1 co ch 1
In what are we enriched by God ? In all utterance and in all knowledge
What will God do to us? Confirm us unto the end that we may be blessed
How should we be joined together ? Same mind and judgment
What does God do wisdom of wise?
1 co 1:19 I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
How did world know not God? By wisdom of the world
What jews and greek seek? Jews signs, greek wisdom
What is Christ crucified to them? Jews stumbling block , greek foolishness
What not many are called ? Wise,mighty, noble
What has God chosen ? The foolish weak, base, despised
What is Jesus made u to us? Wisdom, sanctification , righteousness, redemption
Im what should we glory, have pride? In the Lord
1 co ch 2 What was paul speech not? Enticing words wisdom
Why? So that faith not stand wisdom man, but power of God
What do princes of this world know not ? Wisdom of God
What would they have done knowing God s wisdom? Not crucify Lord of glory
How can we know the things of God ? By the holy Spirit
What are things of God to natural men? Foolishness
Why can t he know them? They are spiritually discerned
What does he that is spiritual ? Judges all things is judged by none
1 co ch 3 Why were Corinthians still carnal? Envying, strife, divisions
We are God s what? Husbandry, building
Husbandry ? Care, cultivation, breeding crops, animals
How will every man s work revealed ? The day shall declare it, for it shall be revealed by fire How shall we receive a reward? If any men's work abide
If we think to be wise what to do? Become a fool
How does God see thoughts of the wise? Vain
1 co ch 4 What did paul know of himself? Nothing
What will God bring ? To light hidden things darkness, make manifest counsels heart
Why should we not be proud ? What do we have that we have not received
Why what? Why do we glory as if we have not received it
What are we made? The filth , offscouring of the world
Offscouring? Someone rejected by society outcast
1 co ch 5 What do we need to purge out why? Old leaven, to be new lump , as we are unleavened How should we keep the feast? Unleavened bread sincerity and truth
With whom should we not keep company? Covetous, extortioner, idolator, railler, drunkard
1 co ch 6 Who will not inherit the kingdom! Unrighteous, fornicators, idolators, adulterers, effeminate, abusers themselves mankind, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, 1 co ch 7 What does husband render wife ? Due benevolence
What does wife and husband no power over ? Their own bodies
How can they defraud one another ? Only with consent How is this spoken? By permission not by commandment
When should people marry ? If they cannot contain
How are childrens of non christian couples? Unclean
What should we not be? Servants of men
Why they that use this world should not abuse it ? For the fashion of the world passed away When can one think he behaves uncomely toward his virgin ? When she passes the flower of her age
After whom s judgment woman is happier single ? After paul s judgment
1 co 8 What does knowledge do ? Knowledge puffery up charity edifies
What does he that think he knows anything ? He knows nothing as yet he ought to know
Id someone loves God what ? he is known of Him
What is an idol ? Nothing in the world
Why is conscience of him weak emboldened eat idols meat? By your knowledge that idols nothing
Why would weak brother perish? By your knowledge
1 co 9 Who was paul s seal of apostleship? Corinthian church
Who could forbear working ? Paul and cephas
What things people don't do at their own charge ? Go to war, plant vineyard, feed flock
What does those who plow and thresh should do ? Do so in hope
What those sow spiritual should reap? Carnal things
1 co ch 10 What did jews father's did? Went under the cloud , passed through the sea
How were they baptised? In the cloud and in the sea
How did God feel with many of them? Displeased overthrew in wilderness
What were these things? Éxamples
Why? So that we might not lust after evil things
What happened those tempted Christ? Destroyed of serpents
What happened those murmured? Destroyed by the Destroyer
Why did these things happen? As esamples for our admonition
We being many are ? One bread and one body
All things are lawful to me? All things edify not exedient
What should we seek? Another men s wealth
To whom should we not give offense! ? To
jews, the gentiles, the church of God
What did Paul not seek? His own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved
1 co ch 11 Who is the head of every woman? Men
Who is the head of Christ ? God
Why should not men cover his head? He is the image and glory of God
What is the woman? The glory of men
What is the men not of! Of the woman
What was not men created for ? For the woman
What does he that eats communion unworthily? Guilty of the body and blood of the Lord What does he that eats and drinks unworthily? Damnation to himself
Not doing what ? Not discerning the Lord s body
What is result in church ? Many weak sick and many sleep
1 co ch 12 What does the same Holy Spirit give ? Gifts
There is the same Lord but? Differences of adminisration
Why is manifestation of the Spirit given? To profit withal
What three things are given to christians? The word of wisdom. The word of knowledge, faith , gifts of healing, working of miracles. Prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues
How does the Holy Spirit divides these? As He wills
What have we been made of the Spirit ? To drink of the Holy Spirit
Which 'members of body are more necessary? Those who are feeble
Upon which members we bestow more honour? Those who are less honourable
Which of our parts have more comeliness? Out uncomely parts
What has God given to the body? More abundant honour to parts that lacked
