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5 Ways to identify what is the true church in the bible article king james version

When Jesus died on the cross He did this for all humans not only the professing christians . Saying i believe in Jesus i believe that Jesus died on the cross does not mean that you will go to heaven . what is the true church in the bible article king james version

As many places in the bible it says that christianity is fallen and many christians sound like devils, arrogant proud selfish unloving . Thus we need to be like Jesus to enter heaven .what is the true church in the bible article king james version ?

Yet there are many churches around the world and the first step is to get out of the false churches and enter the true church . As all organisations including atheism has some truth they mix truth with lies and it deceives people . Christian churches are no different yet one church is true the revelation 12 church and all other churches are false the revelation chapter 17 and 18 churcher what is the true church in the bible article king james version ?

1 What is the true church It keeps the commandments

what is the true church in the bible article king james version? Jesus wrote the book of revelation , He gave it to the angel to give it ot John to give it to the seven churches. Those seven churches signify all churches since the time of Jesus

what is the true church in the bible article king james version ? Jesus gives us signs to find out which is the true church . First of all Jesus tells us that there are two kinds of christianity



Thus one can say i am a christian well this is not the question . The question is more in which church do you belong ? Do you belong to the remnant church or do you belong to Babylon . What difference does it make as long as i believe in Jesus .

It makes all the dfference because

1 Babylon shall receive the seven last plagues

2 Jesus asks all people in babylon to leave before the plagues fall

3 Jesus said fifty percent of christians are babylon the foolish virgins .

4 Babylon shall receive the wrath of God poured out without mixture

5 Babylon people will receive the seven last plagues and be destroyed forever

The true church of the pure women of revelation twelve . Jesus gives us the signs to identify her

The true church

Keeps the commandments

Keeps the sabbath

Has a true prophet of the Testimony of Jesus

Preaches the three angels message

Preaches the sanctuary judgment message

How to we know that this is the last church ? Because in revelation 14 when the 3 angels message is finished to be preached to all people , then Jesus returns

RE 14 15 And i looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sat like the Son of men having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle

Jesus returns once the three angels message is preached to all people Who gives this three angels message ?

RE 14 6 Having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth to all nation and kindred and tongue and people

One great sign to know what is the true church is that they keep the ten commandments. We are not saved by obedience we obey because we love Jesus . Nobody will be saved by the works of the law, nobody will be saved in disobedience . All obedience comes from the righteousness of Jesus.

RE 12 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her see, those who keep the commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus

They believe in the ten commandments . Almost every christian church today says we do not need to keep the ten commandments they are passed. The bible and Jesus prophecied in revelation that the christian world will lie to God saying that the cross of Jesus is worthless and

that there is no more sin as if there is no more law it means there is no more sin as sin is the transgression of the law . This group keeps the commandments of God including the seventh day seventh the fourth commandment what is the true church in the bible article king james version it is the church who keeps the comandments of God and the sabath

2 What is the true church It keeps sabbath

This is one of the key for the end time events it is the test of loyalty Those who bear the name of Jesus but do not care about truth and are not honest reject the sabbath . They are satisfied to have the minimum . True church of God in Christ keeps the sabbath

Some people say the sabbath was finished well no as it is part of the ten commandments . We cannot take one commandment out and day the others are binding it is a lie What is the true church it is the church that rebuild the old waste places and teaches people to come back to tbe bible and leave the teachings of babylon

EX 20 8-11 Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labour and do all your work but the seventh is the sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall do any work you nor your men servant nor your maidservant nor your ox nor your cattle nor the stranger that is within your gates For in six days the Lord made the heavens the earth and all that is in them therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it .

True church of God in Christ it is true that colosians 2 says

CO 2 16 Let no one judge you of the sabbath days

Here sabbath is plural thus it is not talking about the seventh day sabbath Those sabbath days were levetical yearly sabbaths that fell monday, wenesday, friday . These were done away as they pointed to the cross of Jeuss . As the seventh day sabbath on saturday it cannot be done away as it is a memorial of creation . Earth will pass before the sabbath will pass .

3 What is the true church It has the Testimony of Jesus

What is the Testimony of Jesus ? It is the Spirit of prophecy it is a church who has true prophecy .

RE 12 17 Those who have the testimony of Jesus

RE 19 10 For the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy

This is one more very important sign of the end time true church . In fact the whole chapter revelation 12 is the story of the woman or the true church . If starts with the apostles, it continues with the waldenses who go in the mountains or the wilderness for 1260 years and the true church comes out after 1897 after the 1260 years of papal persecution .

what is the true church in the bible article king james version is the church who has a true prophet and in its whole has true prophetic interpretation . As the bible says that in the end times many shall come with false prophecy and Jesus says

The true church of God in Christ will interpret correctly prophecy from God inspiring here to explain the prophecies of the bible what is the true church in the bible article king james version it keeps the commandments , it keeps the sabbath, it has the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy

4 What is the true church It preaches the 3 angels message

The true church of God in Christ preaches the three angels message . How many churches around the world preach the three angels message ? Only one ; How many churches preach the 3 angels and also keep the sabbath ? Only one church

The three angels message diferienciates what is the true church in the bible article king james version from the other churches who only keep talking about Jesus and do not have much insight on prophecy or present truth .

The three angels message is a fearful warning that says all christians that continue in their fallen churches will receive the ark of the beast . All christians who refuse end time truth and remain in their traditions such a sunday keeping or eternal hell beliefs of the secret rapture

will not make it to heaven as they refuse truth they refuse Jesus and are dishonest . As the only way someone would refuse truth is that they are not honest . What is the true church it is the church who keeps the commandments the sabbath and preaches the 3 angels message

5 What is the true church It preaches the sanctuary judgment message

what is the true church in the bible article king james version It is the church who preaches the sanctuary judgment message ; Every year Jews has the day of atonment in the which all jews had to fast and search their hearts . If any did not do that they were cut off from the camp .

Today the same thing is happening and only one church is preaching this message . That Jesus is in the most holy place in the sanctuary in heaven and that He is deciding our eternal destiny . what is the true church in the bible article king james version it is the church who knows from bible prophecy a church sent by God to give this message . That the judgpment is happening now all cases are decided by Jesus .

When Jesus will have examined all the cases of all humans then Jesus will return . It is a solemn message that all humans are under scrutiny of the heavenly Judge and creator . And all of us will soon receive our sentence eternel damnation or eternal life

What is the true church it is the church and the only one as Jesus gives us these signs so that we can know without a doubt which church He is talking about It cannot talk about Mary as the woman as mary did not go in the wilderness for 1260 years Many did not flee to another continent like it says in RE 12 and Mary did not receive a flood .

Jesus says it keeps the commandments, it keeps the sabbath, it preaches the 3 angels message , it preaches the sanctuary message . This church is the seventh day adventist church . All other churches Jesus says are babylon .

Repeat after me Father God help me to come out of babylon help me th study clearly and in detail this message , give me your righteousness forgive my sins and provide for all my needs in the name of Jesus amen

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