it is the last opportunity for you to hear the truth

Follow Jesus not repeat after me

Jesus forgive my sins help me to walk with you until the end and take me to heaven in the name of Jesus amen


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