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5 Reasons why your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

One time a friend asked me if my parents were saved . I answered him knowing what he meant. He meant if their named were on the church books, he meant is they were church members. Yet he was proud, arrogant, unliving and uncaring . your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

I am a church member but proud, i told him and explained to him that having your name on the church books does not help anything if you do not sound and look like Jesus Eternal salvation does not depend on your having your name on the books Here are five reasons why having your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

1 I am a church member but legalist

I am a church member but i am a legalist. To some people it may seem that i have nu name in the church books i will be saved . No it is not true . It is not like you have your name on the next flight and you have your seat reserved . Your seat for heaven is not reserved. You should put your name on the list by baptism and joining the true church . But this will not guarantee anything . your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

I am church member book written will i he in heaven? I do not understand why people think that having their names in the church is enough . It is a good step as Jesus said that we need to leave babylon the revelation 17 church and enter the bride the remnant church the revelation 12 church

Eternal salvation starts by believing in Jesus . If we are baptized then we are on our way but it is not a guarantee either . People mistake the bible verses that say

AC 16 31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved AND

MK 16 16 He that believes and is baptised shall be saved

This means that your first step to heaven is to believe and to be baptised. The bible never says that it is a sure guarantee to get into heaven.

I am a church member will i go to heaven? The bible says that unless you believe and you are baptised you shall not get to heaven . It does not say that you will never fall after that or you will not become more evil selfish proud and thus will be refused entrance in heaven . As to go to heaven you need to be like Jesus. Humble, kind, loving, sincere, honest .

Entering heaven depends on who you are as it says in RE 3 5 To him that overcomes

Overcomes what ? Sin RE 21 8 But the fearful, unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death .

How many people believe in Jesus and were baptised and are idolaters, liars, whoremongers and proud arrogant, selfish ? Many Will they enter heaven ? Never God cannot trust them there . your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

Jesus is returning for a church which has That He might present it to Himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish

This is the condition for eternal salvation, sanctification not i am a church member book written . As this has no power with God . Yet your first step is to be written on the true church books .Believing this is a legalistic way of thinking and legalists are not saved, they are still believing in themselves rather than in God's power

2 I am a church member sounding like the world

I am a church member i sound like the world, will i have eternal salvation ? No When the apostles talked people knew that they were christians by their sanctified speech . Not only the words they said but the way they talked.

They were gentle, kind, humble, sincere , honest . Here too we see someone who says i am a church member book written and i shall be in heaven, but i am aggressive, proud, i do not care about others, i judge others constantly i will be in heaven . That person is deceiving themselves your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

GE 6 3 If a men thinks himself to be something when he is nothing he deceives himself

How many people, deceive themselves? Why ? Because they judge themselves according to this world and not after God . Someone can estimate themselves great in this world and God can see them as the weakest person .

I am a church member but if you are ghetto, proud, selfish, unloving know that no one will talk like this in heaven . Jesus was known for his love . If you bear the name Jesus but you are as aggressive as Satan your dwelling place shall be eternal destruction . It is plain and clear from the bible .

3 I am a church member selfish

How many christians are selfish? Quite a few, yet they are never removed from their position because most christians see evil as what society says is evil . Most christians do not follow God they follow this world .

You can be selfish proud unloving in this world but the bible is clean no selfish, proud , or unloving person will enter heaven . I am a church member book marked by the deacon and i will enter heaven and have eternal salvation . Well maybe not as you can fall you need to

1 Be sanctified

2 Accept all truth Jesus sends you

3 Remove your legalism through righteousness by faith

And understand you cannot do anything without Jesus and without his righteousness by faith . When the disciples sought to find out who was first among them Jesus said

MT 18 3 Except you be converted and become like little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven your name on the church books will not save you bible verse

HE 12 14 And holines swithout which no one shall see the Lord

4 I am a church member unloving

I do not care about others i go to church and i have good friends on church sometimes i am even asked to preach I am a church member will i enter heaven ? In your present condition no you will never enter heaven . As the main point of the bible is teaching us to

Love God

Love others

Unless you receive power from God called righteousness by faith and be converted you cannot be an uncaring unloving person and think you will be in heaven . You are deceiving yourself . The main point of the bible is Love one another .

Eternal salvation is only for those who love. Those who care, those who are not apathic, those who lend a hand, those who exercise their love gifts, those who take time for others, those who consider not only their needs but the needs of others .

If you say I am a church member then this will not mean anything to God in the judgment . You can even help the poor and help the sick all day long , if you do this without love of because of selfish motives, to be seen, to have a good reputation of other selfish motives you will definitely burn in hell and become ashes

5 I am church member proud

I am a church member book marked and my pastor baptised me but i am proud will i enter heaven ? I think you will definitely not enter heaven and your church membership is not counting much as many pastors do not see the evils in the bible and only see what society counts as evil .

Eternal salvation is only for the humble . Everytime there is a proud person in the bible they are wicked . In fact the word proud and wicked are seen different times in the bible . They are almost synonymous . A proud person is always a wicked person . Satan fell because of pride . A proud person is a son of Satan . Many sons of Satan are church members . When Jesus returns and the millenium endsyour name on the church books will not save you bible verse

and they are raised from their 1000 years in the grave . They will find out that their church membership was only a paper without any power to save them . As their character resembled more Satan than Jesus .

They will tear up those church memberships and there will be millions of church membership papers burning when Jesus sends fire and buns sinners and their membership .For those who did not sanctify their hearts to become like Jesus . When Jesus returns it will be too late .

RE 20 9 And fire came down from heaven and devoured them

Eternal salvation must start by you believing in Jesus and being aptised and joining the true church and having your name in the church . The deception is thinking that that piece of paper means anything as a guarantee. It is not .

Many people will burn in hell to ashes trusting in pieces of paper such a scientists diplomas of doctor diplomas . These can mean something in this world but they do not mean much to God . As most scientist teaches lies .

Why not ask Jesus not to give you the his righteousness by faith ?

Repeat Father God forgive my sins give me your righteousness by faith help me to follow you until Jesus comes provide for all my needs in the name of Jesus amen


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