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These are amazing bible prophecy articles in english Often when you read bible prophecy articles in english you will find out there are lots of mistakes as people take bible prphecy as a menu and they invent meanings that God did not intend. The bible says no prophecy os the Scripture is of any private interpretation . We cannot make the bible says what it did not say .
All symbols in bible prophecy have the meaning in some other parts of the bible . For example the sea of revelation 13 have their explanation in RE 17 Where it says The waters which you saw are multitudes, peoples tongues. Everytime the bible explains itself but we need to ask God for guidance , the Holy Spirit to explain to us . And if God wills He shows us the explanation .
This amazing bible prophecy articles in english . Gives you correct meaning of bible prophecy . This blog is not only about prophecy, We go in the righteousness by faith topic which is so important for the welfare of humanity. In fact righteousness by faith could be more important than prophecy . As prophecy proves the bible is true .
Can a men say what will happen year 3000 Jan 3 no . If God can what does it mean ? It means that God lives in the futur . If God lives in the futur what does it mean ? That God is divine . If God isidivine what does it mean ? That the bible is true . These bible prophecy articles in english prove the bible is true .
But it does not change the heart. Righteousness by faith changes the heart. Our bible prophecy articles in english also have many articles on the present stqte of society and the sins and atittudes that people have that nobody talks about . In fact most christians always repeat the same thing when they talk about sin . And in fact i found out that christians have no clue what sin is .
Most things that God really hates like pride, selfishness, unloving spirit, apathy . Most christians do not know it is very offensive to God . We are the first ministry i know of who talks about all these serious sins and attitudes that are all over the bible . But for some reason ministers and pastors shut their eyes over them. This is very important as also most people believe that Jesus wil change their hearts when He returns . And when Jesus returns He will take away the defects and give them a new heart. This is nowhere to be found in the bible .
The bible teaches that Jesus will give us a new body it neved says Jesus will transform liars and robbers in one instant at his second coming . If someone is proud when Jesus returns they will be lost. We are now in the time of probation in the which we are to make changes to our hearts. Unless we gain the voctory over everysin now we shall not make it to heaven .
Our bible prophecy articles in english give ssuch powerful and deeep messages that we find almost nowhere in christian ministries. We do uphold a few ministries such to name a few
His vine free Adventist church
But the christian world at large is asleep in their laodicean and Babylonian stuppor. We at are here to wake up the legalists in zion . A shaking is coming . Are you ready to give the message a certain sound? The bible prophecy articles in english gives you amazing health tips that the true doctors called the hygienists such as
Gives . Sound health principles . As the bible says that we are living in the ahtytical day of atonnement . In the which the people of God need to fast and prepare to search their hearts. As the cleansing of the sanctuary is happening . This health message goe stogether with the sanctuary message of the book of Hebrews and Revelation 14 .
AsJesu entered into the most holy place at the end of the 2300 day or 2300 years prophecy that started when Jerusalem was rebuilt . Daniel 9 tells us the start of the 2300 years starts when Jerusalem is rebuilt . Adding 2300 years to 457 bs we arrive to 1844 . A very simple calculation . At that time the bible says Jesus entered in the most holy place in the which Jesus has been ministring since 1844.
What is Jesus doing there ? The bible prophecy articles in english tells us we have a few article son the topic . Since then Jesus has been deciding who goes to heaven and who does not go to heaven. Jesus has been cleasing the memory of sin . As when we ask forgivness Jesus forgives us . But the memory of sin remains in the sanctuary . When a Jew brough a lamb to the priest the blood forgave sins . But the memory of sin accumulated in the most Holy place . The which was cleansed every october 22 the day of atonment .
Why is this topic important ? This topic is important as the event to take place when Jesu finished his jusging time of cleansing of the sanctuary time is Jesus returns to earth . This is the time when all human beings are being judged and God is deciding who will make it to heaven and who will be destroyed forever . What a solemn time in the which we are living my brother . The great problem is that the majority of the christian world has no clue these momentous truths exist in the Bible.
Yet these messages are what is part of the three angels message . The last message to be given to planet earth . Jesus says this message will make a distinction between those who worship God and those who worship the beast and this world. This message is to be given to all nations , people, tongues. It goes to all people all governments all living beings ; Which message would be more important than this one ?.
The modern christian world is very much teaching the rapture concept . Out bible prophecy articles in english has an article on the rappture or the second coming . This topic is very confusing for many people . Some people believe in the pre tribulation doctrine . Some people believe the post tribulation belief . But what does the bible teaches ?. In fact if you believe there is no tribulation and you can take it easy for seven years. And the tribulation does happen , then you can be in big troube.
