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5 Differences between good men and evil men in the bible

We see that many people and women especially love and respect evil people . It is incredible to see that some human being would repect and love and applaud difference between good men and evil men in the bible Yet this is the case .

Coming out of mu christian shell i could not understand that that would exist . But going to a secular surroundings this was the case . Some and many people love and respect evil . Now it is time for all good men to shine but there are only a few . Let us find out five differences between good and evil men Where have all the good men gone ?

1 A good men stands for good

Most people hate people who are totally evil or totally good. For this society you need to be in between, The bible says that if you are in between you are lukewarm and God will vomit you out of His mouth. God hates people who are in between, God wants people to be on one side or the other . difference between good men and evil men in the bible

Most people do good deeds then sometimes they are nice a little bit, then they are bad again, they think this is normal .difference between good men and evil men in the bible I am not talking about someone not choosing to be this way, but most people they vacillate between choosing to be good or evil .

The most astounding thing of all is that most people think this is the way society works you feel like doing good some days, some other days you feel like doing bad. Understand that you have to do good even when you do not feel like it.

If you think that humans should act on their feelings no. As love is a principle we love whether we feel like it or not . I remember i was talking to a woman and she did not understand that she had to love everybody . I was shocked to find out that some people chose who they will love that is quite incredible . It shows the weak and cruel heart they have.

They only love those who they feel like loving , well of course that it east you love only those who you feel things in common,? Such a person will not enter heaven where we will love everybody and if you cannot love everybody now you will never enter heaven where you will have to love everybody . difference between good men and evil men in the bible

All the evil men in history loved some people and hated others . So if we take your argument these are good people too ? No Jesus said love one another . Love all people Love your enemies do good to those who persecute you Forgive and you shall be forgiven .

It shows that we arrive din a time in society where few good people exits . I mean good by people who follow truth and not society as we have seen in the last post that no one is good .

2 A good men defends justice

Now is the time for all good men to shine yet we see that there are only a few left . Who defends justice today ? Who defends the right ? Almost nobody and people still praise the evil men when in fact they are very weak men that would never stand for the right as they only can stand for themselves . Especially if you have only stood for yourself only all your life you are not used to stand for truth and justice .

An evil men is a weak men in the sight of God . Have you made a bible study on the phrase

In the eyes of God or in the sight of God We see that God repeats this often as things that are seen in men's eyes and God's eyes are completely different , they are as different as north is from south .

The evil men in history will be seen as those who society have accepted and embraced . As the bible says Lk 16 15 That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God Good men are stronger because they defend justice and right and wicked men only defend themselves and their selfish ambition . difference between good men and evil men in the bible

Evil men are weak because

A They do not turn the other cheek

B They seek the first place

C They judge by apparence

D They deceive lie at first opprtunity to benefit self

E They only love when it is a benefit for them

F They hate or are indifferent to

G They would never be courageous enough to tell the truth when it is a loss for them

H They do not help those in need unless conscience burns too much

I They are weak inside but show lying front of being strong

J Strong for them meas being without compassion or love

3 A good men follows God

Good men follow God evil men follow themselves . The bible does say that we need to love ourselves, the bible also says that the unmerciful and without natural affection Romans 1 32 Who knowing the judgment of God that they which do such things are worthy of death , not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them .

The bible says that you can call yourself a christian or an atheist if you have no natural affection and no mercy you deserve to die . Your name christian does not mean anything . Now it is time for all the good men to show up, but the bible says he is hard to find and we live in a society where so called good people are fewer every year .

The world sees that to be unloving, unmerciful, unkind is to be strong. The bible says it is a weakness . Anybody can he hateful and without love. In fact it does not take any effort to be apathic . It is like to be at rest . It takes effort to love others , . To be evil is very easy to take a gun and shoot someone does not take any effort

But to be kind and love is quite more difficult and requires effort.difference between good men and evil men in the bible They have weakened under social pressure . That social pressure has been too strong for them and they are so afraid to not be loved that they follow the world

They become Apathic, unkind, unloving, proud , arrogant those natural thorns of the heart

In a garden is it harder to make fruits and vegetables grow ?

