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5 Reasons why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

It seems like the more preaching is done the less people come into the church . It seems like there is a leak and a hole in the bottom of the church. More people are leaving the church than as long as we can remember . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

We know that something is going on and that few people really do evangelism in the church . The majority come to church, enjoy the blessings of God without giving anything back . Thus they show that they do not love God and do not love other people . Five reasons why evangelism does not seem to advance.

1 Evangelism Ungratefulness

I remember the story when Jesus healed ten lepers, these healed sick person kept on walking not even coming back and saying thank you Jesus . Only one came back and said thank you Jesus . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

What amount of suffering and energy is spent by heaven, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, billions of angels to have humans come to the light and be partakers of the heavenly gift of eternal life . What is evangelism ? Evangslism is giving a very urgent warning message .

This message God gives it in the earthquakes, winds, tornadoes, fires, these are God means to wake up people to the danger they ar ein of perishing forever without hope .

It is like someone going every week to learn that an earthquake is coming and not telling anybody about it . Then the earthquake comes and millions die that were not warned of the coming earthquake. Shall the blood of these people fall on those who did not give the warning ? Surely . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

I remember reading a vision of Ellen g White in the which an angel asks her Shall these with bible under their arms go to heaven without giving the message ? Then the angel answered Never never never . Ellen g White also said Nobody shall enter heaven without having gained one star on their crown. Evangelism is showing love for others . Doing no evangelism shows that something is very wrong in the spiritual life of the person .

2 Evangelism Selfishness

This lack of evangelism can be traced to selfishness, unbelief, or an uncaring spirit . I remember i watched a video of a chinese men entering a store. People were around him . He fell on the ground and nobody helped him to stand up, nobody asked him if he was ok, nobody moved to lend him a hand . This is the spirit of lack of evangelism, to be apathic.

Yet our society and young people today think it is cool to be apathic, they will soon find out that it is hot to be apathic especially in the fires of hell it shall be very hot for those who did not care .

RE 3 16 So then because you are lukewarm and neither cold or hot , i will spew you out of my mouth

For someone to spit on someone's face it means the person is angry, but for God to vomit on someone's face it means God is very angry . God is very angry at apathy. When people say i do not need anytthing they mock God , they lie and they act as if they are God providing for their own needs . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

Nothing is more tragic than that. Humans saying i do not need God i provide for my own needs . Incredible to see that humanity has reached this point . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv cannot hapen until the members become converted .

How can you expect evangelism to happen when most members are legalists and apathic ? What is evangelism ? Evangelism is telling others that they are in great danger and that unless they reform, accept the truth, leave the liar and follow the Creator they will perish forever .

3 Evangelism Uncaring

O the uncaring christian what a terrible thing to be . It would have been better not to have known God than to say i am a christian and not love anybody or deceive yourself into saying well at least i am liked by people of this generation . Chose to be like God or Satan . There is no middle ground . Either you ressemble Jesus or you look like Satan . There is not other alternative .

This is the choice we need to make and how few people in our society look like Jesus . Christians above all should give the example of loving, kind, honest, sincere people . But they are too afraid to be rejected and not liked by others . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

Evangelism cannot be done as many christians only think and serve themselves. They are uncaring yet they sayi am a christian . It is like a robber that says i loce others, or a liar that says i am honest . It means the person is a liar so much so that they do not see their own condition .

Evangelism explosion needs to have people to are like Jesus humble, honest, sincere, Many people now enter the church very proud, unloving and uncaring . How can these preach the message that Jesus loves others when they themselves do not care about anybody . And their love muscle is so weak that one act of love would show how weak they are in benevolence .

4 Evangelism Unbelief

In the 1840 s most christian churches received a message called the midnight cry .

MT 25 6 Behold the bridegroom is coming go out out to meet Him

Every christian church closed their door to the coming of Jesus . They refused to prepare for Jesus to come . In fact their christianity was only a social club to meet people and they did not have real faith in the second coming of Jesus

Evangelism cannot be done by churches who do not believe in the second coming of Jesus .

LK 18 8 Nevertheless when the Son of men comes shall He find faith on the earth

Today is a disaster if Jesus would come right now most people would be lost .

Most church members also would be lost . Sometimes i wonder why some people go to church, they do not care about the bible, they do not care about others. Their characters is totally opposite to Jesus character . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

The unbelief of the christian world, refusing to love others and warn them . What a privilege it is to tell others about the love of God and to escape the danger soon to fall upon the world . One tip the goal is not to have everybody accept the truth . This is the mistake most christians make in why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

The goal is to have everybody listen and make a decision .

Prophet Ellen g White says When everybody shall have made a decision for or against Christ then the end wil come . What is evangelism it is the loving warning to others that they are in great danger and need to escape the terrible plagues, calamities, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the floods and all of God's judgments that are coming .

The goal is not to have everybody accept the truth, the goal is to have everybody make a decision for or against Jesus . Evangelism will end when all humans shall say

I follow Jesus

I refuse to see Jesus as true

5 Evangelism Fear

In fact this is how the judgment shall be . All honest people will accept the truth and all dishonest people will reject the truth . So the only thing that needs to happen is for all people to listen to the truth and make up their mind .

We live in a day that people are so arrogant and offensive towards God that they think that they can decide what truth is, they think that they can invent truth and make the bible say what they want it to say . Men does not create truth, men cannot invent truth, men does not decide what truth is Why ?

Because before you were born truth existed, after you will die truth shall remain the same.By you living truth did not change . Your opioins shall die with you and truth will continue to live on . Christians have fear of rejection in doing evangelism but rejection is a good thing . Rejection teaches you success as unless you are rejected you will not succeed.

As success only comes after many rejections . Do not fear rejection but as you are rejected you become accustomed to it and it becomes easier . Especially if you are rejected everyday . why the evangelism explosion is not happening bible verse kjv

will end with God finishing the work But woe on those who heard the truth and by apathy selfishness and indolence refused to give the message a certain sound .

Repeat after me Father God forgive me for not having told others of their dangers, help me to evangelize and preach the truth as it is in Jesus provide for all my needs and help me walk with You give me your robe of righteousness in the name of Jesus amen


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