Why do you talk about natural health when we have medicine everywhere ?
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Why just taking medicine is not enough for humans ?
Why just taking medicine is not enough for humans ?
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Medicine imight work but humans have long used plants and other reme
dies to get better I am not a doctor but these are good tips from Hygienists like Harvey Kellog and Hypocrates who used mostly natural remedies to help people
Two things that really helped me is fasting and juicing These two practices are incredible to better your health in my opinion Fasting will cleanse your body like nothing else can but it takes time as even a 4 day fast is not enough to get powerful benefits Even intermitent fast is good for the body .
Juicing is very powerful too as juicing gives the twho things that the body really needs NATURAL HEALTH
1 Cleaning the body
2 bringing nutrients to the body
Hope this helps