God's judgments are positive toward those he judges for their good . In fact the punishments we see are God's way to warn humans of their coming doom . You see those things humans ? Plagues, viruses, tornadoes, earthquakes ? why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
Then know that it is a warning that unless you repent you shall likewise perish . I believe the plagues are just the apetizer on what is coming on earth .
All of God's judgments are aimed at whatever interfeers with love . We see our society is very evil the most stunning thing is that most people do not realize this they think it is normal . Why ?
Because most people are like sheep they follow whatever the next person is doing instead of following the Bible Let us find out five of the reasons why God is sending the coronavirus
5 Reasons why God sent the coronavirus why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
1 Because of men's pride
God is definitly sending the coronavirus because of pride . I almost never hear a sermon about pride, yet it is all over the bible . The most hateful sin for God the one that is the hardest to cleanse is pride . All sin originated in Satan's mind because of pride .
All sins humans do is because of pride . Selfishness, lying, stealing . People do these things because they love themselves too much and do not love others enough . Are you saying it is serious ? I mean walk in any city in the world and you see most people are proud,
if God did not like it would He not destroy and punish these people ? If it was wrong why doesn't the police do something about it ? God's judgments upon those who harm Gods people Bible says What is highly esteemed among men is abomintaion for God .
You can do a lot of things on earth that the police will never stop you for, yet God will stop you at the judgments and send you to the flames. Pride, selfshness, traitor, unkind, unkiding, rude If your righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of this society you have no hope of eternal life . why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
Also the bible says Psalms 12 3 The tongue that speaks proud things will I cut off
We see it is pretty serious for God to want to kill someone and actually do it it means the person is really evil . And God says all the proud people I will destroy I will cut off .
Why doesn't God do it right away ? Because God is merciful and He waits until the person repents . All nations , all individuals have a limit, if they pass that limit they will receive the punishments . Gods judgments upon those who harm Gods people We see that pride is offensive to humble people as proud people think that they are better when in fact it is an illusion as
What do you have that you did not receive
And if you did receive it why do you boast as if you did not receive it
The Bible asks those two questions Pride is an illusion
Pride is
1 Lying to God
2 Robbing God
When we are proud we lie saying we have or are something that did not come from God
When we are proud we steal from God as we say God did not give me this gift i did it myself
Gods judgments are positive toward those He judges for their good as it is the only way to have some people in society wake up to the reality of their coming doom and the soon destruction of the earth by fire .
Malachi 4 says
All the wicked and all the proud shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
Seven things God hates The first one is A proud look Pride is a lie, it is not true that anyone is anything or has anything that does not come from God . why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
In fact christians need to be careful everyday not to follow that example . And i fear for women who admire pride , in fact they admire lying and stealing which is pretty scary . Nobody is anything unless God gives it to us, Nobody has anything unless God has given it to us .
All of Gods judgments are aimed at whatever interfeers with love When people pass the limit point then terrible judgments will fall on earth such as we have never seen . Ellen g White the prophet even says
The most vivid representation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal
Even if we took all the best artists and writers to try to depict what is coming on earth it would only be a faint idea of the incredible judgments and Gods incredible anger against wicked, proud, apathetic, unloving people on earth
2 Because of apathy
This is definitly one of the most offensive thing that especially young people do and they do not realize it . They do not care . What does the bible say we need to do ? Love What is the opposite of love? Apathy All of Gods judgments are aimed at whatever interfeers with love . Last week i talked to a leader in the church a young men . I told him these things .
He thought they were not important . It is incredible to see that people act as society acts and not as the bible tells us . If we area friend of the world we become an enemy of God , and having the name christian is even more dangerous as the person is completely blind to their own spiritual condition .
They bear the name of God or love and yet they are unkind, rude, apathic without any natural affection . How more blind than this can a person be? I remember i told a leader of a christian conference that if i had met him on the street i would have thought he was an evil men .
No love, no compassion, no tenderness, no pity, no gentleness, no sweetness of chatacter . I mean the person is an evil person claiming to be a christian yet not having one trait of character that resembles Jesus . Gods judgments are positive toward those He judges for their good . Just because society is apatic and unloving does not mean you have to be this way too .
Don't you know that those who follow this world will perish with the world . All that is in the world comes from satan, the fashion the way of talking the behaviours . Not only that but if you say to God i do not need anything , i do not love anybody, is it possible that God can answer your prayer?
All of Gods judgments are aimed at whatever interfeers with love . Yes the pharisees said let his blood be on us and it happened , God answered the pharisees prayer . Your behaviour is a prayer to God beware what you ask God for If you tell God i do not need anything God can answer your prayer .
