Do you know the book of 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicle sin the holy Bible We use question answer form It is an easy way to learn 1 Chronicles holy Bible King james version and
and 2 Chronicles holy Bible old testament 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet
1 ch ch 1 Who did cush begat? Nimrod.became mighty on earth Who are the sons of israel ? Ruben Simeon Levi Judah Issachar Zebulun Dan Joseph Benjamin Naphtali Gad Asher Who was firstborn judah? Er evil God slew him 1 ch ch 4 What did jabez ask God that God granted? To bless him and enlarge his coasts and keep him from evil What did the sons of Simeon do? Find good pasture smote the amalekites to dwell there 1 ch h 5 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet What did children of manasseh? Evil worshiping idols What did God do? Send Pul tiglathpilezer from assyria deported to river gozan assyria 1 ch ch 6 Who executed priest office solomon Temple ? Azariah 1 ch ch 10 Who slew saul and Jonathan? Philistines in mount giboa Who died with saul? His 3 sons his whole house Who dwelt in cities of israel
why? Philistines israel fled Where was saul buried? Under oak jabesh What happened in jabesh ? Levite and concubine 1 ch ch 11 What did david say to take jebus? Whoever smitea jebusites shall be chief captain Who took jebus? Joab what did jashobeam? Slew 300 one time Who was eleazar? One of the 3 mighty Who was brother of joab? Abishai What did jehoiada? Slew 2 lion-like men and 1 lion in pit snow dayEgyptian 5 cubits high Who was of the valient men ? Uriah the hittite
1 ch ch 13 Where was the ark of God ? Kirjathjearim What was the place where uzza was killed? Pereuzza Who sent david timber and people to build a house? Hyram Tyre Who David asked before going to war? God What did God tell David the 2 time ? Go not to war to to mulberry tree when hear sound top of tree then go 1 ch ch 16 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet What did God not suffer to do? Wrong to his people when abroad and prophets no harm
1 ch ch 17 What did God tell Nathan to tell david? Go build me an house Why? For I have not dwelt in an house house since I brought up israel What would God not do to david ? Not take his mercy from him What did david answer God? Who I'm I and what js my house ?Also? Thou hast regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree What does his do forever! What God blesses is blessed forever 1 ch ch 18 Who did david fight with ? Philistines gath, moab, haddarezer king zobab How many syrians david killed when they came help haddarezer? 22000 Who asked of david s welfare? Tou King hamath s son Hadoram Who slew edomites valley of salt? Abishai 18000 1 ch ch 19 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet Who did david send messengers comfort? hanun son of nahash king amon What did they do? Shave heads cut garment to buttocks messengers said came spy land What did david say ? Tarry jericho till beard grown they were greatly ashamed What did hanun king amon? Hire chariots battle Who was chief army? Joab saw battle was front behind What did joab do ? Sent abishai brother against amon whoever stronger help weakest What did syrians do? Flee amon also fled What did syrians do ? Call help in Syria What did david do? Slew 47000 syrian What did haddarezer do? Make peace What did syrians do? Not help amon anymore 1 ch ch 20 What did joab do? Fight syrians unto rabbah what did david do? Took crown from amon king 1 talent silver Who did israel fight 3 tines ? Philistines in gath who was there ? A man with 24 fingers Who was from gath? Goliath Who slew 24 finger giant? Jonathan David's brother
1 ch ch 21 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet Who provoked israel? Satan to number people From where to david wanted number? Beershaba to dan Who tried refrain david! Joab said are they not all my Lord's servants Who did joab count not why? Levi and Benjamin because word was abominable to joab Who did God call to bring message? Gad seer Which message was given? 3 years destroyed 3 month famine 3 days the sword of the Lord even the pestilence in the land What did david say ? Let me fall into the hands of the Lord for great are his mercies How many fell when god sent pestilence ? 70000 Who did God send to destroy jerusalem ? The Angel of the Lord What did david see? The Angel of the Lord sword drawn between heaven and earth Who and what did the angel of the Lord say? To gad to david set altar ornan jebusite How much did david give ornan ! 500 shekels gold 1 ch ch 23 How many work house of -God ? 26000 How many officers judges? 6000 How many set as porters? 4000 How many set to praise God ? 4000 Who did david set as musicians? Asaph Heman Jeduthun What were they to do? Prophesy with harps psalteries and cymbals How many sons Jeduthun had? 6 who prophecied harp to give thanks and to praise the Lord How many children of heman praised God ? 14 How many altogether praised God in Temple? 288 1 ch ch 27 Why did joab did not finish counting? Because the wrath of God fell Who was David's uncle ? Jonathan a wise man a scribe Who was David's counselor? Ahithophel 2 ch ch 28 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet Why did david tell israel to keep gods commandments ? To keep and leave this land to inheritance What did david tell solomon? That God searches all heart and the imagination of the thoughts