How did God set some in the church ? Apostles, prophets, teachers , miracles, healing, helps, governments, diversity of tongues
What should we covet? The best gifts
1 co ch 13 What am I if I have not love? Sounding brass, tinkling cymbal
What i m i nothing? Even if I have Gift prophecy, understqnd mysteries, and all knowledge all faith to remove mountains
What does profits me nothing? If I bestow all my goods feed poor, and give my body to be burned without love
What is love? Suffers long , kind, envies not, vaunteth not itself, not proud , not dishonest, not selfish, not easily provoked , thinks not evil, rejoices not in iniquity but in the truth
Vaunteth meaning? Boast, brag
What does love do? Bears, believes, hopes endures all things
What does love also do? Never fails What will fall? Prophecies, tongues cease, knowledge vanish away
How do well ow things? In part prophecy in part
What did paul do when he was a child? Spake, understood, thought as child
1 co ch 14 What should we follow after? Charity, desire spiritual gifts, rather to prophesy
Who understands who speaks unknown tongue ? No men only God
What does he do in the spirit ? He speaks mysteries
What does he that prophesies? Speaks to men to edificatiion, exhortation, comfort
What does he speaks tongues ? Edifies himself
He that prophesies? Edifies church
How did paul profit in churches ? Revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or by doctrine
How can people not prepare for battle? If uncertain sound is given
In what should we be children ? In malice
In what to be men? In inderstanding For whom are tongues? Those believe not
For whom is prophesying ? Those who believe
How should unknown tongues be spoken.? By 2 or 3
What are subject to the prophets ? The spirits of the prophets
What are the things that paul wrote? The commandments of the Lord
1 co ch 15 How many disciples saw Jesus after He rose? Above 500
What if Christ is not risen ? Our preaching and faith is vain
With wom paul flight in Ephesus? Beasts
What corrupt good manners? Evil communications
What should we awake to? Righteousness and sin not
What is the sting of death? Sin
What is the strength of sin ? The law
How should we be in God's work? Steadfast, unmovable, always abounding
1 co ch 16 Where was paul going ? Macedonia
How long did he want to stay ? Winter
Where was paul staying until pentecost ? Ephesus
Why? Because a great door and effectual is opened into me and there are many adversaries
What did Timothy do ? Work the work of the Lord
Who did not come ? Apollo's
How should all our things be done? With charity
What is the first fruits of achaia ? House of Stephanas
What have they addicted themselves ? To the ministry of the saints
Who supplied what was lacking in corinth church ? Stephanus, fortunatus, achaicus
What have they done? Refreshed my spirit and yours
2 co ch 1 Blessed be who? God the father of our Lord Jesus The father of mercies and tje God of all comfort
When does God comfort us ? In all our tribulations
Why! That we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble
What abounds in us? The sufferings and consolations of Christ
Why is our hope steadfast ? If we partake sufferings we will partake of the consolation
What happened to paul in asia ? Pressed out of measure above strength
What did paul do? Despair of life
What did paul have ? The death sentence in himself
What has God done to us ? Sealed us given earnest of the Spirit in our hearts
Why disn t paul go corinth yet ? To spare you
What was paul to corinthians? Helper of their joy
What happened in Troas? A door was opened
Why did paul have no rest? Because he found not Titus
2 co ch 2 In which state did Paul wrote to corinthians ? Much affliction and anguish of heart with many tears
What does God always do ? Always causes us to triumph and makes manifest the savour of his knowledge in every place
What are we into God? A sweet savour into Christ in them that are saved and perish
What are we to them ? Savour of life to one or death to the other
2 co ch 3 What were corinthians ? Our epistles What are we not sufficient in ourselves ? To think anything
Where is our sufficiency ? Of God How was the ministration of death ? Glorious
What shall be rather glorious ? The ministration of the Spirit
What is where the Spirit of the Lord is ? Liberty
How do we behold? With open face as in a glass
What happens to us? We are changed in same image from glory to glory
By Who ? By the Spirit of the Lord
2 co ch 4 As we received this ministry ? We faint not
What have we renounced? The hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness not handling Word of God deceitfully
If gospel is hid to whom is it hid? To those who are lost
What has satan done? Blinded the minds of those believe not
Why? Lest light of glorious gospel shine into them
What do we preach not ? Ourselves has God commanded ? Light shine out of darkness shine in out hearts
Why? To give light of knowledge of the glory of God
Where do we have this treasure ? In earthen vessels
Why? That the excellency of the power may be of God
Troubled but ? Not distressed
Perplexed but? Not in despair
Persecuted but ? Not forsaken
Cast down but? Not destroyed
Always what ? Bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord
Why? That the life of Jesus might be manifest in our body
What are we which we live ? always delivered to death for Jesus sake
Why? That the life of Jesus might be manifest in our mortal bodies
Tough our outward men perish our ? The inward men is renewed day by day
The things that are seen are? Temporal
The things which are undeen are eternal
2 co ch 5 What happens if earthly house this tabernacle is disolved ?
