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5 sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv world in the light of the Bible

Why is nobody talking about these things we are seeing everywhere . Are people blind, are preachers sleeping . Do people think it is normal to be selfish, proud, unloving, unkind, apathetic . Is it not a great offense to God ? sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

Let's say you want to offend God greatly what would you do ? Be mean and hate others . As to fulfill God's law is to love others to be kind, loving, humble, giving.

What is the total opposite of those traits of character and what is totally opposed to the Bible and God ? Pride, apathy, unloving, unkind, selfish, These things are the total opposite to who God is . 5 sins nobody talks about in the light of the bible .

What does unrighteous mean it means power from God to do good as men does not have any righteousness . Those who think thay have any righteousness will perish . The resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous will be when

Jesus comes back and many of those who have claimed Jesus will perish .sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv God will remember those who have been honest, humble and sincere . Remember those three traits of character you will need to enter heaven .

1 what does unrighteous mean Pride

Have anyone even been arrested for being proud. No then we see that God's righteousness is much higher than men's righteousness . A men can be a good person by society's standards yet be completely vile in God's eyes .

Pride is the most vile and corrupt and detestable of all sins in the bible What does righteousness mean . Righteousness means God gives power to men who is unable to do good from himself . In the resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous we shall see many surprises .

Malachi 4 says all the proud and all the wicked will be ashes under the soles of your feet . God killed herod who became proud, God made Babylon king to eat grass as a beast because he was proud, God destroyed Moab because of its pride .

Satan's fall and the mess we are in today is because of pride . All sin comes from pride .Someone lies, steals, because they are not humble enough to tell the truth , or they steal because the love themselves too much . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

2 what does unrighteous mean Apathy

In revelation three Jesus says something

Because you say i have nee of nothing Then what does Jesus do?

I will vomit you out of my mouth

For someone to spit on someone it means they are really angry

For someone to vomit on someone's face it means Jesus is extremely angry Those two things go hand in hand, pride and apathy . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

When pharisees said Let his blood be on us and on our childrens . God answered the prayer . If you are apathetic God will answer your prayer and remove the jobs, money blessings. Until you repent and say i need things . What does unrighteous mean it is to follow this world thinking that you are a good person as nobody is good .

Resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous will happen at the end of the thousand years . When those who will have refused the mark of the beast will enter heaven . Most christians will receive the mark of the beast and burn and be destroyed in hell . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

When the disciples sought for the first place Jesus told them

Unless you are converted and become like little children you shall not enter heaven . It means today most people are proud, most people seek the first place, most people are apathetic they say i do not need anything, which is a lie as they need shoes, cars, money, jobs, they need so many things that if God would take away only a few of them they would be very sad.

3 what does unrighteous mean Unloving

Most people today are unloving, so unloving most people just the look in their face says i do not care about you . Do you think such a person shall enter heaven? One person said this is just my apparence . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

But people do not understand that the most we preach to people is our face expression . We see thousands of people and talk to a few . How did those people that we walked by thought of us . Did they think we are loving or unkind ?

If unkind then they will reproduce thus unkindness to others . And this is how society becomes corrupt. It is like a herd , one swine does something all the others reproduce and they all end up doing the same thing . Yet the bible says do not follow a multitude to do evil .

What does unrighteous mean it is the robe Jesus gives by faith knowing that humans are totally unable to do anything good unless they have this righteousness that comes from God alone . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

The resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous will happen when the 3 angels will have been given to all nations, tribes and when the last person will have heard then Jesus will return . God is not unrighteous to forget kjv as all evil deeds, words, thoughts are written down, your face expression, the tonality of your voice are all written down also .

4 what does unrighteous mean Unkind

Prophet Ellen g White said Nobody rude or unkind shall enter heaven . How many people and christians are rude? What do we know? They shall never enter heaven . Only those who are like Jesus kind even in the facial expression shall enter heaven . Pleasant personality, peaceful .

Selfishness is the opposite of love . Someone cannot be selfish and loving at the same time this is the delusion Either we love or are selfish either we are humble or proud . We see people who try to exercices love sometimes and sometimes selfishness . They are double minded, they are corrupt, they are lukewarm and totally corrupt . As either we follow God or Satan Which will you chose?

What does unrighteous mean it means being contrary to God who is love, humility, sincerity, honesty . It means to be proud, selfish, and dishonest The resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous will come as a surprise as at a time you think not the Son of men comes .

Little time is left for the end of the world Are you ready . God is not unrighteous to forget kjv your works, yet all who follow babylon and remain proud, selfish, apathetic unloving and unkind shall burn in hell.

You may have given a lot to the poor, you may have gone to church a lot, you may have rad the bible a lot and spend entire days in prayer . Yet God will say



5 what does unrighteous mean Selfish

Selfishness is seen in the little things . Someone standing in line and someone wanting to be in front . Someone who has food left and fills his plate and there is none left . Someone who wants the first spot and runs over other people . This society is filled with selfish people .

We see that in divorce. Divorce is much a selfish thing, someone wants their way so much that they bring the other person down to have their way . Even if their way is not really important . sins nobody talks about in the bible kjv

Selfishness is the opposite of love . Someone cannot be selfish and loving at the same time this is the delusion Either we love or are selfish either we are humble or proud . We see people who try to exercices love sometimes and sometimes selfishness . They are double minded, they are corrupt, they are lukewarm and totally corrupt . As either we follow God or Satan Which will you chose?

What does unrighteous mean it means to be following society's standards before God's truth . The resurection of the righteous and the unrighteous will happen soon and sadly most people that lived on earth will perish . God is not unrighteous to forget kjv your works,, yet your works are worthless unless done in God's power giving Him the glory .

Do you love Jesus Why not accept Him in your heart now ? Father God i believe in you , forgive my sins , help me to live close to you, and take me to heaven in the name of Jesus amen Like suscribe our youtube channel


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