The bible prophecy articles in english warns of believing in no tribulation as the bible clearly teaches that the mark of the beast will soon happen . And all nations on earth will have to take their sides with Jesus or against Jesus . Then there will be great tribulations on earth In fact i urge you to read the books of Ellen g White they are filled with warnings about the terrible events to come on earth . Books such as last day events, Maranatha and the great controversy .
The bible prophecy articles in english teaches that Jesus will come visibly and audibly . We will see Jesus come in fact the bible says every eye will see Jesus return . Then the trump of God will sound and everybody will hear the trumpet the signal of the return of Jesus and the end of the world . This topic is very important . As since the time of Jesus all christians believed that Jesus will return again .
This is called the blessed hope . To be saved from Satan and this wicked world . Then the wicked shall cease their troubling and we will be at peace in heaven . There will be no more tears, no more death, no more sadness, no more separation, no more sickness, no more lack of money, no more lineliness, no more rejection, no more anger, no more injustice, no more lack of respect, no more bullying, no more efforts without reward, no more lack.
Heaven will be a beautiful place where you will be able to live you and your loved ones forever.
The bible prophecy articles in english teaches that you have to be faituful until death. As no one knows when the last events will take place. The mark of the beast, the loud cry, the seven last plagues, the loosening of the winds, armzgeddon, the one world government, the union of the antichrist with the second beast of revelation, the angry horse of Revelation 9 being loosened.
All those amazing prophecies need to be fulfilled . Some are in process of fulfillment . Many people say the bible is false . Well no because bible prophecy is the proof the bible is true . What would keep you from taking time now to study fully with an opne heart bible prophecy ? The amazing bible prophecy articles in english gives you a lof of good information to start with I also recommend those 2 books and the amazing facts bible study guides which are short and to the point
Amazing facts bible study guides
The great controversy Ellen g White
Daniel and the revelation Uriah Smith
We have seen that as no human can predict what will happen in 1000 years to the very day. Then we can trust God . But then you will say Bible prophecies are very vague. No in fact bible prophecies are very precise. The bible is full of symbols because God doe snot want people who it talks about to destroy the book . It is not like God cannot preserve the bible . But Jesus said He talked in parables so that they which are not spiritual might not undrstand such as the pharisees.
Bible prophecy articles in english are written in parables and symbols but they are not obscure. There is a great difference. In fact the book of revelation is called a revelation of the things to come . For example revelation chapter 9 talks about the Ottoman empire. In 1838 Josiah Litch studied this prophecy and said .
If my calculation is true the Ottoman empire will fall August 11 1840
This was two years later. How can this be true ? A prophecy written 2000 years in advance to be fulfilled to the very day? If the bible is not true then how can this be ? It is impossible to predict an event 2000 years in advance to the very day. But if this was the only bible prophecy that became true . Our bible prophecy articles in english proves that there are hundreds of bible prophecies that became true . Another one is Dnaiel chapter 2 . In fact many people say this book was writtena fter the event because it is not possible to predict in 650 bc what would happen in earth for the next 2500 years to the end of the world.
This prophecy of Daniel 2 is too incredible . Your bible prophecy articles in english is amazing and Daniel was not written after the event as we know when the jews were taken to Babylon. Daniel chapter 2 tells us that after Babylon there shall come 3 more kingdoms. But after that European nations will take over and be divided. This is exactly what hapepedn .
Revelation 11 is another one of those prophecies . It says in Revelation 10 end of chapter that when the 1260 years of papal persecution will finish . The which ended in 1798 Then a beast or nation will arise to make war against the bible like we have never seen. Which nation made war against the bible like we have never seen around 1798? Did an events take place then ? Yes the French revolution .
Revelation 11 even tells us that this revolution would last 3 years and a halp . Incredible exactly like history . Revelation 11 says that this nation would rejoice at the news of the bible and christians being outlawed. Revelation 11 tells us also that other nations would send gifts to France at the news.
The amazing bible prophecy articles in english are very acurate and at you can have truth . Even if no one can be sure to always tell the truth and speak from God . We are one of the most accurate bible website online about bible prophecy articles in english . One of the most recent bible truth sent by God we believe is daniel 11 verse 40 to 45 Jeff Pippenger i believe God gave him new light and messages fro us at this time . This message is very relevant as Russia war is waging and Jeff Pippenger explained this prophecy since a few years already.
The nations or daniel 11 are the ex Russian nations . The king of the south Egypt we know to be France . The torch of atheism was passed on to Russia after the French revolutio. This king of the south atheism is Russia. Bible says that Edom and Moab which are from the glorious land . We know to be Usa and the true church the seventh day Adventist church ;
Edom and Moab being the sunday protestant churches. Verse 44 talks about the papacy which goes with fury to destroy those who have the seal of God . But tiding out of the east trouble him , the papacy . The king of the East is Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit . Here is a snippet you have mor edetails on this prophecy in the Daniel 11 blog post and the book Time of the end.
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