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5 Reasons why God sent the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture

Many people wonder why God has sent the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture . As men usually believes what is accepted by society and most people feel that they do not need the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture

As whatever the leaders of the world tells us is truth, that is what most people follow. They change with every change of wind . When the wind and the beliefs in society change most people turn their sails and follow the new winds. Let us find out the five reasons why God sent the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture

1 The holy bible old and new testament Absolute truth versus opinions

Can men know how to conduct himself ? No Why ? Because men did not create himself. If men had created himself then men would know how to direct his steps as the universe the mind and good and bad would have been created by men .

Yet men is only a creature, a created being, thus men does not know how to direct his steps . God sent the holy bible old and new testament to read scriptur so that we could know what truth is .

Je 10 23 O Lord i know that the way of men is not in himself , it is not in men that walks to direct his steps.

Is there a good reason why men does not know truth from his mind. Because of sin men's minds have become darkened and cannot discern truth from error . In fact this is the reason why atheism is wrong as atheism totally trusts and worships the brain of human beings as infallible. God sent the holy bible new testament so that we could be guided into all the truth . As most people do not know that men's minds are influenced and led by evil spirits.

Many of the thoughts, impressions and feelings that we have come from Satan . Yes Satan has the right to influence people . Satan can talk in the first person and the person think it is himself thinking s ; It is a fearful thing not to believe in Satan as this terrible foe can deceive minds to their own destruction the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture are very likely sent by God .

Opinions is not truth . There are two kinds of topics absolute topics and opinions . When we talk about food, Do you prefer apple or banana this is a personal taste . It is not absolute . It varies from person to person . When we talk about absolute topics, personal opinion has no place . When we say Do most human beings have two legs, it is absolute . Some people may believe humans do not have two legs. But it is absolute as it is either true or false .

When we say most cars have four wheels it is either true or false thus it is an absolute topic. When we say the end of the world is comng it is either true or false . Persona opinion has no say so in this topics . Only arguments for or against it can be given .

God sent the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture so that we could be guided into absolute truth . The holy bible manic street preachers have you seen them ? It is not politically correct but it is very possible God has sent them

JN 17 17 Sanctify them through your Word , your Word is truth .

JE 17 9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desparately wicked who can know it

2 The holy bible old and new testament Men's minds are corrupt

Men mind because of sin is constantly influenced by lies. The lies of our fallen society. The lies of Satan brought into our thoughts opinions, feelings. These people who are not reading the holy bible new testament everyday are deceived .

We see people are biased even in science which should be something in the which men's opinions should not enter. Almost everytime is watch an evolution documentary they inject their own thoughts and ideas .And it becomes a total fairy tale very far from science . Even the greatest scientists do not understand that

Opinions are things about taste food, colors. And science is an absolute topic and personal feelings have no part in science or truth . Yet science today is falsely so called and it is a mix of true science that which we can test, prove, demonstrate .

And a cultic religion called evolution . Big bang, transition specie to specie, geological column these are not scientific but religious . It cannot be proven, tested, nor demonstrated. Thus it is not science . the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture proves itself true how. Bible prophecy is God's proof .

3 The holy bible old and new testament Society belongs to Satan

Can any human explain what will happen june 10 year 4000 no Can any human explain what will happen june 10 year 4000 no God can . If God can explain what will happen in 2000 years whats does it mean? It means that God is divine and God live sin the futur .

Can you explain the 1260 years, the 2300 days, the lour cry, the angry horse, the 4 angels holding the winds, the 3 angels message no ? Then you do not know the bible and cannot judge a book without having studied it Carefully, with open unbiased mind and long enough to find out if it is true or not .the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture God always has sent messengers to warn others of their imminent danger .

Society belongs to Satan

AC 2 40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation

What is the meaning of untoward? Unruly, contrary, adverse, improper, defiant, incompliant,

We see that our world does not belong to God when it belongs to the fashions, the ideas circulated.. The holy bible old and new testament is the only guide in this confused society .

EPH 2 2 Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world , according to the prince of the power of the air , the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience . No wonder most people will end up in hell .

If the whole story of planet earth is a battle between truth and error. And most people refuse the voice of truth in their hearts and follow this lying society . They cannot enter heaven As every human beings will have made a choice for truth or for error and lies .

4 The holy bible old and new testament God knows the futur

As God knows the futur, it means that only God knows the truth and the bible even says that God is truth .

JN 14 6 I am the way , the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except through Me .

As God is truth can humans decide what truth is? No as the creator of truth and truth Himself is God . Humans are only little agents that only are here to seek truth and either accept and reject truth . All honest people will accept truth. All dishonest people will reject truththe holy bible old and new testament to read scripture tells us what the truth is Men cannot decide what truth is as men is not God ans did not crate the universe .

Before you were born did truth exist ? Yes After you will die will truth remain the same? Yes Then you by living you did not change the truth . All your opinions and feelings and thoughts did not change truth in any way shape of form the holy bible old and new testament to read scriptuhave thousands of prophecies, these can only come from someone who knows the futur. As this person not only knows the futur, but also created the universe . He knows what truth is. He is God truth Himself .

5 The holy bible old and new testament God is truth

God is truth thus men is not truth . The only way men would decide truth is that men would be the creator and lawmakers of the universe . Did men create conscience ? No Did men create the world ? No Did men create good ? No

Men is either a follower of truth and God , or men is a follower of the inventor of evil Satan . The bible says that sin and evil originated in Satan's heart . Thus humans have no way to know the truth unless

1 They read the holy bible old and new testament

2 Someone tells them about the truth a messenger

3 The Holy Spirit reveals to them the truth

God is truth and all humans are under divine juridiction. All humans are created beings that are made by God's love .Jesus Himself died for all humans his blood was shed for you because He loves you so much . And sin came because humans started to follow the lies and forgot .the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture When Satan talked to Eve it was a lie . A lie that was contrary to the Holy Bible that God spake to them .

God said GE 2 7 You shall not eat of it

Satan said GE 3 4 You shall not surely die

Which part will you follow Satan lies or God's truth .the holy bible old and new testament to read scripture tells you the truth Why not start reading the bible now everyday and feed your mind with truth ?

Repeat after me Father God forgive my sins help me to believe and follow truth give me your robe of righteousness in the name of Jesus amen

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