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5 Reasons why God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon

Have you ever read in the bible that God winked at Solomon and Jews when they had many wives and they took concubines . The question is can God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon Let us take a tour in the bible and find out it God can and did close the eyes when people stole, lied and robbed and killed . No God never can close the eyes to sin ever . As the wages of sin is death . Let us find out five reasons why God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon

1 For biting a fruit earth was cursed

We see that the God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon as sin is very offensive to God . Sin costs the life of his son Jesus . Ro 5 12 By one men sin entered into the world . Just because of one sin can you imagine all the trouble and suffering that has happened on earth and the terrible curse and evil that has been going on since six thousand years ? It is quite incredible to see the result of sin upon earth .

And when people say that God winked at Solomon when he had many wives but it was really a sin and that now it is no more lawful for us to have more than one wife . I am not entering the topic of sex otf of mariage or is nudity a sin can can read these posts here . I ma yet to write a post on is it lawful for a mne to have more than one wife .

To know the truth only comes by the Holy Spirit teaching us. Men cannot arrirve at truth by himself . Yet we know that God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon As sin ahas terible consequences and here we can prove that as God winked at Solomn having seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.

A modern word for concubine would be a girlfriend, but a concubine is more like a sex partner . Then we can only conclude with honesty that Solomon sexual practices were not a sin . You can say God rebuked Solomon, yes but God did not rebuke Solomon because he had many wives,

God rebuked Solomon because he had unconverted women , pagan women that lead his heart away to evil . For God to wink at sin is impossible , so if God winks at something it is not a sin . Yet it is not a good practice also .

2 For people refusing to enter into the ark God cursed earth

We also see that God cursed the whole earth because of one thing . They refused to enter into the ark . If we can note something extremely important, God did not ask people to repent , God only told them enter into the ark and they refused .

It shows that lack of faith and repentence go hand in hand. God knew that those who would not repent would not also want to enter the ark and would not believe . God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon and we see that God destroyed very likely millions of people for their incredible sins .

GE 6 11 The earth also was corrupt before God , and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt., for all flesh had corrupted his way before God. And God said to Noah . The end of all flesh is come before me , for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them the earth .

Did God wink at sin here? No God destroyed all living flesh . God cannot wink at sin because that would be excusing sin. And if God could wink at sin it would mean that

The death of Jesus it void

The transgression for sin being death is void

The plan to redeem humans would be a waste of time

But the wages of sin is death Ro 6 23

1 CO 15 22 For as in Adam all die

And the call to accept Jesus would be meaningless if God could excise sin when He wanted . There would be no need of Jesus topay the penalty of sin which is death . God does not wink at sin and the flood is a good example of that , because million died because God cannot wink at sin and God cannot excuse sin .

As much as God loves us, God has to punish us and send the result of our transgressions . Even after someone stole something did not you they have to give back and double sometimes the bible says they will return sevenfold? Even after you repent from stealing it is not over, you need to restitute what you have stolen .

3 God never winked at sin

All throughout the bible we see that God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon When Israel sinned God sent the Assyrians and they were deported. When Judah sinned God sent the Babylonians and they were deported . When the papacy sins God will destroy her and all nations will see the results of sin .

2 KI 17 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight , there was none left but the tribe of Judah only .

2 KI 24 14 Then He led away into exile all Jerusalem and all the captains and all the mighty men of valor , ten thousand captives and all the crafstmen and all the smiths . None remained except the poorest people of the land .

When Jesus was crucified for thirty years nothing happened, no judgment, no punition, no anger from God. But in ad 70 AD Titus came to Jerusalem and one million jews were crucified . Gods retributive judgments were falling . It took some time but they did fall . Often God's punishments do not fall right away, but they will fall, especially when the person does not repent and change course .

LK 21 20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies , then know that the desolation thereof is nigh .

4 God did wink at sex outside marriage

So we can conclude with prior knowledge on my past post

We can conclude that God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon so the so called sins of Solomon are not sins . Solomon did sin in marrying pagan women . But Solomon did not sin at having many wives . As it was a practice even if it was pagan it was not a sin . As we see Moses had two wives one from Cush one Ethiopia, one from Midian Arabia .

Yet God inspired him to write

You shall not commit adultery . To have sex with a married women outside your wife is adultery . To have sex or chose another wife , a random woman who is single outside your wife is not a sin .

LE 15 18 The woman also with whom men shall lie with seed of copulation they shall both bathe themselves in water and be unclean until even .

Sex out of marriage is not a sin as it is an impurity . Paul said 1 CO 7 9 it is better to marry . If marriage is better than sex out of marriage then sex out of marriage is also good not not the best option according to the modern christian interpretation .

Yet we know that the word fornication PORNEA in Greek never means sex out of marriage in the bible . The word fornication comes from 1303 The Bible writers used the signification of the 1611 KJB in the KJV And not the 21 century meaning of the world .

Does God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon no because it would be excusing sin and sin would not have any power and could be erased without a penalty . Doest God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon we never see that in the Bible people all over the world have to repent even that is a gift of God and there are terrible consequences for sin we see that all around

5 Sex outside marriage is not a sin

Pornea means spiritual idolatry . The corintians used to go see prostitute sin the top of the mountains and worship Satan and ask Satan favours . This is the real meaning of

FORNICATION . Spiritual idolatry with Satan with sex involved. Fornication sins are found in Leveticus chapter 15 through 18 . They are homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, adultery . They are never sex out of marriage .

God cannot wink at sin bible verse sermon God winked at Jews for thousands of years having multiple wives . Yet for the woman it says 1 CO 7 39 A woman is bound by law to as long as her husband lives. Can something be ok and then five minutes become sin ?

Why was it ok to have sexual orgies five minutes before the cross, then five minutes after the cross it becomes very repulsive and very evil ? Or is it something our society fabricated and not the bible? Our society fabricated this . Sin never changes sin can never become ok , sin cannot be excused one day and then become sin .

Lying, stealing, adultery, selfishness pride, apathy have always and will always be sin . If you liked this post why not ask Jesus into your heart now ? We have seen discrepancies between today's christianty and the bible , Father God help us to follow you and the truth, provide for all our needs, i ask that those reading be blessed , provide for all their needs

Grant them their hearts desires according to your will, may they be faithful until Jesus comes in the name of Jesus amen


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