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5 Reasons why the 7th day adventist church is lukewarm

The seventh day Adventist church is the true church . It is clear from the Bible and fro the teaching of Jesus . But the church Jesus says is lukewarm Beliefs of the seventh day Adventist church The beliefs are al biblical Why is the 7th day adventist church lukewarm? What happened to this pure church ? Read on five reason why reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm

5 Reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm

1 7tth day adventist church lukewarm 1888 Rejected reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm

There was a message given in 1888 by two pastors than changed the seventh day adventist church it was the revelation of the righteousness of Jesus by two pastors

AT Jones


Since then when i enter a 7th day adventist church i feel if the church is legalist or not . There are so many legalist adventists and the reason is that the message of 1888 that God gave to lignten the earth with his glory was rejected . And sadly even today the 7th day adventist church is not preaching this message much .

One of the greatest beliefs of the seventh day adventist church is the righteousness by faith message . Why are 7th day adventist not studying or reading this most precious message? It is incredible as this message is the solution of the legalist malady

we see everywhere in the world and the reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm Seek a 7th day adventist church near me , as not all of them are legalist . The 7th day adventist message is the truth , yet some members are legalists , thus the church is lukewarm .

2 7ttth day adventist church lukewarm Sleepy preachers

How many times i enter a 7th day adventist church and i hear a sermon that i have heard so many times . Over and over again we hear the woman at the well, the prodigal son, the Nicodemus story . Aren't there no more chapters in the Bible . How big is the Bible and how little we preach the Bible is an offense to God .

The beliefs of the seventh day adventist church is the only true church . But most of us know about five percent of the Bible . The 7th day adventist church near me is the truc church . Yet Jesus gives rebukes, Jesus says it is in a laodicean state, and is lukewarm

What are the beliefs of the 7th day adventist church the righteousness by faith message is the message of the Seventh day adventist church most non Adventists have never heard about . And sadly because Adventist themselves di not study this message and ar ein a terrible lukewarm condition

3 7tth day adventist church lukewarm As the world

What is the world? I heard a very good sermon today at the. reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm It was a wake up message . Yet the brother and most christians have no clue what sin is . He said sin is going to movies and listening to wordly music . It is not the best to do .

But sin is much more than that and if christians do not know what sin is how can they avoid it? Doing as the world as for most christians they avoid killing and drumgs, alchool, porn and that's about it . The pharisees and Satan never used drugs, alchool, or went to movies yet they are very wicked . Sin is not being like Jesus

Pride, selfishness, apathy, deception, hate, judging others, seeking the first place, revenge, There are two list of sins in the Bible we should memorize in Romans 1 and 2 Timothy 3 reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm

2 TI 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Romans 1 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

The beliefs of the seventh day adventist church , it is the bride of revelation 12 The true church, Jesus says all other churches are Babylon . Yet the reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm can do as the world . As they do not know what sin is . And almost nobody on earth knows what sin is .

Sin is

Not loving God

Not loving others

Can you love others and do those things mentionned above? No

what are the beliefs of the 7th day adventist church The most important belief instead of repeating the sabbath so much and having churches filled with legalists, would be to study the righteousness by faith message

4 7th day adventist church lukewarm No spiritual life

I see that many members of the 7th day adventist church near me do not have a spiritual life. When we hear the sermons, or when i talk to them . And i am not talking about the 7th day adventist church only As this is going on all over the world.

But the difference is that the 7th day adventist church should be different and be separate and show spiritual life When we talk to someone who is supposed to be a christian we should hear a message . When i talk to many christians and 7th day adventists they have no message to give . It means

1 They do not study their Bibles

2 They do not pray

As when we spend time with Jesus He gives us a message and He talks to us in his Word and prayer The beliefs of the seventh day adventist church it says the truch church went in the wilderness 1260 years the papal persecution time , then the true church comes out

Perfect belief of your reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm So what are the beliefs of the 7th day adventist church Jesus says that it comes out after the 1260 years of papal persecution than ended in 1798

5 7tth day adventist church lukewarm No evangelism

I am in a city where there are One million inhabitants . There are about ten thousand 7th day adventists . How long doe sit take to reach a city of one million with twenty thousand?

If every members talks or reaches three persons a day it would take about one month for everyone in the ciry to know who the 7th day adventists are . Incredible to see that many people i have talked to say Who? The seventh day what?

In United stated there are three hundred million people There are one million 7th day adventists It means that if every member talks to ten persons a day , that is ten million people reached in a day . That is one hundred million people reached in ten days .

Why are there still so many people in the united stated who have never heard of the seventh day Adventist church ? What is the church doing ? What are the members doing ? Why are they not telling others about the truth ? Did you know it can take only one minute to say

Do you know Ellen G White ? She is the true prophet, there are free apps with all her books in google

The beliefs of the seventh day adventist church are all biblical, the reasons why the seventh day adventist church is lukewarm believes the truth , but the members are not resembling always Jesus it is in a lukewamr condition What are the beliefs of the 7th day adventist church it is the church of revelation 12 The true church

Why not come to Jesus and study the healing message for the laodiceans the righteousness by faith message? This message is life or death . This righteousness by faith message is the only solution for a laodicean condition Ellen g White says, it is the message upon which the destiny of the whole church depends

If you have not accepted Jesus before Jesus loves you Would it be a crazy idea for you to accept Jesus in your heart now ? Repeat after me

Father God forgive my sins, help me ti have the righteousness of Jesus and take me to heaven please in the name of Jesus amen


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