Can you Christians prove to me that the Catholic Church has changed the Bible ? Isn't that also a proof that the Bible is not true ?
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Can you prove to me that the Catholic Church has changed the Bible ?
Can you prove to me that the Catholic Church has changed the Bible ?
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The 10 copmmandments were changed by a human the pope The bible says this is an abomination as no human being has the right to change Gods Word . Yet today many claim that their reasoning power is above Gods absolute truth . We cannot do such a thing . Let us first examine what God said and follow truth . Rather than be so proud to think we can reason God and know what truth is better than He can;
Yes i counsel you to read Daniel and the revelation Uriah Smith ans amazing book that goes verse by verse into some of the most amazing prophecie sin the bible
Also the great controversy Ellen g White another amazing book explaining bible orophecy in details You should read and study first before forming an opinon .
Ellen g White the great controversy
Daniel and the revelation Uriah Smith