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5 Reasons why rap music bad influence rap music bad influence bible study article

Is rap music evil many people do not understand the workings of rap music . And it is so much inside our society that people do not talk about it .rap music bad influence bible study articles It is like the frog that gets used to hot water until it boils and dies .

Our society has become habituated to rap and does not see its evil But let us find out five reasons why rap music bad influence bible study articles pastor is destroying our society

1 Is rap music evil Pride

God says in the bible that we need to be like Jesus to go to heaven . As we are made in the image of God we originally looked and sounded like God . But through sin God's image has been so defaced that we do not know who God is and what it is to be like God .

Is rap music evil yes in fact we read in the Bible that Jesus came to show who His Father is like . Honest, kind, patient, loving, merciful, full of mercy and tenderness. It means that anything that is opposite to who God is is to be like Satan . Is rap music bad yes as in rap music many people are proud . rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version

It says in ma 4 Behold the day comes that shall burn like an oven and all the proud , yes all that do wickedly shall be stubble . And the day that comes shall burn them up like an oven

says the Lord of Host , that it shall leave them neither root nor branch . 3 And you shall tread upon the wicked , for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this says the Lord of Host .

All humans that refuse to give glory to God and give glory to themselves thinking they made themselves and that the blessings they have and who they are came from themselves will be destroyed . There is only one God and nobody can say I am god as this is the reason why Satan fell because of pride .

rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version on the world makes many people very proud and thus unless they repent they shall not enter heaven . By grace Jesus died for you so that His power through faith will help you receive his righteousness and be able to give Him the glory and not to yourself

2 Is rap music evil Selfishness

Another thing that will make people not to enter heaven is selfishness . Don't you think that it is interesting that many people talk about outward sins and never mentions the real reason why people will not make it to heaven. Who we are is what we can bring to heaven not too much what we do . Drinking and drugs are bad but being proud and selfish is much worse as these things is not what you do but who you are

rap music bad influence bible study articles king james versionyes as it makes people and sometimes good people to become very evil , and they become a plague to our society . Selfishness means you do not love others . It is as plain as that someone who is selfish love themselves so much that they do not love others . Love is a power that comes from God . And when your thoughts are about yourself and only you then you are selfish.

Is rap music bad yes because selfish people can go so far as to take the first place, as to want to be first in line, as to take what belongs to others wives, money and other things . Then being selfish is a very evil thing.

Many evils are done because rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version makes people to become selfish and proud and people steal, lie, kill, take other people's jobs and things because of these evil influences . No one shall be in heaven who is proud, no one shall be in heaven who is selfish .

3 Is rap music evil Unloving

Is rap music evil well it if makes you not to love others, then yes it is evil . As the main thing God wants us to do is love God and love others . We have seen that selfish people and proud people will not be in heaven. Yet God can help us change and love others and care for them . Unloving people will not be in heaven as the only reason we are on earth is to cleanse our character and become like Jesus loving, kind, honest, merciful .

Is rap music bad yes because it makes people bad as people are afraid not to fit in and many people just to fit in will become evil and bad . We either love God or love this world . We cannot be a friend of the world and be a friend of God .

rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version is destroying society so many people now are very proud, very unloving, very selfish, very unloving to the point of hating others. There is no more compassion , no more tenderness, no more friendliness, no more care between people .


4 Is rap music evil Violence

The bible says that the world will be filled with violence .

GE 6 11 The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence .

This is what is happening today . The people in the hood say that the hood was much more peaceful before rap music bad influence came along . And since rap came violence has exploded

Is rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version yes it is we see the incredible increase in gun and violence and hate and people who really do not care about anybody . Many people will not do violence but just the fact that someone does not care about someone else is violence. Being apathic is violent, not caring is a violent act .

5 Is rap music evil Satanic

All things that are not like God are satanic ad we are either influenced by God or by Satan there is no middle ground . Is rap music evil rap music bad influence bible study articles king james version

.Yes because people who are not gentle kind honest and humble are evil . To be evil you do not need to rob banks or kill people . To be evil is to be proud, selfish, unloving, unkind, . This is who Satan is as it is the total opposite of who God is .

Who we are is where we shall be for eternity . It is not our deeds so much that will decide our destiny it is who we are our character

EPH 5 27 That He might present it to Himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish .

What it is to be like God

EX 34 6 And the Lord passed before Him and proclaimed The Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth .

It is not too late Jesus can give you His power called the robe of righteousness for you to do good and not evil . Only God has this power, your own works cannot change your heart, by your own power you cannot change your heart .

You and me we are very sinful and God only can help you Repeat after me Father God please forgive my sins help me to be like Jesus and be honest kind sincere and loving provide for all my needs heal me in the name of Jesus amen

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