2 ch ch 29 What did david pray ? All riches honour come from thee what are we to offer so willingly al things come from thee and of thine own hand have we given thee 2 ch ch 1 What did God to david? Be with him and strengthen him exceedingly Where did solomon s horse came from ? Egypt 2 ch ch 2 mWhat did huran king tyre told David? Because God loved his people he has made you king 2 ch ch 3 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet Where did solomon start build house of God? Mount moriah What happened I. Mount moriah? God appeared to david threshinfloor of ornan What is threshinfloor of ornan? Where angel stayed his hand after david numbering a barn like Jesus birth where altar was set kindly offered it free 2 ch ch 4 What was under the molten sea in temple? 12 oxens How many lavers tables candlesticks did solomon make? 10 each 2 ch ch 6 How did solomon start prayer dedication temple ? There is no God like thee who keeps covenant and shows mercy for those who walk before thee with all their heart 2 ch ch 7 What happened when solomon finished praying for the temple dedication? Fire came down from heaven consumed sacrifice the glory of God filled the house What did the people do when fire came down ? They bowed to pavement worshipped saying for he is good for his mercy endures forever What did God tell solomon after fire came down ? If my people who are called by my name 2 ch ch 9 What did all kings earth seek? The presence of solomon to hear wisdom Where are the rest of solomons acts written? Nathan Abijah Iddo prophets How long did solomon reign ? 40 years 2 ch ch 10 What sentence rehoboam answered the jeroboam and israel? My little finger is thicker than my father s loin What causes rehoboam to answer evil? God as spoken by prophet Ahijah to jeroboam Who did rehoboam send to get tribute? Hadoram who was stoned
2 ch ch 11 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet How many wives and concubines did rehoboam.have? 18 wives 60 concubines he loves Maachah absalom daughters above all 2 ch ch 13 Where did Abijah stand foggt jeroboam? Mount zemaraim Was his message right ? God gave kingdom to david forever no because it was from God How many wives did Abijah had? 14 and 38 children's Where is Abijah story written ? Prophet iddos book 2 ch ch 15 What does God do according to our actions? The Lord is with you if he be with Him and if ye seek Him He will.be found of you What has israel been for long time ? Without the true God or priest or law who did vex people wish all adversities? God What was in those times ? No peace but great vexation. What did israel do at that time ? Make covenant to seek God with a their heart and soul What would happen to those who would not seek God? They were out to death What did God give them? Rest round about What happened because king asa did good? There was no more wars 2 ch ch 16 Who gave asa a message? Hanai the prophet What did hanai told asa? Because you have replied on Syria so Syria is escaped What do the eyes of God do? Go to and fro on earth to show Himself strong for him who s heart is perfect unto him What did prophet Hanai say? You have done follishly will.have wars what did asa do? Put Hanai in prison What happened to asa 39th year of reign? Diseases feet What did asa do? Sought physicians and not the Lord 2 ch ch 17 How did God bless Jehosaphat because he did good? Riches and honour in abundance What did God also do? The fear of the Lord fell on kingdoms around so that they did no war against Jehosaphat 2 ch ch 18 What did had said Jehosaphat did not agree? Ahab said micaiah prophesied bad into me jehosaphat said let not the king say so What did the kings messengers tell micaiah to say? Tell good What did micaiah answer? What will my God say I will speak 2 ch ch 20 1 chronicles questions and answers bible study quizlet What did God to destroy moab and amon? They turned against each other What did Jehosaphat do? His army too so much spoil and riches and precious jewels it took 3 days to gather it was so much Who prophesied against jehosaphath? Why? Eliezer Because he joined israel king Ahaziah to make ships to tarshish 2 ch ch 21 Who did Jehosaphat son jehoram mary? Ahab s daughter Which message came from Elijah? Because jehoram not walked as his father Jehosaphat and slained brethren better than he and idolatry great plague come people and bowels disease Who was not buried in sepulchre of the kings? Jehoram 2 ch ch 25 What did Amaziah do? Gather army What did man of god say? God is not with you God has power to help and cast down What did Amaziah say? I gave 100 talents What did man of God say? God is able to give you much more 2 ch ch 28 What happened when. Israel won wat against judah ? Prophet Oded said don't take captives as gods wrath is great What did ahaz king israel do? Give money assyria which helped him not 2 ch ch 29 What did God do because israel worshipped idols? He delivered them to trouble astonishment hissing
2 ch ch 30 What happened when. Letters sent all.israel to repent ? They laughed them to scorn 2 ch ch 32 What did Hezekiah against sennacherib? he stopped wells of water How did hezekiah talked to the people ? Be not frais of multitude there be more with us than with them with them arm of flesh with us is the Lord to fight our battles How did God help israel ? He sent angel that slayed all.mighty men?Why was there wrath against hezekiah? Because he was ungrateful What did hezekiah do? Humble himself for the pride of his heart What did Hezekiah have? Exceeding much riches and honour 2 ch ch 33 What did God to manasseh? He send him prison Babylon What did manasseh? Humbled himself greatly God sent him back jerusalem 2 ch ch 35 Who spoke though Necho king egypt? God what did he say? God told me not to fight with you What did josiah? He disguised and went to fight against the word of God through Necho What other times God spoke though pagans? Abraham wife , jethro, wise men, Tyre king , queen sheba, philosophers, constitution, cyrus,, Elijah anoint Hazael, assyria, joseph pharaoh, Where did josiah went figgt? Megiddo2 ch ch 36Who changed kings in israel? Egypt king changed Jehohahaz for Eliakim who he renamed Jehohiakim Jehoiachim Jehohiakim s son reigned how long? Was 8 reigned 3 months did evil Who nebuchadnezzar put in this place? Brother Zedekiah What did Zedekiah? Humble not himself before Jeremiah Who stirred up cyrus spirit? God