3 Because of refusing truth
This is a great offense to God also refusing truth . By people saying what i believe becomes truth as a long as i believe it it is true , they make the Bible a lie . Humans cannot make or create truth . Humans cannot decide or judge Gods Word of truth . Yet this is what is going on . why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
We seem to live in the french revolution times all over again . It is possible that the same results as happened in the french revolution could happen now ? A reign of terror as people refuse all God's truth and the bible the inevitable result was the French revolution and its horrors says Ellen g White
Most people i talk to think that as long as they believe something it becomes true. So i tell them so a terrorist believe something is it true for him ? No Gods judgments are positive toward those He judges for their good .
I cannot se anything more offensive that these things . It is like all citizens passing by the police and the president everyday and saying
You do not make any laws
There are no rules
When humans say i decide what truth is i can make my own truth we know that we have reached a very dangerous point . Not only that but many christians start to believe the same thing . What is sad is that young people in churches are given pulpits and teaching this belief and giving this satanic example and good christians are lead astray by the devil .
No human being can create truth
No human being can invent truth
No human being decides any truth
If it was the case why do we need bibles?
If it was the case why would God need to teach humans ?
If it was the case why would God need a judgment as humans are the truth deciders?
Humans only seek truth , some humans are called to teach the truth, these are not deciding truth, they are taught of the Holy Spirit and give the truth to others from God . The are mouthpiece not truth creators . As no human is God . Gods judgments upon those who harm Gods people
If men say i am god , then learn form what will happen to Satan . He was cast from Heaven and is waiting to be destroyed . why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
4 Because of the lying spirit
That lying spirit goes together with saying i decide truth, this is a lie, so the person saying such a thing is a liar and a deceiver . As to most people when the truth is presented they say it is false . Most people i talk to refuse the truth . Yet preaching the truth does not mean for them to acceot,
all people need to make a descision, Noah's flood would have never happened unless Noah would have told the truth and the truth would have been refused or accepted . If everybody you preach to refuses the truth you did an amazing job as the angel notes the refusal and the person is marked for hell . When all people shall have taken sides on the truth or against it then the end will come says Ellen g White .
People hate the truth the above points we have seen are all coming from a dishonest and lying spirit Gods judgments upon those who harm Gods people . When Jesus was crucified nothing happened to the murderers, the sun shone, they had foot to eat, they could breathe oxygen, but thirty years later
emperor Titus came to Rome and one million Jews were crucified The temple had so much blood running that it seemed like a river of blood . Be careful modern church as you are in the same dangers as the Jews of old of offending God so much that the only way out is God destroying the wicked . The Jews definitly had passed the limit of their probation in crucifying Jesus on the cross .
Lying spirit a proud person is a liar, an anathic person is a liar, they say i do not need anything . If God would answer that prayer right away they would find themselves naked without anything inthe world . People who say i decide truth are liars, they have become so inflated in their minds that they think themselves to be God . Gods judgments are positive toward those He judges for their good .
The more we approach the end of the world, the stringer will God's warnings be , in nature, in society . Only those who have seared their hearts which iron shall not see . Lying spirits cannot enter heaven revelation 21 8 All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire . We cannot expect to lie and accept the truth . A liar cannot accept the truth as he prefers the lies . And this is how God will judge
All honest people will accept the truth
All liars will refuse the truth
5 Because of hating each other
People in society do not smile much anymore, no kindness, when they look at you it is like they are looking at a cow in a field . Their thoughts their feelings are so much into themselves and their own benefits that unless there were laws many would be ready to kill others . why is coronavirus happening bible king james version
The hate and the unloving spirit all over the earth today in incredible . Why are people so unloving? Why are people so unkind,? If life is so short only 28600 days in average , then why waste life in being fakely serious and unkind? Gods judgments are aimed at whatever interfeers with love and those who are unloving , unkind have a completely different spirit that Jesus had .
Can one be unloving and be a christian ? No
Can someone be unkind and be a christian ? No
Can someone be rude and be a christian ? No
This is the heart of christiany almost forget anything else . By their fruits you shall know them . Unless the tree bears good fruits it is cut down and burned in the flames .
One can be an atheist but if they are kind, loving, sweet they wil enter heaven before millions of christians that are unkind. Do not mock Jesus by saying you are a christian and evil at the same time God and Satan do nothing in partnership together . Do not follow two masters and deep down you know you prefer Satan and will be destroyed with Him
We have seen pride, apathy, deciding truth, lying spirits and unkind people are reasons why God is sending the coronavirus Will you repent of those things, have you seen their evil character ? Have you seen how offensive they are to God ? Have you seen that you cannot be a christian if you do those things ? Why not repeat after me
Father God i see that i ma an evil person and i did not know that those things were evil i ask you please to forgive me and give me the righteousness of Jesus help me to love others and be honest humble kind and loving in the name of Jesus amen
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