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5 reasons why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

We are living in an age when many people just follow the trends whether they are right or false does not matter to them . They just want to be in the crowd following the head. Or people just want to follow their own ideas even if it conflicts with the truth .

They try to find a way to evade the truth to follow their cherished ideas .why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true Let us find out five reasons why the theory of evolution is not true

1 Young earth creationism The random effect

Why would someone believe that random things can create complexity ? We can see that in movies in disney but this is not reality . Are people watching too many movies? Do people and scientist mix up science and reality ?

Yes as sometimes when we watch documentaries from famous scientists we can see they mix up their own ideas and wants with reality . Young earth creationism does not do that as the proof for a young earth is very ample .

And they should not be payed to mix their own wants and wishes with reality . Deep down they are saying I do not want God to be true and i will let people know that i mix my wishes with science . And i use science as a way to reject God .

why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true we see that nothing can exist randomly . Can a house exist from a rock and a tree ? No even if we give it billions of years a rock and a tree will never make a house .

Can a ferrari appear in your front door from nowhere, out of nothing, for no reason ? Even given one billion years ? No Randomness cannot create anything . Because for randomness to create something , organise things and make them to be on order and beautiful and arranged . Randomness would need to think, to have a brain, to plan.

Without a brain no planing is possible. Without intelligence no planning in impossible. Without planning nothing can exist . All things a car, plane, house, castle, computer, phone. They all must be planned before they exist. If it is so with simple things, how much more it is with complex things such a humans and animals .

Evolution believes in randomness, evolution is the belief in magic. Much like Hudini's magic . Creationism theory the earth was created in what bc The earth was created 6000 before Christ

2 Young earth creationism The magic effect

If nothing can be planned then nothing can exist. Believing otherwise is always falling into magic. The same magic that magicians use. It is false . It is because things do not arrive by chance why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

From nowhere

From nothing

For no reason

But the theory of evolution do believe things appear for no reason . So we see it is a belief, it is not true . Why then do people believe in evolution? It is because they trust humans , it is because there are scientific facts in evolution . Evolution is a mix of

Scientific facts and a religion called evolution . why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

What is science ?

Science is what we can

Test, prove, demonstrate .

Things like the distance from earth to the sun . This is science Why ? Because we can test, prove demonstrate .

The speed of rotation of the earth is it science or evolution ? It is science Why ? Because we can prove, test, demonstrate the speed of rotation of the earth .

What is evolution ? The part about

Billions of years

Transformation from one specie to another

Geological column

Big bang

These things are religions they are not science . Young earth creationism has many proofs, but these things mentioned above are magical beliefs. I see the theory of evolution as a religion. Atheists have three gods Natural selection mutations and time . These three gods called a prophet Richard Darwin . Quotes about creationism are found all over the bible .

God said Beware of false science which is falsely so called. God said people will one day use the word science and it will be a false religion . Things do not transform atheists believe in evolution because they see changes in the species . There are small humans big humans does this mean they transform into ET ? No why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

Variations is not evolution it is just variations . These variations are made of God as God knew we would need to adapt so we go fro Africa to Norway we do not die and adapt to the climate. This adaptation stays in the specie . God made this so that the species could be preseved, but where evolution is false is when they say this creates everything .

No variations only help the creature adapt . Our skin becomes darker in hot weather but we do not become another creature . Creationism theory the earth was created in what bc is a proof that earth is young as starting with Adam and Eve 6000 years ago . Taking 40 years per generation we arrive at 7 billion people in 6000 years .

How many people should we have on earth if men appeared 150 millions years ago. We should have 150000 persons per square inch . Where are all the graves of the hundreds of bllions of people who died since 150 millions of years ago ? Nowhere . Evolution is truly the belief in magic .

3 Young earth creationism The complexity effect

why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true tells us that God made everything at once Adam was fully formed at once and ready to eat food with trees made in a few minutes . Quotes about creationism we see that evolution has a problem as it says things formed slowly . How could the heart live without blood flow. How could the valves pump without a pump?

How could the human being evolving survive without the stomach to digest food ? How could he survive without a brain to think and plan ? How could this first human exist unless he had legs and feet to walk ? How could this first human exist without longs to breathe and eliminate toxins ? We see that something cannot evolve little by little as it would require all parts to exist at the same time .

Take away parts of the car like the gas pump, or take away the gas pedal, take away the cylinders and the car cannot exist or move. The complexity problem is too much for evolution ans it proves evolution to be the belief in magic

Creationism theory the earth was created in what bc It was created in 6000 bc all perfect from God's words . The same shall be recreated when all have made a decision for truth or lies .

4 Young earth creationism The lack of knowledge effect

Humans only know maybe one percent of all knowledge in the universe. Given the one percent knowledge can someone come to conclusions about something knowing one percent of a case or a story ? No Yet we see everyday that most humans lack understanding and wisdom as they continually judge things they do not know much about .

Young earth creationism is based on facts as bible prophecy is the proof that God and the bible are true . The whole theory of evolution is based on the false beliefs that

Humans can decide truth

Human minds are not fallible

Humans have all knowledge

Sometimes a plane pilot feels like he is going up, his instruments say he is going down . Our feelings are misleading. This is why God gave us the bible to give us a true and tested book that can tell us where we are and where we are going .

why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true The bible gives us knowledge and after taking to many atheists i find out they are debating things they do not know anything about . Do they study prophecy ? No Have they read the bible ? Most of them never . Then how can they debate a book that they have never studied or read ? They are only judging by the aparence .

Humans have very little knowledge and humans often are dishonest and corrupt. This following scientists on those random issues for the which humans have very little knowledge is like following blind guides . Creationism theory the earth was created in what bc around 6000 bc

The sun looses mass it means the sun use dto burn brighter. Going back to 6000 years ago the sun was only a litle brighter. But going back to millions of years ago, the sun would have been so bright that no life could have been possible . why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

5 Young earth creationism The human worship effect

Sadly many atheists are so because we live in a world where humans worship humans . If most people on earth would read the bible everyday we would have a much better world and humans would not follow other humans their destruction .

Do not be deceive dyou are responsible for your beliefs . Do not thing that God wants you to bow down to human dogmas and resumes and diplomas. These mean nothng to God . The reason why the people in the flood refused to enter the ark was because human scientists told them

that the flood could not possibly be true according to our calculations . They were destroyed because they followed humans and not God . You have a choice . If you are an atheists why not becoe honest and seek the bible with an open and honest unbiased mind now ? why the theory of evolution cannot possibly be true

Why not right now start to study the bible carefully and slowly to really know what it says ? And only make up your mind after you have done a really deep and slow study of the entire bible ?

Can you explain t me the

1260 days , the 2300 year prophecy, the two witnesses, the loud cry, the 3 angels message, the angry horse, the cleansing of the sancturay ?

No then as 100 percent of atheists i have talked to in the past twenty years not one person have been able to explain to me those bible prophecies. It means they never studied the bible , they never really read the bible. Why not right now download bible app on your phone and start reading the bible .

I counsel you to study these books along

Repeat after me

Father God help me to believe in you give me faith forgive my sins and remove the atheistic belief from me in the name of Jesus amen


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