We have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens
Why do we groan earnestly? Desiring to be clothed upon with this house which is from heaven What has God given us? The earnest of the Spirit
What do we must do? All appear before the judgment s'est of Christ
For what ? That everyone may receive the things done in his body
Which ? Whether good or bad
Knowing the terror of the Lord we? Persuade men
And that He died for all that? That they who live should not live into themselves
But into who? Unto Him who died for them
What has God given us? The ministry of reconciliation
Who has God made sin? Jesus For who ? For us
For what ? That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him
2 co ch 6 What did paul.beseech corinthians ? Not to receive God s grace in vain
How are we approved ministers of God ? Much patience, necessities, afflictions , distresses, stripes, imprisonments, tumults, labour, watchings, fastings,
How? By pureness, by knowledge, by long suffering , by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned
By the Word of truth, by the power of God , by the armour of righteousness , By Honour and dishonour, by evil and good report
As deceivers and ? Yet true As unknown and? Yet well known
As dying and ? Behold we live
As chastened and? And not killed
As sorrowful and ? Always rejoicing
As poor and? Yet making many rich
As having nothing ? And yet possessing all things What part has he that believes with ? An infidel
2 co ch 7 Having these promises what should we do ? Cleanse ourselves from all filphiness of the flesh
Doing What ? Perfecting holiness in the fear of God
What happened in macedonia? No rest troubled on every side , without fightings, within fears What did God do? Comfort those that are cast down ,coming Titus
What did that selfsame thing do corinthians ? Carefulness, clearing of yourselves, indignation, fear, vehement desire, zeal, revenge,
What did they approve themselves ? To be clear in this matter
What does godly sorrow do ? Work repentance unto salvation
What does sorrow of world work? Death 2 co ch 8 In what did corinthians abounded ? Faith, utterance, knowledge , diligence, love to us
He that gathered much ? Had nothing over
He that gathered little ? Had no lack
2 co ch 9 He that. sows bountifully ? Shall reap bountifully
How should every men give ? As he has purposed in his heart
Not ? Grudgingly or out of necessity What is God able to do ? Make all grace abound towards us
Why are we enriched in everything ? To all bountifulness
What is the administration of this service ? Giving to the poor
What does it do ? Supplies wants of the saints
Also? Is abundant by many thanksgiving to God
Thanks be to God for what ? His unspeakable gift
2 co ch 10 No I paul beseech you by? The meekness and gentleness of Christ
For though we walk in the flesh we? Dot not war after the flesh
For our weapons are not ? Carnal
But ? Mighty thought God For what ? To the pulling down of strongholds Casting down? Imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God
Having in readiness ? To revenge all disobedience
Why did God give paul authority ? For edification not for destruction
How were paul leters say they ? Weighty and powerful
But his bodily presence? Weak and his speech contemptible
To whom did paul not want to compare himself ? with those who commend themselves
What is not wise? Comparing and measuring ourselves among ourselves
Who is approved? He that God commandeth
Who is not approved ? He that commandeth himself Commandeth meaning ? Presents, introduces, show, prove, establish, exhibit
2 co ch 11 How was paul towards corinthians? Jealous with godly jealousy
What did paul do? Espoused you to one husband
That paul may present. Corinthians as ? A chaste virgin unto Christ
What did paul fear? Lest your minds be corrupted from the simplicity that is in. Christ
how were those preached another gospel ? False apostles ' deceitful workers , transfoing themselves into the apostles of Christ
Who are transformed intoi ministers of righteousness ? Saran s Angels
How shall be their end ? According to their works
What did paul receive of the jews ? Forty stripes save one
Twice what ? Beaten, stoned Thrice ? Suffered shipreck
How long in the deep ? A night and a day
Who desired to apprehend paul ? The governor under Aretas the king kept city of Damascenes
How did paul escape ? Through a window In a basket, let down by the wall
2 co ch 12 When did paul receive vision ? 14 years ago
Where was he taken ? Third heaven
Yet of myself ? I will not glory
To not be ? A fool
Why did Paul receive thorn in flesh ? Lest i should be exalted above measure
How many times paul asked God to remove it ? Three times
Why should we glory in our infirmities? That the power of Christ may rest upon me
In what did Paul take glory ? Infirmities , Reproaches , necessities , persécutions, distresses How were the signs of an apostles wrought in corinthians ? Patience, signs, wonders , mighty deeds
What was paul s will to corinthians ? Spent and be spent
The more he loved them ? The less I be loved
Why did paul do all things for corinthians ? Their edifying
2 co 13 How shall every word be established ? In mouth. Of 2 or 3 witnesses
How was Jesus crucified ? Through weakness
Yet? He lives by the power of God Prove your own selves
why? Lest ye be reprobates
Reprobate? Not standing rest, not approved, unfit, unproved, spurius
What did paul pray for corinthians ? That they do no evil and be honest
What can we do against the truth ? Nothing