Or is it harder to make weeds grow ? Fruits and vegetables

It is the same in the heart . Society respects the fact that someone let the natural evil fruits of his heart spring up . When you think about it it is crazy . And society hates those who by Jesus rightousness refrain the natural evil of the heart . Many christians think that the flesh means sex, no in Galatians Paul calls the flesh to be a legalist .

These two points correlate . As a legalist will follow what is esteemed in his society . The evil men in history have let the natural weeds grow . God says hate evil Which will you chose ? As the big problem of society is that most people are in between they are evil and

sometimes good and they do not make a clear choice as to on which side they will stand Which side do you chose my friend ? As to stay in the middle means that you are on the side of Satan Jesus said difference between good men and evil men in the bible

Mt 12 30 He that is not with me is against me

4 A good men can he hated

Most christians are amazed to see that one christian is hated and rejected by society . Well the reason themselves are not rejected and hated is because they are not christians . If they were talking and acting like christians they would also be hated and rejected .

Jesus said

Mt 10 22 You shall be hated by all men for my name's sake

2 TI 3 12 All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution

Because if you are not humble, honest, kind, sincere then you are not a christian .

A christian is someone that resembles Jesus

A christian is not someone that claims to be a christian

Are you like Jesus ?

Or are you proud, selfish, arrogant, unloving, unmerciful, without natural affection ? Then you belong to Satan You belong to whom you ressemble Now is the time for all the good men to tell the world that their doom is sure and unless they change sudden destruction shall come upon them . That day will come burning like an oven and all the proud, all those who do wickedly shall be burned up .

Mt 3 12 Whose fan is in his hand and He will throughly purge his floor,,,but He will burn the chaff in unquenchable fire

Lk 13 7 For three years i come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none Cut it down for why why does it use up the ground ?

Are you using God's ground for nothing ? Evil men in history are those who do not love and unmerciful and resemble Satan difference between good men and evil men in the bible Many have gone into the world retaining the name christian

5 A good men follow God and not the world

If you use God's ground for nothing it means if you go to church and spread the unmerciful unloving message , if you make others become evil you are not only using the ground for nothing, you are a servant of Satan in God's house . You are an impostor .

If you listen to sermons and have people in the church help you year after year and you spend gas money to go to church and you never do anything for God it is wasting God's means for nothing ? Can you imagine angels guard you

God gives you his keeping power and wisdom and blessings to know the truth to learn amazing biblical truth and you never use these blessings to benefits others ? It is almost to be a criminal and let other people die . Evil men in history have been ahathic, and you become the same benefiting self and doing as others are doing

O but all people are as me they do not care they love tlemselves and do not do much for God They bear no fruit to God and the tree will have to be cut down . As God and angels are wasting time and efforts for no good reason . difference between good men and evil men in the bible

Good men so called follow God and not the world The bible says that truth comes from God so automatically we see that the world if it contradicts the bible is a lie . Even if given by leaders Why ?

Because truth never contradicts itself . As humans beings cannot invent or create truth then truth is only found in the holy bible . The holy bible is your guide, the holy bible is where we fallen human beings can find the road to truth and reject lies .

The holy bible is where we can expose the lies of society ? The holy bible is the place where we can discern between right and wrong , between good and evil . Why is our society in such a bad shape ? It is because they follow their wicked minds and not the bible

Pr 28 26 He that trusts in his own heart is a fool

Je 17 9 the heart is decteiftul above all things and desparatly wicked who can know it

Now it is time for all the good men to show others the truth Terrible judgments are soon to come on earth Incredible wrath of God against evil We have seen that evil is to be unmerciful, proud, selfish, unkind. Evil is not only the big things that very few people do like robing banks, as we know that

most people will end up in hell thus evil is not to be like Jesus and have the love traits of character that make on resemble Satan .

Where have all the good men gone many people are leaving the truth becaue the opinion of men's mind has become powerful enough for them to say

These humans have the truth i leave God

Yet they are entering into a lie and a very dangerous path trusting human following humans . The evil men in history have had very strong opinions, only for the masses to find out that theirs was only opinions and not truth . Do you prefer evil or good ? Chose your path now as you cannot be in between, being in between means you belong to Satan .

If you are evil and claim to be a christian you are mocking the name of God . Which side will you chose , what do you love evil or good ? If good repeat after me Father God i ask you to help me love good and hate evil, i pray that you give me your righteousness and bless me in all things and help me walk with you until the end in the name of Jesus amen


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