Because this world belongs to Satan so we cannot say we can cure disease naturally . I am not a doctor . This is only the opinions of different people including doctors that i have heard.
As the earth is under Satan's rule we cannot say we can cure disease naturally because this would take away the billions of dollars that the pharmaceutical companies are taking from people without even curing them .No disease can exist in an alkaline environment .
Is it legal for God to tell others not to heal diseases . No in God's eyes it is a crime when one knows something that can save lives and does not do it . Ket us find out five ways you can heal disease . Natural healing quotes
1 JN 4 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
1 Natural healing quotes Elimination
About every cure on earth starts by adding something to the body . Like medicine or plants . But the main cause of sickness is that the body has too much of something or the body has something that is not good for health . The body often in sickness is trying to get rid of that thing that is causing sickness ans instead of us removing the harmful thing, we add to the injury . No disease can exist in an alkaline environment .
But how can we remove . Let the body rest , fasting is one of the best way to let the body remove what is harmful . I am not saying to nothing else . But besides what you are already doing . Letting the body rest and fasting is great to have the body recover faster . Lyme disease natural treatment . In this case i would do juicing from machine one liter per day at least .
2 Natural healing quotes Absorbtion
This is the other thing to do in sickness 1 Eliminate 2 Feed We are sick because we have something harmful in the body whether cancer cells, depot of fat in the veins ect . And our nutrition is not good enough to feed us . So we need to go to juicing from machine . No juices from stores as they are cocked and concentrated .
To absorb well the vitamins or supplements that you are taking , your colon needs to be cleaned up to be able to let in what you are taking into your stomach . No disease can exist in an alkaline environment . Also a regular meal is not sufficient to feed your body . The Us government made a study and found out that one cabbage in 1020 is equal to 20 cabbages to day .
You would need to eat 20 cabbages today to have the same nutrient content as for one cabbage in 1020 . Our food is very empty in nutrients . Doing home juicing cleanses your colon and your lymph system . But also bring in nutrients that will feel your body properly . Lyme disease natural treatment i would do fasting and juicing for a few weeks .
3 Natural healing quotes Juicing
Most fruits eliminate , most vegeatables feed and bring on minerals and nutrients . Both do the job, but vegetables for example feed the body more than they eliminate . Juicing is the one things that brings miracles . Often i see people starting on one liter of machine juice a day and see incredible improvments in a few weeks or months .
This is because the cells in your body are fed and happy . They see themselves being cleanses from the toxins and they receive proper nutrient for the first time in a long time . Finally your cells can start doing a good job or repairing themselves and your body can start cleaning up the mess accumulated for years . No disease can exist in an alkaline environment . Lyme disease natural treatment juicing can do wonders .
4 Natural healing quotes Fasting
80 percent of your body's energy is used by digestion . When you do not eat your body can use much more power to heal and repair what is wrong . Give your body some rest . As not eating is resting your stomach and colon . Your colon feels happy to not eat for a few days . No disease can exist in an alkaline environment .
When you fast you do what is called autophagy it means that your body starts eating the bad cells and the bad thing sin your body . It takes a while the first two days your body is still eliminating what is in your colon and body .
And after around two or three days , your body starts to clean up the mess and eat the cancer cells, to cleanse your liver and kidneys ect . Fasting is incredible for health . It is very powerful ; Lyme disease natural treatment . It is slow as work but when you heal from fasting the cause of the disease is totally gone . Natural healing quotes .
5 Natural healing quotes Herbs
Herbs are incredible . I would do the juicing and fasting to do the two things that cause disease and prevent someoet to be healthy . Not eliminating will cause disease as your body needs to get rid of the toxins and flush out your lymph system . Juicing does that and fasting also . To feed your body just eating meals is not enough if you really want to repair your body .
Doing juicing from machine , either a juicer at home or going to a juice bar are excellent solutions and ways to heal your body . Natural healing quotes . Herbs can work amazing and fast for example curcumin for inflamation .
Neem oil for tooth and cold and diabetes and malaria . Neem oil for std's . I coulsel you to watch videos of Dr Matias Rath Dr berg Dr Axe Dr Abram Hoffer Life regenerator Fat sick and almost dead Vale juice documentary Dr Schulze herbalist Dr Cristofer herbalist they are wonderful seminars and videos that can change your life
But sadly this is not taught in our schools, our medical system is not based on healing . Our medical system is based on managing disease . What they want sometimes not all doctors are bad . But often they like to manage disease for years . So that you are a customer for life . No disease can exist in an alkaline environment .