We see that from the list of sins in the bible we find one behaviour that God does not like at all . A behaviour that is very toxic to humanity and it is a cold dry spell unto our planet that dried the fruits of love and sympathy between people and develops hate and all kind of evils it is apathy . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament
God judgment will fall on those who spread this evil malady . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament will not be delayed on those who influence others into doing that apathy thing and thus spread it like wild fire through different cities and towns and thus corrupt the earth and God's planet . Let us find out five reasons why apathy is so dangerous .
1 God judgment No fruits MT 7 16
The bible says that we know someone by their fruits . Yet the bible says that we should not judge others . What is it then ? We should judge others by the bible know if someone is of God or not by the way they behave and talk. But we cannot judge others by today »s society as society judgment is corrupt . One thing we can know is the fruits of the person how they behave. One evil fruit that tells very easily that the person is not in Jesus is apathy .
It is one of the list of sins in the bible with pride and unloving, unkind spirit . Apathy is not loving others and not hating them . But apathy is in the category of hate. As the apathic person thinks that not hating is ok when Jesus said
MT 12 30 He that is not with Me is against Me and he that gathers not with Me scatters abroad
It means a person that does not love, hates. A person that does not embrace truth is on the side of lies. There is no middle ground. It is funny that so many people think that there is middle ground . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament
Life is made by God and God is either one way or another . God is never in the middle . God is either very loving and kind and merciful. Or God is sending judgments like sword, famine, plagues and lions to destroy people .
This is the character of God and we need to be like God . God judgment will fall on those who have taken the spirit of the world to be in the middle, to never take any position, to never chose one side of the other fully . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament is to fall on those who think they can remain neutral .
There is no such thing as neutral. There is no such thing as apathy. Apathy is hate it is refraining to love someone . Apathy is to have an uncaring spirit and to love yourself . Apathy is not doing what Jesus told us to do
JN 13 34 35 A new commandments I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another
2 God judgment No love
If love is what God wants us to do toward others and Him What is the worse thing we can do ? Not love others and God .
JN 13 36 All men shall know that you are my disciples if you gave love one to another
Apathy is people being totally engrossed in this society's behaviours and forms and ceremonies and fashions .
If society does something that is contrary to the bible should you do it . No Well millions of christians and atheists just follow society as if it was God . Know something society is not God and the bible says
EX 23 2 You shall not follow a multitude to do evil .
God judgment will fall on those who want to please men and not God. Here to we see that we cannot please God and men . Yet many think it i possible to be in society and with God at the same time .
JA 4 4 Know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore ill be a friend of the world is an enemy of God
God destroyed people in the times of Noah because they said We do not need to enter the ark we are happy outside we do not need anything . God destroyed them all except eight .
In RE 3 it says
RE 3 17 Because you say i have need of nothing and knows not that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked . Jesus vomits on those who say I do not need anyhing. The apathic people in society are seen as the cool ones.
God sees them as despicable and disgusting to the point of vomiting on them . Why ? Because they are liars As we need many things everyday to live and saying i do not need anything is a lie . RE 21 8 All liars shall have their part in the make which burns with fire and brimstone
To be apatic is to to refuse the main thing God asks us to do Love one another .
1 CO 13 5 Love seeks not her own
1 PE 1 22 Seeing that you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren , see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament
3 God judgment They do not know God
People who are apathic not only they do not have love for others they are proud and selfish. But they have no mercy, they judge others according to this world . Apathic people never learned of Jesus they follow this world and the God of this world .
And many claim to be christian and they are so blind that they say Jesus Jesus yet they do not see that their character resembles much more Satan than Jesus . They have no trait of character whatsoever that is like Jesus .
And it is extremely offensive for God to see people claiming to have his name yet to be like Satan and be filled with evil spirits . List of sins in the bible there are two main lists in Romans 1 and 2 timothy 3 Where it says
2 TI 3 Lovers of their own selves, boasters, proud, unthankful, without natural affection
To be apathic is to be unthankful. A person receiving many gifts from God and saying i do not need anything. Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament will definitly fall on such a terrible lie as we need air, water, food, job, money, friends, love, houses, a place to stay a car, insurance, shoes, clothes, internet, electricity, phones, computers and the list goes on.
4 God judgment Refusing the truth
Apathy is totally opposite to the character of God think about it was Jesus ever apathic? No
JA 4 17 To him that knows to do good and does it not to him it is sin
We do not chose our way in life, we do not chose right and wrong. I remember a sister told me O some people think they are spiritual . She was insinuating that some people can chose not to be spiritual . Which is a lie a we do not chose truth .
People who are not spiritual are wicked and refuse the calls of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. It is very offensive to God when someone who is atheist is wordly how much more when someone claims to be a christian is apathic . List of sins in the bible we saw above one of the sins of the last days that will bring some of the most terrible of God judgment is Without natural affection
People who have no natural affection are lifeless, selfish and proud. All their lives is around their own person . The judgment of God is delayed because some might break away from the delusion of our society, but the Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament j will not be delayed much longer and as most people see the tornadoes, earthquakes, viruses, plagues, wars as natural events,
They are allowed and sent by God to wake men and women to their terrible danger of perishing forever and receiving the final God judgment that re 14 says says will be without mercy
RE 14 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation .
Without mixture it means plagues and Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament always fell with mercy, this time for the last plagues they will be poured out without mercy . Because having all the light and knowledge of the bible the whole world will have to make a decsision between truth and lies
And most people will worship humans, worship society and follow what they see rather than the loving God that they do not see . And their guilt will be without any excuse and God judgment will be righteous
RE 16 5 For You are righteous O Lord for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets.
5 God judgment Is not a fairy tale
If God sent terrible punishments before He will do it again . And we see all over the earth terrible things are already falling . Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testament is in love to have people turn from their sins ans see the foly of following this world and not the truth .
Apathy is to be totally contrary to a loving Jesus who took childrens in their arms and loved them. Apathy is totally contrary to God who is merciful full of mercy kindness and tenderness . To refrain to love others and show them affection is to dry up your practice of love and have no fruit as a result . Trees and christians that do not bear fruit are cut down . List of sins in the bible tells us the apathic and people without natural affection shall never enter heaven .
To be apathic and only love a certain group of people is to think and judge by the world and to think that only the proud, wicked , unloving deserve love when in fact it is the opposite, the bible says that instead of those people deserving love they deserve to die
Ro 1 32 Who knowing ,Gods judgment upon the world bible verse new testaent that they which commit such things are worthy of death , not only do the same , but have pleasure in them that do them .
If you saw yourself in this post to be unloving, uncaring apathic and that you cannot enter heaven in such a wicked condition why not repeat after men
Father God forgive my sins give me Your righteousness everyday to do good and reject evil . Help me to love others and not to hate them in being apathic and cold in the name of Jesus amen