I was wondering if anyone knew how and when did natural selection evolve? Who did chose the rate of evolution of natural selection? If natural selection is the evolution agent then who makes it evolve?
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How did natural selection evolve?
How did natural selection evolve?
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Natural selection is the process by which creatures change and adapt it seems like it's evolution
We see things changing and kind of evolving even us we change from birth to death ? How is that not evolution. ?
In fact a good question to ask is Does anyone have any proof that God is not guiding natural selection? Natural selection is a process, a program God created to preserve species . This process does not create anything it only preserves things. If someone is from Alaska and moves to Mexico
they will adapt to the food and climate . But this adaptation will not transform the person to the point of becoming another creature .
He or she will remain the same creature . God made this process of adapting . But modern evolution claims and assumes that because we see small changes. Those changes have the power to make something else . This is where evolution becomes religious . They extrapolate what they do not see . In fact they do so by faith without any evidence. The faith in scientific diplomas and huhman minds is so strong that it is a religious fervor .
The faith in human minds and diplomas is very powerful . And people wil trust anything a big name scientist will say . Even if they do not see it . PeOple will believe drawings by artists as if it was real of so called ancient men . Yet those drawings are not real they are tie figment of someone's immagination.